How to Deepen Real Estate Investing in an Inflationary Environment – ​​Expert

DESPITE THE to slow down of activities In THE real domain sector due has inflation, investors/actors to have has been exhorted has take advantage of THE opportunities has deepen investment In property development value chain has reduce cost And Also develop new income flow.

In addition, they should to commit In Partnership with other companies And different levels of government on projects.

They are has deepen engagement And participation In THE market.

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Those were THE words of THE Based in Lagos domain surveyor And assessor, M Fawole Olusanjo Stéphane, while Speaking on "Real Domain Investment In A Inflationary Environment" In Lagos.

According to has Fawole, while inflation could slow down activities In THE walk, he could Also constitute opportunities For advised investors And players In THE walk has refresh/rejuvenate their activities In THE walk For better results.

He enjoined players In THE sector has to carry out walk studies And analysis In order has determine areas of need has ensure there East A active request For THE some products while harness THE potential of digital marketing And other tools In to access A bigger customer basis.

Players, he said must TO DO walk information more accessible For potential walk participants has TO DO more informed the decisions Thus manufacturing THE walk more transparent.

Noting that real domain accounts For two-thirds of THE value of all global real assets, THE expert underlines that property investment stayed A key driver of economic growth And development.

Define property development as THE "process of buy, improve, sale buildings And to land And organize For new buildings has be built," Fawole describe property investment as "all investment types In property that are oriented towards generator financial Back For THE the owners Or investors. »

According to has him, property development East A encompassing everything term refers to has THE to use, ownership, management And transfer of existing buildings And THE creation of entirely new those.

On THE need For people has invest In property development, he said that real domain has has been note has to have A hedge against inflation.

"THE more there East A increase In THE general prices of goods And merchandise, THE prices (rent prices) of properties Also go upwards.

"Investment In property could not be as high In A inflationary environment, most especially investment In new Residential units which are not occupied by their owner. Investment In to land receives A upper proportion of investment In such environment," he said.

According to has THE expert, property investment remains A major catalyst For economic growth And development, add that he Also provided income generation And stable cash flow.

"He constitutes A significant part of THE wealth of A people. A key piece of A investment wallet that allow For diversification," he said.

He present increase In THE price of oil worldwide, depreciation value of THE Naira, high cost of production, tax policy of THE government , And devaluation as causes of inflation In Nigeria.

Despite THE challenges laid by inflation In THE walk, he maintained that opportunities always exist, pointing out that Nigeria always has A accommodation deficit of 20 millions units, with A major walk as Lagos having A deficit of between five And eight million units.

This request, according to has him, necessary has be encounter, saying there had has been upper request For smaller Residential units deprived of additional pieces And increase In sales of building carcass that possible buyers could finishing base on their finances.

As part of THE opportunities, he enjoined players has partner with finance establishments has give structure loans has possible the buyers, add that they could Also explore local technology And materials For property development.

"Adoption of drawings, fittings And arrangements that will to have A reduced interview cost In THE long run," he said.

He identified lack of to access has long term finance, poor institutional frame And regulatory environment, limit number of qualified craftsmen/workers, And lack of Infrastructure as challenges of exploit complete potential has THE inflationary environment.


PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

How to Deepen Real Estate Investing in an Inflationary Environment – ​​Expert

DESPITE THE to slow down of activities In THE real domain sector due has inflation, investors/actors to have has been exhorted has take advantage of THE opportunities has deepen investment In property development value chain has reduce cost And Also develop new income flow.

In addition, they should to commit In Partnership with other companies And different levels of government on projects.

They are has deepen engagement And participation In THE market.

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Those were THE words of THE Based in Lagos domain surveyor And assessor, M Fawole Olusanjo Stéphane, while Speaking on "Real Domain Investment In A Inflationary Environment" In Lagos.

According to has Fawole, while inflation could slow down activities In THE walk, he could Also constitute opportunities For advised investors And players In THE walk has refresh/rejuvenate their activities In THE walk For better results.

He enjoined players In THE sector has to carry out walk studies And analysis In order has determine areas of need has ensure there East A active request For THE some products while harness THE potential of digital marketing And other tools In to access A bigger customer basis.

Players, he said must TO DO walk information more accessible For potential walk participants has TO DO more informed the decisions Thus manufacturing THE walk more transparent.

Noting that real domain accounts For two-thirds of THE value of all global real assets, THE expert underlines that property investment stayed A key driver of economic growth And development.

Define property development as THE "process of buy, improve, sale buildings And to land And organize For new buildings has be built," Fawole describe property investment as "all investment types In property that are oriented towards generator financial Back For THE the owners Or investors. »

According to has him, property development East A encompassing everything term refers to has THE to use, ownership, management And transfer of existing buildings And THE creation of entirely new those.

On THE need For people has invest In property development, he said that real domain has has been note has to have A hedge against inflation.

"THE more there East A increase In THE general prices of goods And merchandise, THE prices (rent prices) of properties Also go upwards.

"Investment In property could not be as high In A inflationary environment, most especially investment In new Residential units which are not occupied by their owner. Investment In to land receives A upper proportion of investment In such environment," he said.

According to has THE expert, property investment remains A major catalyst For economic growth And development, add that he Also provided income generation And stable cash flow.

"He constitutes A significant part of THE wealth of A people. A key piece of A investment wallet that allow For diversification," he said.

He present increase In THE price of oil worldwide, depreciation value of THE Naira, high cost of production, tax policy of THE government , And devaluation as causes of inflation In Nigeria.

Despite THE challenges laid by inflation In THE walk, he maintained that opportunities always exist, pointing out that Nigeria always has A accommodation deficit of 20 millions units, with A major walk as Lagos having A deficit of between five And eight million units.

This request, according to has him, necessary has be encounter, saying there had has been upper request For smaller Residential units deprived of additional pieces And increase In sales of building carcass that possible buyers could finishing base on their finances.

As part of THE opportunities, he enjoined players has partner with finance establishments has give structure loans has possible the buyers, add that they could Also explore local technology And materials For property development.

"Adoption of drawings, fittings And arrangements that will to have A reduced interview cost In THE long run," he said.

He identified lack of to access has long term finance, poor institutional frame And regulatory environment, limit number of qualified craftsmen/workers, And lack of Infrastructure as challenges of exploit complete potential has THE inflationary environment.


PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

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