Jenny Young and the story of Brooklyn Robot Foundry

"I am not sale kits; I am sale A service."

Jenny Young East A mechanical engineer WHO based Brooklyn Robot Factory thirteen years There is has bring practical learning experiences has children In schools And after school programs. Her business has evolved Since Operating brick and mortar Locations In A franchise business Or they form And equip others has provide practical Classes In schools And after school sites. Brooklyn Robot Foundry provides study programme And kits In addition has training, And her franchisees go out In THE community has find places Or they can connect children And robot kits. Jenny said: "I am not sale kits; I am sale A service."

< /p> A child has Brooklyn Robot Foundry. All Pictures Since Brooklyn Robot Foundry.


I am here with Jenny Young of THE Brooklyn Robot Foundry. 

I remember THE Brooklyn Robot Foundry has A early Maker Announcement In New York City. To welcome Jenny. Thrilled has to have You on THE podcast.

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Jenny: Thank You SO a lot For having Me. I am Really excited. I feel as I am talk has A huge celebrity. I am nervous has be here. 

Valley: Don't do it go there. Say Me say Me about your background First of all Before We go In What You TO DO. Or TO DO You come Since? And say We about What your interests are.

Growth Up In A Maker Family

Jenny: Of course. Absolutely. I grown up up In Ohio, out A little tiny city out of Cleveland. And I grown up up In A path that I NOW recognize East A little little unique. Both of My parents are creators. My father East A mechanical engineer. I went And obtained My mechanical engineering degree And My Mom East just as Really GOOD with her hands And We were always craftsmanship And create things And SO We doesn't watch A plot of television growth up, but My dad has A machine shop. He has A basement. We were always just socket things apart And putting them back together. 

When I went has college, I went has college has be A mechanical engineer. I went has Purdue University In Indiana And I necessary has pay For college. SO I was functioning In THE student machine shop. SO My dad has as big towers And mills And big heavy machines.

And SO A path has TO DO a few money In college was has work In This machine shop. And that was THE First of all time that I accomplished, I am functioning with all these other engineering students, training them how has to use these machine...

Jenny Young and the story of Brooklyn Robot Foundry

"I am not sale kits; I am sale A service."

Jenny Young East A mechanical engineer WHO based Brooklyn Robot Factory thirteen years There is has bring practical learning experiences has children In schools And after school programs. Her business has evolved Since Operating brick and mortar Locations In A franchise business Or they form And equip others has provide practical Classes In schools And after school sites. Brooklyn Robot Foundry provides study programme And kits In addition has training, And her franchisees go out In THE community has find places Or they can connect children And robot kits. Jenny said: "I am not sale kits; I am sale A service."

< /p> A child has Brooklyn Robot Foundry. All Pictures Since Brooklyn Robot Foundry.


I am here with Jenny Young of THE Brooklyn Robot Foundry. 

I remember THE Brooklyn Robot Foundry has A early Maker Announcement In New York City. To welcome Jenny. Thrilled has to have You on THE podcast.

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Jenny: Thank You SO a lot For having Me. I am Really excited. I feel as I am talk has A huge celebrity. I am nervous has be here. 

Valley: Don't do it go there. Say Me say Me about your background First of all Before We go In What You TO DO. Or TO DO You come Since? And say We about What your interests are.

Growth Up In A Maker Family

Jenny: Of course. Absolutely. I grown up up In Ohio, out A little tiny city out of Cleveland. And I grown up up In A path that I NOW recognize East A little little unique. Both of My parents are creators. My father East A mechanical engineer. I went And obtained My mechanical engineering degree And My Mom East just as Really GOOD with her hands And We were always craftsmanship And create things And SO We doesn't watch A plot of television growth up, but My dad has A machine shop. He has A basement. We were always just socket things apart And putting them back together. 

When I went has college, I went has college has be A mechanical engineer. I went has Purdue University In Indiana And I necessary has pay For college. SO I was functioning In THE student machine shop. SO My dad has as big towers And mills And big heavy machines.

And SO A path has TO DO a few money In college was has work In This machine shop. And that was THE First of all time that I accomplished, I am functioning with all these other engineering students, training them how has to use these machine...

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