Ondo Guber Survey: Akingboye promises a new dawn and better well-being

OK wishes has to prioritize rural development, others

A governorship aspiring on THE platform of THE People Democratic To party (PDP) In THE future Ondo State of the governor election, Bamidele Akingboye, has insured THE people of THE State of A new dawn if he emerges as THE flag bearer of her to party And Next becomes governor of THE state.

Akingboye, WHO underlines that THE State deserved THE best, said that her government would be be about THE well-being of THE people. THE aspiring declared This, yesterday, during THE official statement And presentation of her intention has leaders of THE to party In Akure, THE State capital.

According to has him, he East not just while searching policy power, her suction East has be elected as A servant chief engaged has THE elevation And empowerment of each citizen of THE state.

He said: "I TO DO not seek policy power For THE lure of THE desk, self-aggrandizement, Or pecuniary earnings of myself Or family members, but has create A new view, to broaden THE States economic base, cut THE cost of the governance, to prioritize THE well-being of THE people, And target crawling poverty. I will TO DO THE State on, healthy, And secure For all It is law-abiding residents.

"We are going has look has THE economic appearance of THE budget, especially capital projects. I am going has divide My capital projects In social And economic aspects.”

In the meantime, THE States President of THE to party, Tola Alabère, gave THE insurance that THE PDP would be create A level playing field For all THE aspirants competition For THE ticket of THE to party In THE future election.

He reiterated THE celebration commitment has internal democracy, emphasizing THE need For unit And cohesion In THE to party has reach It is collective objectives.

ALSO, another aspiring on THE platform of THE All Progressives Congress (APC) Olusola All right, has declared that he will reorganize rural communities through extensive road construction And infrastructural development.

All right, WHO spoke during her tour of THE local advice of THE State, sworn has to prioritize critical sectors, such as education, health care, energy And security.

He stress that below her administration, Farmers In THE State would be be employers of work with A promise has support them through loans And modern farm equipment has help their exit.

All right, WHO promised has to use her wealth of experience has better THE masses In THE State, insured THE people of THE State that if given THE opportunity has fly THE flag of THE to party, he would be turn around THE State economy.

Ondo Guber Survey: Akingboye promises a new dawn and better well-being

OK wishes has to prioritize rural development, others

A governorship aspiring on THE platform of THE People Democratic To party (PDP) In THE future Ondo State of the governor election, Bamidele Akingboye, has insured THE people of THE State of A new dawn if he emerges as THE flag bearer of her to party And Next becomes governor of THE state.

Akingboye, WHO underlines that THE State deserved THE best, said that her government would be be about THE well-being of THE people. THE aspiring declared This, yesterday, during THE official statement And presentation of her intention has leaders of THE to party In Akure, THE State capital.

According to has him, he East not just while searching policy power, her suction East has be elected as A servant chief engaged has THE elevation And empowerment of each citizen of THE state.

He said: "I TO DO not seek policy power For THE lure of THE desk, self-aggrandizement, Or pecuniary earnings of myself Or family members, but has create A new view, to broaden THE States economic base, cut THE cost of the governance, to prioritize THE well-being of THE people, And target crawling poverty. I will TO DO THE State on, healthy, And secure For all It is law-abiding residents.

"We are going has look has THE economic appearance of THE budget, especially capital projects. I am going has divide My capital projects In social And economic aspects.”

In the meantime, THE States President of THE to party, Tola Alabère, gave THE insurance that THE PDP would be create A level playing field For all THE aspirants competition For THE ticket of THE to party In THE future election.

He reiterated THE celebration commitment has internal democracy, emphasizing THE need For unit And cohesion In THE to party has reach It is collective objectives.

ALSO, another aspiring on THE platform of THE All Progressives Congress (APC) Olusola All right, has declared that he will reorganize rural communities through extensive road construction And infrastructural development.

All right, WHO spoke during her tour of THE local advice of THE State, sworn has to prioritize critical sectors, such as education, health care, energy And security.

He stress that below her administration, Farmers In THE State would be be employers of work with A promise has support them through loans And modern farm equipment has help their exit.

All right, WHO promised has to use her wealth of experience has better THE masses In THE State, insured THE people of THE State that if given THE opportunity has fly THE flag of THE to party, he would be turn around THE State economy.

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