IO Connected Clock Radio

[CoreWeaver] creates an alarm clock that includes features one would expect in such a project, including an FM radio, snooze button inputs, and a screen, but goes beyond basic functionality to include temperature sensing and a PC connection, opening the way to customizable features.

Block diagram of IO connected alarm clock

An Atmega328 is used for the main microcontroller which communicates via I2C with both a DS1307 real time clock (RTC) and a TEA5767 FM module. Main power comes from a 9V supply source with LM317 and LM7805 linear regulators providing a 3.3V and 5V supply rail respectively. Most of the electronics are powered at 5V, except for the TEA5767, which is powered from the 3.3V rail and has had its I2C communication levels reduced from 5V to 3.3V. The audio output of the TEA5767 directly feeds the TDA7052 audio amplifier to drive the loudspeakers. Since the RTC has an auxiliary button battery for power supply, the alarm clock can keep accurate time even when not plugged in.

A piezo buzzer is used for a more jarring alarm and a 20x4 LCD matrix is ​​used, with [coreWeaver] creating a custom numeric font to create large format numbers for display. Two DS18B20 digital thermometers are used for temperature sensing, one placed outdoors and one indoors, with the microcontroller using 1-wire protocol for communication. A custom 3D printed enclosure is fabricated, complete with button and snooze button, to provide a compact enclosure for the project.

USB to serial UART communication opens the way for fully customizable alarm schedules, radio setting, or other actions based on time, temperature, or anything else. [CoreWeaver] has all design files and source code available on GitHub, including full BOM and schematics, providing plenty of scope for any hacker wishing to extend or further customize the project.

Alarm clocks are a mainstay here at Hack-a-Day and we've featured projects ranging from nixie tube alarm clocks to glowing alarm clocks. [CoreWeaver] has launched a series of videos describing the build, so be sure to watch the video after the break!

IO Connected Clock Radio

[CoreWeaver] creates an alarm clock that includes features one would expect in such a project, including an FM radio, snooze button inputs, and a screen, but goes beyond basic functionality to include temperature sensing and a PC connection, opening the way to customizable features.

Block diagram of IO connected alarm clock

An Atmega328 is used for the main microcontroller which communicates via I2C with both a DS1307 real time clock (RTC) and a TEA5767 FM module. Main power comes from a 9V supply source with LM317 and LM7805 linear regulators providing a 3.3V and 5V supply rail respectively. Most of the electronics are powered at 5V, except for the TEA5767, which is powered from the 3.3V rail and has had its I2C communication levels reduced from 5V to 3.3V. The audio output of the TEA5767 directly feeds the TDA7052 audio amplifier to drive the loudspeakers. Since the RTC has an auxiliary button battery for power supply, the alarm clock can keep accurate time even when not plugged in.

A piezo buzzer is used for a more jarring alarm and a 20x4 LCD matrix is ​​used, with [coreWeaver] creating a custom numeric font to create large format numbers for display. Two DS18B20 digital thermometers are used for temperature sensing, one placed outdoors and one indoors, with the microcontroller using 1-wire protocol for communication. A custom 3D printed enclosure is fabricated, complete with button and snooze button, to provide a compact enclosure for the project.

USB to serial UART communication opens the way for fully customizable alarm schedules, radio setting, or other actions based on time, temperature, or anything else. [CoreWeaver] has all design files and source code available on GitHub, including full BOM and schematics, providing plenty of scope for any hacker wishing to extend or further customize the project.

Alarm clocks are a mainstay here at Hack-a-Day and we've featured projects ranging from nixie tube alarm clocks to glowing alarm clocks. [CoreWeaver] has launched a series of videos describing the build, so be sure to watch the video after the break!

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