NSCDC arrests 12 suspected train vandals, confiscates trucks

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps arrested 12 people suspected of vandalizing railway sleepers and seized two trucks carrying stolen railway sleepers.

According to a statement released by the NSCDC Public Relations Director, Major Olusola Odumosu, the Corps also discovered two illegal warehouses containing large quantities of vandalized railway sleepers. These arrests were made in three separate operations over two weeks by the General Commander's Special Intelligence Brigade.

“The arrests were made on the Kafanchan-Kwoi road in Kaduna State and in Agwan-Kuje village, Nasarawa and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp on the Keffi-Abuja highway,” Odumosu said.

Odumosu explained that the vandals were arrested while loading stolen railway ties from a bush in Nasarawa based on intelligence reports received by the team.

"A long open trailer already loaded with over 500 vandalized railway sleepers believed to belong to the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) was also concealed under bags of peanut dust.

"We recovered a forged copy of the NRC scrap metal delivery paper from the suspects," he said.

Odumosu also mentioned that the team arrested three people who were carrying vandalized railway sleepers concealed with rice husk in a bus along the Keffi-Abuja highway. Additionally, four other suspected vandals were arrested while loading railway sleepers into an already packed illegal warehouse in Kaduna.

“Acting on a tip-off from the intelligence services, the team managed to intercept another long open-body truck fully loaded with a large quantity of vandalized irons, covered with a blue trampoline,” he said.

Odumosu added that the arrested suspects and exhibits will be further investigated to facilitate future arrests. He encouraged citizens to provide helpful information that would aid in the arrest of vandals across the country to reduce the rate of critical infrastructure vandalism.

He warned people with criminal intent to steal the country's property to stop as the body would take action against anyone found guilty of such criminal activity.


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NSCDC arrests 12 suspected train vandals, confiscates trucks

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps arrested 12 people suspected of vandalizing railway sleepers and seized two trucks carrying stolen railway sleepers.

According to a statement released by the NSCDC Public Relations Director, Major Olusola Odumosu, the Corps also discovered two illegal warehouses containing large quantities of vandalized railway sleepers. These arrests were made in three separate operations over two weeks by the General Commander's Special Intelligence Brigade.

“The arrests were made on the Kafanchan-Kwoi road in Kaduna State and in Agwan-Kuje village, Nasarawa and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp on the Keffi-Abuja highway,” Odumosu said.

Odumosu explained that the vandals were arrested while loading stolen railway ties from a bush in Nasarawa based on intelligence reports received by the team.

"A long open trailer already loaded with over 500 vandalized railway sleepers believed to belong to the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) was also concealed under bags of peanut dust.

"We recovered a forged copy of the NRC scrap metal delivery paper from the suspects," he said.

Odumosu also mentioned that the team arrested three people who were carrying vandalized railway sleepers concealed with rice husk in a bus along the Keffi-Abuja highway. Additionally, four other suspected vandals were arrested while loading railway sleepers into an already packed illegal warehouse in Kaduna.

“Acting on a tip-off from the intelligence services, the team managed to intercept another long open-body truck fully loaded with a large quantity of vandalized irons, covered with a blue trampoline,” he said.

Odumosu added that the arrested suspects and exhibits will be further investigated to facilitate future arrests. He encouraged citizens to provide helpful information that would aid in the arrest of vandals across the country to reduce the rate of critical infrastructure vandalism.

He warned people with criminal intent to steal the country's property to stop as the body would take action against anyone found guilty of such criminal activity.


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