Profiles: Trudy Rankin

To speed up our Pro Appreciation Month, we're spotlighting some of SPI Pro's amazing members. If you are considering applying, these are just a few of the phenomenal people who unite our thriving community.

Linked In // YouTube

What was your dream career as a kid?

Become a doctor like my father.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

I wanted to start my own business when I was about nine years old, when I discovered the joys of making money selling things. But I followed the corporate career path for many years working in project manager and then chief information officer roles. It wasn't until I reached a crossroads in my career that things changed. Did I want to stay with my current organization which, after a change in management, had become quite toxic? Or did I want to look for a job elsewhere? That's when I realized this was an opportunity to finally do something I had always secretly wanted to do… and if I didn't do it now, I never would.< /p>

What drives your work?

Two things. I enjoy helping others achieve success and have more choices in their lives. And I really appreciate being able to make my own decisions about how I spend my time and what I work on.

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

Developing my new boutique agency where I offer split digital director services to businesses (typically solopreneurs and expert-led micro-businesses) that have maximized their ability to grow further. Their time is limited and they physically cannot help more clients than they are already helping. So I'm partnering with them to add a 1-to-many service model and help them grow the online side of their business. We use quizzes to make everything happen faster and if they have a team member who is interested I will put them on my quiz maker course, so they can continue to use polls, quizzes and decision trees to save time and help more people. Having an extra head for brainstorming and a pair of hands to get things done is often just what busy entrepreneurs need to embark on projects they've wanted to do for a while, but just couldn't. the weather. So a quick example of what I'm talking about is a collaboration I'm doing with Treasa Edmond, another SPI Pro member, where we planned and launched a 5-day "Mastering Your Content Strategy" bootcamp together. We didn't expect many people to sign up, but we ended up with 35 participants, which was so exciting.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? It's a big question. Entrepreneurs who start small businesses are the backbone of the economy, in virtually every country you look at. Entrepreneurship therefore plays a very important role in everyone's life, even if they do not know it. Entrepreneurship means looking at the world through slightly different lenses than people who are comfortable in a traditional 9-to-5 job. It means looking for opportunities to help and solve problems in different...

Profiles: Trudy Rankin

To speed up our Pro Appreciation Month, we're spotlighting some of SPI Pro's amazing members. If you are considering applying, these are just a few of the phenomenal people who unite our thriving community.

Linked In // YouTube

What was your dream career as a kid?

Become a doctor like my father.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

I wanted to start my own business when I was about nine years old, when I discovered the joys of making money selling things. But I followed the corporate career path for many years working in project manager and then chief information officer roles. It wasn't until I reached a crossroads in my career that things changed. Did I want to stay with my current organization which, after a change in management, had become quite toxic? Or did I want to look for a job elsewhere? That's when I realized this was an opportunity to finally do something I had always secretly wanted to do… and if I didn't do it now, I never would.< /p>

What drives your work?

Two things. I enjoy helping others achieve success and have more choices in their lives. And I really appreciate being able to make my own decisions about how I spend my time and what I work on.

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

Developing my new boutique agency where I offer split digital director services to businesses (typically solopreneurs and expert-led micro-businesses) that have maximized their ability to grow further. Their time is limited and they physically cannot help more clients than they are already helping. So I'm partnering with them to add a 1-to-many service model and help them grow the online side of their business. We use quizzes to make everything happen faster and if they have a team member who is interested I will put them on my quiz maker course, so they can continue to use polls, quizzes and decision trees to save time and help more people. Having an extra head for brainstorming and a pair of hands to get things done is often just what busy entrepreneurs need to embark on projects they've wanted to do for a while, but just couldn't. the weather. So a quick example of what I'm talking about is a collaboration I'm doing with Treasa Edmond, another SPI Pro member, where we planned and launched a 5-day "Mastering Your Content Strategy" bootcamp together. We didn't expect many people to sign up, but we ended up with 35 participants, which was so exciting.

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? It's a big question. Entrepreneurs who start small businesses are the backbone of the economy, in virtually every country you look at. Entrepreneurship therefore plays a very important role in everyone's life, even if they do not know it. Entrepreneurship means looking at the world through slightly different lenses than people who are comfortable in a traditional 9-to-5 job. It means looking for opportunities to help and solve problems in different...

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