Hackaday Podcast Episode 255: Moon Balloon, Nanotech Cups, and USB All the Way

This week, Dan joined Eliot For A goodbye of THE best And the brightest hacks of THE week In Episode 0xFF, which both of We find unreasonably exciting; It is A little as THE base-2 equivalent of watching THE odometer return on has 99,999. If You know, You know. We had enough A bumper reframe of freshness This week, which strangely included two artifacts Since ancient Rome: A nanotechnology cup of colloidal gold And money, And A embarrassing dodecahedron that ends up having A very prosaic explanation — probably. We talked about A weird antenna that Also challenges easy description, saw A mouse turned In THE of the world worse camera, And learned how 3D printed panels are A entire plot Easier that neon, And not half bad look either. As always, We find time has talk about space, as THE legacy of Ingenuity And never mind became of inflatable space habitats. Back on Earth, There is DIY flow, shorts that to walk You up THE mountain, And more about USB-C that You could Never to want has know.

And don't do it forget that has celebrate Episode 256 following week, GOOD be TO DO A special AMA segment Or GOOD get all THE regular podcast crew together has answer your questions about life, THE universe, And All. If you have obtained A burning question For Elliot, To M, Kristine, Al, Or Dan, put he down In THE comment section And GOOD TO DO OUR best has turn off that.

To input A copy For yourself if You to want has listen offline.

News: Following week, In honor of Podcast Episode 0 (Or "256" if you have obtained THE parts has spare), GOOD be having A Ask us anything, with as a lot of THE Podcast regulars as We can adjust on A microphone. If You to have questions For We, put they In THE comments below! What is this that Her? Well done has [Ed. Since Virginia] WHO won A Podcast T-shirt by identify THE to start up music Since Donkey Kong. Interesting Tips of THE Week: Fast Tips: Elliot's Choice : Dan's Choice :

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 255: Moon Balloon, Nanotech Cups, and USB All the Way

This week, Dan joined Eliot For A goodbye of THE best And the brightest hacks of THE week In Episode 0xFF, which both of We find unreasonably exciting; It is A little as THE base-2 equivalent of watching THE odometer return on has 99,999. If You know, You know. We had enough A bumper reframe of freshness This week, which strangely included two artifacts Since ancient Rome: A nanotechnology cup of colloidal gold And money, And A embarrassing dodecahedron that ends up having A very prosaic explanation — probably. We talked about A weird antenna that Also challenges easy description, saw A mouse turned In THE of the world worse camera, And learned how 3D printed panels are A entire plot Easier that neon, And not half bad look either. As always, We find time has talk about space, as THE legacy of Ingenuity And never mind became of inflatable space habitats. Back on Earth, There is DIY flow, shorts that to walk You up THE mountain, And more about USB-C that You could Never to want has know.

And don't do it forget that has celebrate Episode 256 following week, GOOD be TO DO A special AMA segment Or GOOD get all THE regular podcast crew together has answer your questions about life, THE universe, And All. If you have obtained A burning question For Elliot, To M, Kristine, Al, Or Dan, put he down In THE comment section And GOOD TO DO OUR best has turn off that.

To input A copy For yourself if You to want has listen offline.

News: Following week, In honor of Podcast Episode 0 (Or "256" if you have obtained THE parts has spare), GOOD be having A Ask us anything, with as a lot of THE Podcast regulars as We can adjust on A microphone. If You to have questions For We, put they In THE comments below! What is this that Her? Well done has [Ed. Since Virginia] WHO won A Podcast T-shirt by identify THE to start up music Since Donkey Kong. Interesting Tips of THE Week: Fast Tips: Elliot's Choice : Dan's Choice :

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