Nigeria@63: “True federalism is the solution, not a rotating presidency”

clan leader of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim, spoke with journalists on national questions And challenges focused towards THE country, drawing attention has their solutions. MUYIWA ADEYEMI was there.

How will You describe THE policy space of Nigeria has 63 ?Before Independence And In THE First of all Republic, policy evenings And campaigns were base on ideology. Chief Obafemi Awolowo And other foundation fathers of Nigeria talked about federalism And not A rotation of THE presidency. NOW, people TO DO not talk about programs And values. What they talk about East 'It is OUR turn around.’

There should be talks about federalism, not rotation of THE presidency because they are not Exactly THE even. Federalism East about decentralization of power has THE major Components of company.

Those Components could be Hausa, Igbo, Or Yoruba, he do not Really matter. It is just A of construction arrangement about THE balance of power, rotation of THE presidency Or rotation of power East not federalism.

Despite OUR level of education NOW, We to have created A Company Or each issue has has be look at has: East he pro-North Or pro-South, pro-Christian Or pro-Muslim? We to have more professors NOW that We had In 1965, but THE people of that time, despite their limit to access has Western education, were more franc, more patriotic, And more educated that Today Nigerians In terms of national value.

As A people, We need has reset OUR thought. There East No major development In history without A period of ideological preparation on A mass scale.

Before independence, all THE national newspapers were saying THE even thing, if he was to the west African Pilot or Tribune. All these newspapers had THE even to focus And were ideologically based.

Even In European history, there was A period of darkness. THE period When they were preparing For THE industrial revolution was called THE rebirth.

This should be OUR period of Renaissance Or We promote THE best In OUR values And discuss them on A mass ladder. This should be A period When We inspire mass awareness, not THE worse of We, enough of bringing THE worse In We has THE in front burner.

Emotionality And What East news about We East NOW led by THE most bold of wrong that lives among We. We need has change A little.

That path, We can Also redefine mass social value And awareness. THE people of Nigeria desperately need has come together. Without This on A mass ladder, he will be difficult has to have progressive leadership.

Or And how did Nigeria get he fake In terms of leadership? There is was A cut, And After THE military cut, Nigeria begin has regress. THE the basics For national development were stopped. From SO, Nothing fundamental has has been added because TRUE federalism on which Nigerians agreed has live together was suspended.

What East THE path forward? All of We WHO subscribe has progress must give direction has never mind community We are In, And to drive these values In OUR communication.

If You are A editor Or Director Or pastor, You are A chief has your own level. We must take he as A responsibility.

First of all, there must be A change inside We has those levels has subscribe has upper national values.

Two, We must to have electoral reform, leaders should not be selected by their war chest, And THE electoral process must be transparent. He must not just be free; he must Also be fair, because that East What East called transparency, as prescribed In THE Constitution of THE Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). Let's go agreement with those problems NOW And put them behind We, SO, people will know that there East A process that ensures of fair competition, And elections will not be as war because if You fail A election In A process that East massively not transparent, people will find he easy has come has terms with defeat.

However, When something East shady even if he East fair, there will be A issue, because You can't convince anybody that something doesn't arrived. That East What transparency East all about; he East not A legal problem.

SO, We to have has agreement with electoral reforms, SO that We don't do it turn off THE hope of OUR young people WHO Really to want A better country. These two problems: THE definition of electoral values And national reforms are important problems RIGHT now.

That East Why there East A need has reconstitute CENI. THE even CENI can't get young people has serve as ad hoc staff For THE out of season holding In Bayelsa, in my humble opinion And Kogi States on November 11.

CENI has A plot of work has TO DO has convince people about THE electoral process In Nigeria, because of THE wrong that was do In 2023. They to have do SO a lot violence has This country In that process. They raised THE people hope, particularly, young people WHO are first time the electors, And said them they would be d...

Nigeria@63: “True federalism is the solution, not a rotating presidency”

clan leader of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim, spoke with journalists on national questions And challenges focused towards THE country, drawing attention has their solutions. MUYIWA ADEYEMI was there.

How will You describe THE policy space of Nigeria has 63 ?Before Independence And In THE First of all Republic, policy evenings And campaigns were base on ideology. Chief Obafemi Awolowo And other foundation fathers of Nigeria talked about federalism And not A rotation of THE presidency. NOW, people TO DO not talk about programs And values. What they talk about East 'It is OUR turn around.’

There should be talks about federalism, not rotation of THE presidency because they are not Exactly THE even. Federalism East about decentralization of power has THE major Components of company.

Those Components could be Hausa, Igbo, Or Yoruba, he do not Really matter. It is just A of construction arrangement about THE balance of power, rotation of THE presidency Or rotation of power East not federalism.

Despite OUR level of education NOW, We to have created A Company Or each issue has has be look at has: East he pro-North Or pro-South, pro-Christian Or pro-Muslim? We to have more professors NOW that We had In 1965, but THE people of that time, despite their limit to access has Western education, were more franc, more patriotic, And more educated that Today Nigerians In terms of national value.

As A people, We need has reset OUR thought. There East No major development In history without A period of ideological preparation on A mass scale.

Before independence, all THE national newspapers were saying THE even thing, if he was to the west African Pilot or Tribune. All these newspapers had THE even to focus And were ideologically based.

Even In European history, there was A period of darkness. THE period When they were preparing For THE industrial revolution was called THE rebirth.

This should be OUR period of Renaissance Or We promote THE best In OUR values And discuss them on A mass ladder. This should be A period When We inspire mass awareness, not THE worse of We, enough of bringing THE worse In We has THE in front burner.

Emotionality And What East news about We East NOW led by THE most bold of wrong that lives among We. We need has change A little.

That path, We can Also redefine mass social value And awareness. THE people of Nigeria desperately need has come together. Without This on A mass ladder, he will be difficult has to have progressive leadership.

Or And how did Nigeria get he fake In terms of leadership? There is was A cut, And After THE military cut, Nigeria begin has regress. THE the basics For national development were stopped. From SO, Nothing fundamental has has been added because TRUE federalism on which Nigerians agreed has live together was suspended.

What East THE path forward? All of We WHO subscribe has progress must give direction has never mind community We are In, And to drive these values In OUR communication.

If You are A editor Or Director Or pastor, You are A chief has your own level. We must take he as A responsibility.

First of all, there must be A change inside We has those levels has subscribe has upper national values.

Two, We must to have electoral reform, leaders should not be selected by their war chest, And THE electoral process must be transparent. He must not just be free; he must Also be fair, because that East What East called transparency, as prescribed In THE Constitution of THE Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI). Let's go agreement with those problems NOW And put them behind We, SO, people will know that there East A process that ensures of fair competition, And elections will not be as war because if You fail A election In A process that East massively not transparent, people will find he easy has come has terms with defeat.

However, When something East shady even if he East fair, there will be A issue, because You can't convince anybody that something doesn't arrived. That East What transparency East all about; he East not A legal problem.

SO, We to have has agreement with electoral reforms, SO that We don't do it turn off THE hope of OUR young people WHO Really to want A better country. These two problems: THE definition of electoral values And national reforms are important problems RIGHT now.

That East Why there East A need has reconstitute CENI. THE even CENI can't get young people has serve as ad hoc staff For THE out of season holding In Bayelsa, in my humble opinion And Kogi States on November 11.

CENI has A plot of work has TO DO has convince people about THE electoral process In Nigeria, because of THE wrong that was do In 2023. They to have do SO a lot violence has This country In that process. They raised THE people hope, particularly, young people WHO are first time the electors, And said them they would be d...

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