Nigeria needs skills, not a national unity government – ​​Tinubu

• President-elect backs S'Court on naira, says Atiku, Obi legal actions are good for democracy

President-elect Asiwaju Bola Tinubu on Thursday dampened the hopes of supporters of a national unity government, prioritizing competence over such a political arrangement.

He said his goal was higher than a government of national unity and that he would prefer to seek a government of national competence by selecting members of his cabinet and not by choosing appointees depending on the religion.

Tinubu spoke on Thursday in a signed statement titled "Nigeria: Dawn of Renewed Hope", marking his first official statement following his declaration as president-elect by the Independent National Electoral Commission in March. 1.

The ruling All Progressives Congress presidential candidate garnered 8,794,726 votes to beat People's Democratic Party candidate Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Peter Obi of the Labor Party and Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New People's Party of Nigeria .< /p>

Aboubakar and Obi, second and third respectively in the elections, dispute the results of the poll in court, rejecting the fact that Tinubu offers them an olive branch. Some Nigerians, however, have considered a government of national unity to quell unrest over the election result.

Addressing Nigerians on the issue, the President-elect said in the statement, "As the new President, I accept the task ahead of me. There has been talk of a government of national unity. My goal is higher than that. I demand a government of national competence. In choosing my government, I will not be weighed down by considerations unrelated to capacity and performance. The era of The political game is long over. I will bring together capable men, women and youth from across Nigeria to build a safer, more prosperous and fairer Nigeria. There will be youth. Women must be put forward. That your faith brings you to pray in a church or mosque will not determine your place in government Will of character and skill.''

Commenting on the presidential election, the conduct of which has also been criticized by some individuals and affirming the right of aggrieved candidates to go to court, the ex-Governor of Lagos State noted that a fair and credible vote had been organized and won.

He said: “Fair and credible elections took place and were won. The honor of this victory and the heavy responsibility it entails rests with me. I don't say this to cheer or boast because there is no room for such behavior. I'm just stating the facts as they are. I realize that many good and well-meaning Nigerians voted for other candidates. They are understandably disappointed that their favorite candidate did not win. Other candidates have expressed their displeasure, saying they will go to court to challenge the election. It is inherent in the democratic process. We defend their right to seek legal redress. As they exercise the legal rights afforded to them in our democracy, I have set my sights and my mind on the leadership of this nation. We have important work to do and I pledge that this work will be done for the benefit of all, whether or not they voted for me or even voted at all.''

Saying that now was not the time to pursue acrimony and partisan recriminations, Tinubu added that negative things can arouse strong passions; but they were not the way to a better nation.

The president-elect said, "Only unity and national commitment can serve this purpose. Critics of Nigeria have been too quick to conclude that our political system is fragmented due to the impressive presence of new parties and their candidates. “These critics are wrong. The emergence of new parties and their candidates underscores the dynamic strength of our democracy. People want democracy to work and they want their voices to be heard and their interests to be taken into account within it. It's a good thing to promote, not something to fear,''

According to him, what Nigerians need to worry about is not the growth of parties but the upsurge of old prejudices and bigotry such as ethnicity, creed and place of origin.

He observed that as a nation and individuals imbued with love of God and neighbor, Nigerians are better than that, adding that at some point, citizens must decide s 'they will be drawn to the evils of the past or more courageously and nobly encouraged by the eminent prospect of a better future.

The president-elect said, "There have been times in our past when our governing institutions have created more questions than they have answered. But the arc of our political history gives confidence that we can overcome this past. We have passed through the darkness of the night to emerge into the light of better days to come. There is no good reason to retreat into the da...

Nigeria needs skills, not a national unity government – ​​Tinubu

• President-elect backs S'Court on naira, says Atiku, Obi legal actions are good for democracy

President-elect Asiwaju Bola Tinubu on Thursday dampened the hopes of supporters of a national unity government, prioritizing competence over such a political arrangement.

He said his goal was higher than a government of national unity and that he would prefer to seek a government of national competence by selecting members of his cabinet and not by choosing appointees depending on the religion.

Tinubu spoke on Thursday in a signed statement titled "Nigeria: Dawn of Renewed Hope", marking his first official statement following his declaration as president-elect by the Independent National Electoral Commission in March. 1.

The ruling All Progressives Congress presidential candidate garnered 8,794,726 votes to beat People's Democratic Party candidate Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Peter Obi of the Labor Party and Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New People's Party of Nigeria .< /p>

Aboubakar and Obi, second and third respectively in the elections, dispute the results of the poll in court, rejecting the fact that Tinubu offers them an olive branch. Some Nigerians, however, have considered a government of national unity to quell unrest over the election result.

Addressing Nigerians on the issue, the President-elect said in the statement, "As the new President, I accept the task ahead of me. There has been talk of a government of national unity. My goal is higher than that. I demand a government of national competence. In choosing my government, I will not be weighed down by considerations unrelated to capacity and performance. The era of The political game is long over. I will bring together capable men, women and youth from across Nigeria to build a safer, more prosperous and fairer Nigeria. There will be youth. Women must be put forward. That your faith brings you to pray in a church or mosque will not determine your place in government Will of character and skill.''

Commenting on the presidential election, the conduct of which has also been criticized by some individuals and affirming the right of aggrieved candidates to go to court, the ex-Governor of Lagos State noted that a fair and credible vote had been organized and won.

He said: “Fair and credible elections took place and were won. The honor of this victory and the heavy responsibility it entails rests with me. I don't say this to cheer or boast because there is no room for such behavior. I'm just stating the facts as they are. I realize that many good and well-meaning Nigerians voted for other candidates. They are understandably disappointed that their favorite candidate did not win. Other candidates have expressed their displeasure, saying they will go to court to challenge the election. It is inherent in the democratic process. We defend their right to seek legal redress. As they exercise the legal rights afforded to them in our democracy, I have set my sights and my mind on the leadership of this nation. We have important work to do and I pledge that this work will be done for the benefit of all, whether or not they voted for me or even voted at all.''

Saying that now was not the time to pursue acrimony and partisan recriminations, Tinubu added that negative things can arouse strong passions; but they were not the way to a better nation.

The president-elect said, "Only unity and national commitment can serve this purpose. Critics of Nigeria have been too quick to conclude that our political system is fragmented due to the impressive presence of new parties and their candidates. “These critics are wrong. The emergence of new parties and their candidates underscores the dynamic strength of our democracy. People want democracy to work and they want their voices to be heard and their interests to be taken into account within it. It's a good thing to promote, not something to fear,''

According to him, what Nigerians need to worry about is not the growth of parties but the upsurge of old prejudices and bigotry such as ethnicity, creed and place of origin.

He observed that as a nation and individuals imbued with love of God and neighbor, Nigerians are better than that, adding that at some point, citizens must decide s 'they will be drawn to the evils of the past or more courageously and nobly encouraged by the eminent prospect of a better future.

The president-elect said, "There have been times in our past when our governing institutions have created more questions than they have answered. But the arc of our political history gives confidence that we can overcome this past. We have passed through the darkness of the night to emerge into the light of better days to come. There is no good reason to retreat into the da...

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