London Fashion Week: Is the cost of living crisis fueling creativity?

Josephine PhilipsImage source, Issey Gladston
By Megan LawtonNewsbeat reporter

Rising cost of living means our spending habits are changing to keep up with sky-high prices food and energy.

This is something people in the fashion world need to be aware of as people cut back on spending.< /p>

But that doesn't mean it's a bad time for the industry, it just means getting creative.

That's according to Josephine Philips who founded SOJO, an on-demand app that repairs clothes.

The 25-year-old wants people to think twice about throwing clothes away and thinking about fixing them instead.

"We really want people to think to repair as something exciting. It's an experience you can enjoy," she told BBC Newsbeat.

Josephine says the idea for the app is hers. came when she needed to modify a garment, but did not know how to do it herself.

"Like so many others, I had no idea of ​​sewing, so I wanted to make mending and sewing easy and convenient."

London Fashion Week: Is the cost of living crisis fueling creativity?
Josephine PhilipsImage source, Issey Gladston
By Megan LawtonNewsbeat reporter

Rising cost of living means our spending habits are changing to keep up with sky-high prices food and energy.

This is something people in the fashion world need to be aware of as people cut back on spending.< /p>

But that doesn't mean it's a bad time for the industry, it just means getting creative.

That's according to Josephine Philips who founded SOJO, an on-demand app that repairs clothes.

The 25-year-old wants people to think twice about throwing clothes away and thinking about fixing them instead.

"We really want people to think to repair as something exciting. It's an experience you can enjoy," she told BBC Newsbeat.

Josephine says the idea for the app is hers. came when she needed to modify a garment, but did not know how to do it herself.

"Like so many others, I had no idea of ​​sewing, so I wanted to make mending and sewing easy and convenient."

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