How to scale your coaching business with asynchronous coaching

All the coaches we talk to (and we talk to many of them!) say the same thing about what they do:

Being a coach is very rewarding because you help and support clients on their journey to achieving their goals. Seeing clients succeed is a source of personal pride for coaches, no matter what area of ​​coaching you specialize in, such as life, nutrition, finance, or business.

But I often wonder: Who is coaching the coach?

Coaching can be exhausting, especially if your schedule is packed with back-to-back calls and meetings. A busy schedule may seem great for bank balance and reputation, but it's incredibly difficult to maintain.

Are you so busy with coaching sessions that you feel held back when it comes to growing your own business? Do you help others succeed while feeling limited when it comes to your own success? Keep reading to discover an effective solution.

Your business depends on your customer relationships

To state the obvious, your professional success and your coaching activity depend on your relationship with your clients.

Building professional relationships requires communication. After all, the main value of what you offer customers is access to you. Without access, clients do not get the necessary guidance, information and support they expect from coaching services.

Essentially, customer access is vital, both to the customer and to your business.

However, having so many meetings negatively impacts your ability to grow and scale your coaching business. Daytime hours are limited, and if you spend a lot of your time on calls or in-person meetings, you don't have time to focus on other areas of your business.

> Problems of being too busy with calls

Spending so much time in calls, meetings or calls is problematic for several reasons

Your business cannot grow

Your personal business goals to improve your website, grow your social media channels, invest in additional training and certification, or attend professional networking events, for example, cannot be achieved if your time is constantly dedicated to customer calls.

In short, your business may fail to thrive while helping others achieve their goals.

Your mental well-being may suffer

Too many calls can also harm your mental and physical health. Zoom fatigue is unpleasant and unfortunately very real!

A day spent in live meetings is exhausting. Now repeat this every working day and you will quickly realize how unsustainable it is.

In addition to impacting your focus and mood, back-to-back calls can negatively impact your customer interactions. Few people function at their best when they are exhausted. You may be saying the same words, but with little conviction or passion – and your customers can usually pick up on this shift in energy.

Fatigue can also affect the way you approach things, and you're unlikely to be the best coach you can be when you're stressed and tired from spending too much time on live calls. Your physical health may suffer

Just being in front of your screen all day can cause you more adversity. You can experience headaches, dry eyes, digital eye strain, body aches, dehydration, insomnia, and a host of other screen-related issues.

It is well known that excessive amounts of screen time can contribute to potentially serious health problems, ranging from obesity and diabetes to high blood pressure, muscle fatigue, high blood pressure and certain types of cancers.

So how can you balance the critical need for client access with your other business and health needs?

Solution: Asynchronous Messaging for Coaches

Asynchronous communication, in simple terms, refers to conversations that take place outside of real time. Two or more people can converse without needing to be present at the same time.

You are probably familiar with the most common forms of "asynchronous" messaging: email and SMS (text messaging) or chat tools.

Today, we're seeing asynchronous video-based messaging becoming more common, especially with coaches, which I'll talk about in a moment. But first, let's highlight a few benefits of moving a lot of your communications to asynchronous methods:

Asynchronous solutions give you and your customers a method of communication that can adapt to your schedules. Essentially, asynchronous conversations give both parties a lot more autonomy when it comes to managing their...

How to scale your coaching business with asynchronous coaching

All the coaches we talk to (and we talk to many of them!) say the same thing about what they do:

Being a coach is very rewarding because you help and support clients on their journey to achieving their goals. Seeing clients succeed is a source of personal pride for coaches, no matter what area of ​​coaching you specialize in, such as life, nutrition, finance, or business.

But I often wonder: Who is coaching the coach?

Coaching can be exhausting, especially if your schedule is packed with back-to-back calls and meetings. A busy schedule may seem great for bank balance and reputation, but it's incredibly difficult to maintain.

Are you so busy with coaching sessions that you feel held back when it comes to growing your own business? Do you help others succeed while feeling limited when it comes to your own success? Keep reading to discover an effective solution.

Your business depends on your customer relationships

To state the obvious, your professional success and your coaching activity depend on your relationship with your clients.

Building professional relationships requires communication. After all, the main value of what you offer customers is access to you. Without access, clients do not get the necessary guidance, information and support they expect from coaching services.

Essentially, customer access is vital, both to the customer and to your business.

However, having so many meetings negatively impacts your ability to grow and scale your coaching business. Daytime hours are limited, and if you spend a lot of your time on calls or in-person meetings, you don't have time to focus on other areas of your business.

> Problems of being too busy with calls

Spending so much time in calls, meetings or calls is problematic for several reasons

Your business cannot grow

Your personal business goals to improve your website, grow your social media channels, invest in additional training and certification, or attend professional networking events, for example, cannot be achieved if your time is constantly dedicated to customer calls.

In short, your business may fail to thrive while helping others achieve their goals.

Your mental well-being may suffer

Too many calls can also harm your mental and physical health. Zoom fatigue is unpleasant and unfortunately very real!

A day spent in live meetings is exhausting. Now repeat this every working day and you will quickly realize how unsustainable it is.

In addition to impacting your focus and mood, back-to-back calls can negatively impact your customer interactions. Few people function at their best when they are exhausted. You may be saying the same words, but with little conviction or passion – and your customers can usually pick up on this shift in energy.

Fatigue can also affect the way you approach things, and you're unlikely to be the best coach you can be when you're stressed and tired from spending too much time on live calls. Your physical health may suffer

Just being in front of your screen all day can cause you more adversity. You can experience headaches, dry eyes, digital eye strain, body aches, dehydration, insomnia, and a host of other screen-related issues.

It is well known that excessive amounts of screen time can contribute to potentially serious health problems, ranging from obesity and diabetes to high blood pressure, muscle fatigue, high blood pressure and certain types of cancers.

So how can you balance the critical need for client access with your other business and health needs?

Solution: Asynchronous Messaging for Coaches

Asynchronous communication, in simple terms, refers to conversations that take place outside of real time. Two or more people can converse without needing to be present at the same time.

You are probably familiar with the most common forms of "asynchronous" messaging: email and SMS (text messaging) or chat tools.

Today, we're seeing asynchronous video-based messaging becoming more common, especially with coaches, which I'll talk about in a moment. But first, let's highlight a few benefits of moving a lot of your communications to asynchronous methods:

Asynchronous solutions give you and your customers a method of communication that can adapt to your schedules. Essentially, asynchronous conversations give both parties a lot more autonomy when it comes to managing their...

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