Governor Bala presides over signing of N40 billion Series 1 private bond

Bauchi State Governor, Sen Bala Mohammed has reiterated THE commitment of her administration towards infrastructural development of THE entire State has A enviable Status Before THE END of her mandate.

THE Governor was Speaking shortly After signature A bind in private ease by Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit And other significant development the partners value on N40b has improve THE completion of in progress capital projects through THE state.

Bala Mohammed further insured THE people of THE State that her administration will continue has partner with many stakeholders has improve THE financial standard, growth, And development of THE Status.

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In order has address THE challenges focused towards people has THE the base, THE Governor declared that THE bind he pushed For THE State would be be judiciously used For THE construction of THE two flyovers has Wunti And central markets In Bauchi Metropolis as GOOD as other road projects all along THE 20 local government areas of THE state.

THE Governor begin by saying that A feasible financial frame has has been developed has ensure THE the partnership success congratulating THE the partners For their faith In her government.

He stress that her administration received to rent out Since Toyin Salami, Executive Vice President of Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit, For dedication has development.

ALSO READ: Kano government purchases 41 'exotic' SUV value N68 million For legislators

He Also Express happiness that THE the partners are willing has support her administration In It is efforts has reach success through development.

THE Governor Also said that THE bind he branch For THE State would be be judiciously used has address THE infrastructural development deficit focused towards THE State, especially has THE rural areas And at the base.

He felicity THE Partnership For having THE trust In her government And that A feasible financial frame has has been developed has ensure THE success of THE partnership.

Bauchi States Commissioner of Finance And Economic Development, Dr. Yakubu Adamu, had earlier thanked THE financial establishments And other bind agreement the partners For their support.

He promised that THE administration of Mohammed will defend all Agreements do For THE States fast socioeconomic development.

Executive Vice President of Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit, Toyin Salami felicity Governor Bala Mohammed And her Government For THE commitment.

He Also said that THE the partners are ready has support THE of development strides of THE Governor SO as has reach success.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: Bala MuhammadBauchi

Governor Bala presides over signing of N40 billion Series 1 private bond

Bauchi State Governor, Sen Bala Mohammed has reiterated THE commitment of her administration towards infrastructural development of THE entire State has A enviable Status Before THE END of her mandate.

THE Governor was Speaking shortly After signature A bind in private ease by Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit And other significant development the partners value on N40b has improve THE completion of in progress capital projects through THE state.

Bala Mohammed further insured THE people of THE State that her administration will continue has partner with many stakeholders has improve THE financial standard, growth, And development of THE Status.

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In order has address THE challenges focused towards people has THE the base, THE Governor declared that THE bind he pushed For THE State would be be judiciously used For THE construction of THE two flyovers has Wunti And central markets In Bauchi Metropolis as GOOD as other road projects all along THE 20 local government areas of THE state.

THE Governor begin by saying that A feasible financial frame has has been developed has ensure THE the partnership success congratulating THE the partners For their faith In her government.

He stress that her administration received to rent out Since Toyin Salami, Executive Vice President of Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit, For dedication has development.

ALSO READ: Kano government purchases 41 'exotic' SUV value N68 million For legislators

He Also Express happiness that THE the partners are willing has support her administration In It is efforts has reach success through development.

THE Governor Also said that THE bind he branch For THE State would be be judiciously used has address THE infrastructural development deficit focused towards THE State, especially has THE rural areas And at the base.

He felicity THE Partnership For having THE trust In her government And that A feasible financial frame has has been developed has ensure THE success of THE partnership.

Bauchi States Commissioner of Finance And Economic Development, Dr. Yakubu Adamu, had earlier thanked THE financial establishments And other bind agreement the partners For their support.

He promised that THE administration of Mohammed will defend all Agreements do For THE States fast socioeconomic development.

Executive Vice President of Emerging Africa Capital Advisory Limit, Toyin Salami felicity Governor Bala Mohammed And her Government For THE commitment.

He Also said that THE the partners are ready has support THE of development strides of THE Governor SO as has reach success.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: Bala MuhammadBauchi

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