Onoh insists Tinubu's university certificate is genuine

President Bolas Tinubu campaign ancient spokesperson In THE South East, Dr. Joseph Oh, has taken A slide has reviews WHO to have disappeared has city affirming that THE Nigeria Of the president certificate released by THE Chicago State University certificate bear THE brand of A female diploma other that President Tinubu WHO East A man.

According to has Oh, THE opposition people manufacturing THE FAKE claim of female ownership of THE certificate are ignorant of THE Federal law below THE Family Education Rights Confidentiality Act (FERPA) which given Tinubu THE RIGHT has ask has to have her education recordings corrected if he believes them has be inaccurate.

"SO It is A simple issue of to apply For correction," he said.

Onoh declared that even In Nigeria, there East bedroom For such correction if spotted by any of them certificate carrier, noting that Tinubu reviews are drowning policy the players look For Nothing has socket on has against THE president After they were defeated has THE March 18 presidential election survey.

He precisely ridiculed THE Presidential candidates of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar And THE Work To party, Mr. Rock Obi For To dissipate SO a lot energy, provoking embarrassment For Nigeria And distraction For President Tinubu In manufacturing progress with her renewed hope mandate.

Onoh describe as fake news THE history In THE opposition quarters that THE released CSU certificate belonged has A female owner, argue that those in trouble has to pull down President Tinubu would be always look For A excuse has stay In THE awareness, even has THE fake side of that.

Onoh said: “Tinubu was A outstanding student When he was In THE university And all through her university career, he identified as A Man, even In her university phone book, her picture watch that THE Tinubu In question East A man. All letters address has him Since THE Chicago University always referred has him as Mr. Tinubu And not Miss Tinubu. SO, that thing East clearly A error And Nothing a lot has TO DO noise about. Go And check.

"It is not A big agreement. Nigerians with their qualifications, And university degrees, can't say that they to have Never come through A error, even In THE spelling of their names, but When these Errors are observed, It is normal, he do not invalidate THE certificate, he do not TO DO he A FAKE documents, he do not invalidate THE relevance of THE certificate, because THE owner of THE certificate has THE RIGHT has to have such Errors corrected.

"SO THE noise of trying has to show that President Tinubu certificate East fake East In fact A pursuit In futility because they to have lost each other corner has socket on has. THE world East not ruled by emotion but by substance And It is unfortunate that a few credulous Nigerians to have has been deceived by A pure water maker And A Tomato dough importer. »

"All that remains For THE opposition East has secure A court order asking For THE CCT of THE Of the president restaurant Invoice during her visit In Paris And claim he was fake And not issued by THE server Or waitress.

"I had earlier warned And Free free education has Atiku And her Hollywood aspiring WE lawyer of THE consequences of her fishing adventure, position of THE law And underlines he will meet A empty dinner painting When he Back. Today he has spent her energy on A savage goose hunting And THE data of multitude of emotional led credulous Nigerians. NOW You know Why Tinubu East called THE "JAGABAN".

"I urge both Atiku (Dad cool) And HE. Rock Obi has come let's go work together with Mr. President And build OUR great nation For We stay A nation, A fate. »

Onoh insists Tinubu's university certificate is genuine

President Bolas Tinubu campaign ancient spokesperson In THE South East, Dr. Joseph Oh, has taken A slide has reviews WHO to have disappeared has city affirming that THE Nigeria Of the president certificate released by THE Chicago State University certificate bear THE brand of A female diploma other that President Tinubu WHO East A man.

According to has Oh, THE opposition people manufacturing THE FAKE claim of female ownership of THE certificate are ignorant of THE Federal law below THE Family Education Rights Confidentiality Act (FERPA) which given Tinubu THE RIGHT has ask has to have her education recordings corrected if he believes them has be inaccurate.

"SO It is A simple issue of to apply For correction," he said.

Onoh declared that even In Nigeria, there East bedroom For such correction if spotted by any of them certificate carrier, noting that Tinubu reviews are drowning policy the players look For Nothing has socket on has against THE president After they were defeated has THE March 18 presidential election survey.

He precisely ridiculed THE Presidential candidates of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar And THE Work To party, Mr. Rock Obi For To dissipate SO a lot energy, provoking embarrassment For Nigeria And distraction For President Tinubu In manufacturing progress with her renewed hope mandate.

Onoh describe as fake news THE history In THE opposition quarters that THE released CSU certificate belonged has A female owner, argue that those in trouble has to pull down President Tinubu would be always look For A excuse has stay In THE awareness, even has THE fake side of that.

Onoh said: “Tinubu was A outstanding student When he was In THE university And all through her university career, he identified as A Man, even In her university phone book, her picture watch that THE Tinubu In question East A man. All letters address has him Since THE Chicago University always referred has him as Mr. Tinubu And not Miss Tinubu. SO, that thing East clearly A error And Nothing a lot has TO DO noise about. Go And check.

"It is not A big agreement. Nigerians with their qualifications, And university degrees, can't say that they to have Never come through A error, even In THE spelling of their names, but When these Errors are observed, It is normal, he do not invalidate THE certificate, he do not TO DO he A FAKE documents, he do not invalidate THE relevance of THE certificate, because THE owner of THE certificate has THE RIGHT has to have such Errors corrected.

"SO THE noise of trying has to show that President Tinubu certificate East fake East In fact A pursuit In futility because they to have lost each other corner has socket on has. THE world East not ruled by emotion but by substance And It is unfortunate that a few credulous Nigerians to have has been deceived by A pure water maker And A Tomato dough importer. »

"All that remains For THE opposition East has secure A court order asking For THE CCT of THE Of the president restaurant Invoice during her visit In Paris And claim he was fake And not issued by THE server Or waitress.

"I had earlier warned And Free free education has Atiku And her Hollywood aspiring WE lawyer of THE consequences of her fishing adventure, position of THE law And underlines he will meet A empty dinner painting When he Back. Today he has spent her energy on A savage goose hunting And THE data of multitude of emotional led credulous Nigerians. NOW You know Why Tinubu East called THE "JAGABAN".

"I urge both Atiku (Dad cool) And HE. Rock Obi has come let's go work together with Mr. President And build OUR great nation For We stay A nation, A fate. »

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