Nigerian lawmakers pledge to partner with other countries on SDGs

President of THE Senate Committee on Water Resources, Abdoulaziz Yari, has insured that THE two bedrooms of THE National Assembly will pass legislative Strategies that will encourage THE federal government has partner with THE world on THE goals of THE sustainable development goals (SDG).

M Yari, A ancient governor of Zamfara State, gave THE insurance In A statement explaining What THE Nigerian delegation discussed has THE ninth G20 Parliamentary Summit detained In New Delhi, India.

Apart Since M Yari, others on THE delegation of Nigeria are THE Deputy Senate President, Barau Jibirin, And Speaker of THE Home of Representatives, Abbas Tajudine.

HAS THE summit title “Parliaments For A Earth, A Family, A Future", THE Nigerian delegation participated In four high level sessions on Acceleration SDGs, Sustainable Energy Transition, Led by women Development, And Transformation In Peoples Lives through Public Digital Platforms.

M Yari, In THE statement issued by her media desk on SATURDAY, underlines THE need For closer collaboration between THE executive And legislative arm of government has meet THE requests of THE SDGs.


" The tops as these are important because they allow We has see What other country are TO DO In regard has collaborations between THE executive And THE legislative branches.

"We are here with THE Speaker And THE Deputy Senate President, WHO are OUR preside officers, And all of We are learning A plot about how has bring A parliamentary dimension has global the governance, increase awareness For THE problems that matter, And build THE necessary policy support For Nigeria international commitments.

"I am excited about partnership with THE world has get things do In Nigeria, And I am grateful has THE direction of both bedrooms For This opportunity has to strenghten OUR legislative relationships And parliamentary awareness," M Yari said.

TEXEM Announcement G20 Summit

G20 means THE band of 20. THE band pieces A key role In all major international economic problems. Collectively, G20 members represent 85 by hundred of global economic to go out, two-thirds of THE of the world population And 75 by hundred of international commerce.

THE forum initially concentrate on wide macroeconomic problems, but he has extended It is agenda has include trade, climate change, sustainable development, health, agriculture, energy, THE environment And anti-corruption.

THE G20 ease dialogue among relevant evenings through engagement groups, including non-governmental participants of THE international community WHO draft recommendations has THE G20 leaders on their areas of interest And contribute has THE policy development process.

THE participation of THE parliamentary community In G20 discussions began with A series of informal Parliamentary Speakers' Consultations, spear First of all by Canada In 2010 And follow up by South Korea In 2011, Saudi Arabia In 2012 And Mexico In 2013. Departure has THE Fifth G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit detained In Argentina In 2018, THE IPU has contributed has A more structure process.

READ ALSO: Nigeria, others adopt statement has accelerate SDGs has 78 UNGA

G20 Speakers' Summit Also known as P20 goals has bring A parliamentary dimension has global the governance, increase awareness, build policy support For international commitments, And ensure that these are Effectively translated In national realities.

THE summit Also look for has promote interparliamentary cooperation, improve engagement between Governments, parliaments And other stakeholders In THE Implementation of miscellaneous G20 the results, And advance THE 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility

Nigerian lawmakers pledge to partner with other countries on SDGs

President of THE Senate Committee on Water Resources, Abdoulaziz Yari, has insured that THE two bedrooms of THE National Assembly will pass legislative Strategies that will encourage THE federal government has partner with THE world on THE goals of THE sustainable development goals (SDG).

M Yari, A ancient governor of Zamfara State, gave THE insurance In A statement explaining What THE Nigerian delegation discussed has THE ninth G20 Parliamentary Summit detained In New Delhi, India.

Apart Since M Yari, others on THE delegation of Nigeria are THE Deputy Senate President, Barau Jibirin, And Speaker of THE Home of Representatives, Abbas Tajudine.

HAS THE summit title “Parliaments For A Earth, A Family, A Future", THE Nigerian delegation participated In four high level sessions on Acceleration SDGs, Sustainable Energy Transition, Led by women Development, And Transformation In Peoples Lives through Public Digital Platforms.

M Yari, In THE statement issued by her media desk on SATURDAY, underlines THE need For closer collaboration between THE executive And legislative arm of government has meet THE requests of THE SDGs.


" The tops as these are important because they allow We has see What other country are TO DO In regard has collaborations between THE executive And THE legislative branches.

"We are here with THE Speaker And THE Deputy Senate President, WHO are OUR preside officers, And all of We are learning A plot about how has bring A parliamentary dimension has global the governance, increase awareness For THE problems that matter, And build THE necessary policy support For Nigeria international commitments.

"I am excited about partnership with THE world has get things do In Nigeria, And I am grateful has THE direction of both bedrooms For This opportunity has to strenghten OUR legislative relationships And parliamentary awareness," M Yari said.

TEXEM Announcement G20 Summit

G20 means THE band of 20. THE band pieces A key role In all major international economic problems. Collectively, G20 members represent 85 by hundred of global economic to go out, two-thirds of THE of the world population And 75 by hundred of international commerce.

THE forum initially concentrate on wide macroeconomic problems, but he has extended It is agenda has include trade, climate change, sustainable development, health, agriculture, energy, THE environment And anti-corruption.

THE G20 ease dialogue among relevant evenings through engagement groups, including non-governmental participants of THE international community WHO draft recommendations has THE G20 leaders on their areas of interest And contribute has THE policy development process.

THE participation of THE parliamentary community In G20 discussions began with A series of informal Parliamentary Speakers' Consultations, spear First of all by Canada In 2010 And follow up by South Korea In 2011, Saudi Arabia In 2012 And Mexico In 2013. Departure has THE Fifth G20 Parliamentary Speakers' Summit detained In Argentina In 2018, THE IPU has contributed has A more structure process.

READ ALSO: Nigeria, others adopt statement has accelerate SDGs has 78 UNGA

G20 Speakers' Summit Also known as P20 goals has bring A parliamentary dimension has global the governance, increase awareness, build policy support For international commitments, And ensure that these are Effectively translated In national realities.

THE summit Also look for has promote interparliamentary cooperation, improve engagement between Governments, parliaments And other stakeholders In THE Implementation of miscellaneous G20 the results, And advance THE 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development.

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