The proposed airport on the Lekki-Epe corridor is expected to accommodate five million passengers annually —Omotoso

Lagos State Commissioner For Information And Strategy, Mr. Gbenga Omotoso, speak on achievements of THE Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu administration In her First of all term In desk And What Lagosians should to wait for Since THE administration In It is second term, In This interview with a few journalists. BOLA BADMUS brought a few excerpts:

During THE last four years, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, work with THE THEMES Agenda, NOW he has added MORE has TO DO he THEME MORE Agenda. Can You say We What THE MORE implied And how East he going has advantage Lagosians positively?

When M Governor book THE budget speech, he spoke about THEMES more AGENDA And When he book her speech during her inauguration For THE second term he Also spoke about he. He East very simple. M Governor felt he should add something that can not to have has been very GOOD caterer For In THE THEMES AGENDA, SO he brought on advice THE MORE And he East simply about social inclusion, gender equality And about THE youth. That means In This second mandate, We are going has be TO DO a lot things. Attention will be paid has OUR young people because they say they are THE leaders of tomorrow. But This administration believes that he East not even A question of tomorrow; that they are leaders of Today. You can see that In all THE things that We are TO DO In Lagos, We talk about entertainment; THE young people are THE leaders. When You talk about science And technology, they are leading THE path; When You talk about sports, they are THE those has THE foreground. SO, there East No government that wanna has brush next to all that THE young people are TO DO. In Lagos, We are giving them all THE opportunities that they need In THE creative industry, Or on 6,000 of them to have has been qualified In movie editing, acting, scenario in writing by a few of THE giants In THE trade as Del-York, Ogidi, ebony life And You can see What We to have do In about 18 professional centers that Lagos State government short. On 16,000 of them to have has been qualified And After who passed out of these schools, they were not LEFT on their own, they were given equipment has go And to start their new trade. As I talk has You NOW, We are building about nine Mini-Stadiums In a few rooms of Lagos SO that young people can to have Street has display their talents In sports. And We are encouraging science And technology through THE LASRIC Funds, about N250 million has has been put there SO that young people WHO to have ideas, innovation And WHO will need has push through their dreams about This innovation will to have No issue supply funds. All that THE government East TO DO East going has be oriented towards encouraging OUR young people. SO, that East What THEMES More East all about; social inclusion.

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During THE First of all term of M Governor, We saw iconic projects be initiated And completed, What other iconic Or landmark projects should Lagosians be waiting Since This administration during This second term?

THE Opebi-Ojota Link bridge East going has be completed; We were there recently has see THE level of work And We to have seen THE transformation that THE bridge has brought has that area. He means that When he East completed, people will No longer be missing their flight, When they are going has THE airport When there East A traffic congestion. THE traffic traffic jam around that area will certainly disappear far, It is going has be significant, It is as someone East flying Since Opébi has Ojota, Odo Iya Alaro link bridge And Maryland. There are SO a lot projects that are going has be completed This year. Massey Hospital, by THE time It is completed, East going has be THE the biggest pediatric hospital In Africa; if It is not In Africa, but he will be THE the biggest In West Africa. Apart Since THE Massey Hospital project, there East Also THE Mental Health Hospital that We are Also building In Ketu Ejinrin Sword. It is A mental rehabilitation center, because people don't do it pay SO a lot attention has mental health; people only talk about THE other appearance of health that can be treaty In general hospitals. But NOW, Lagos State government East paid attention has This very important appearance of health. Mental health, Really, SO a lot people are affected And It is as they don't do it know but Lagos State government knows through It is data that This East A of THE problems We are focused towards not just In Lagos but In THE country. That hospital East going has be about 500 beds And he will to treat people with mental diseases And be A rehabilitation center. There are other many projects as THE Lekki International Airport that East expected has take pressure disabled THE Muritala Mohammed Airport. It is going has be built on 5,000 hectares of to land And It is expected has take about...

The proposed airport on the Lekki-Epe corridor is expected to accommodate five million passengers annually —Omotoso

Lagos State Commissioner For Information And Strategy, Mr. Gbenga Omotoso, speak on achievements of THE Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu administration In her First of all term In desk And What Lagosians should to wait for Since THE administration In It is second term, In This interview with a few journalists. BOLA BADMUS brought a few excerpts:

During THE last four years, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, work with THE THEMES Agenda, NOW he has added MORE has TO DO he THEME MORE Agenda. Can You say We What THE MORE implied And how East he going has advantage Lagosians positively?

When M Governor book THE budget speech, he spoke about THEMES more AGENDA And When he book her speech during her inauguration For THE second term he Also spoke about he. He East very simple. M Governor felt he should add something that can not to have has been very GOOD caterer For In THE THEMES AGENDA, SO he brought on advice THE MORE And he East simply about social inclusion, gender equality And about THE youth. That means In This second mandate, We are going has be TO DO a lot things. Attention will be paid has OUR young people because they say they are THE leaders of tomorrow. But This administration believes that he East not even A question of tomorrow; that they are leaders of Today. You can see that In all THE things that We are TO DO In Lagos, We talk about entertainment; THE young people are THE leaders. When You talk about science And technology, they are leading THE path; When You talk about sports, they are THE those has THE foreground. SO, there East No government that wanna has brush next to all that THE young people are TO DO. In Lagos, We are giving them all THE opportunities that they need In THE creative industry, Or on 6,000 of them to have has been qualified In movie editing, acting, scenario in writing by a few of THE giants In THE trade as Del-York, Ogidi, ebony life And You can see What We to have do In about 18 professional centers that Lagos State government short. On 16,000 of them to have has been qualified And After who passed out of these schools, they were not LEFT on their own, they were given equipment has go And to start their new trade. As I talk has You NOW, We are building about nine Mini-Stadiums In a few rooms of Lagos SO that young people can to have Street has display their talents In sports. And We are encouraging science And technology through THE LASRIC Funds, about N250 million has has been put there SO that young people WHO to have ideas, innovation And WHO will need has push through their dreams about This innovation will to have No issue supply funds. All that THE government East TO DO East going has be oriented towards encouraging OUR young people. SO, that East What THEMES More East all about; social inclusion.

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During THE First of all term of M Governor, We saw iconic projects be initiated And completed, What other iconic Or landmark projects should Lagosians be waiting Since This administration during This second term?

THE Opebi-Ojota Link bridge East going has be completed; We were there recently has see THE level of work And We to have seen THE transformation that THE bridge has brought has that area. He means that When he East completed, people will No longer be missing their flight, When they are going has THE airport When there East A traffic congestion. THE traffic traffic jam around that area will certainly disappear far, It is going has be significant, It is as someone East flying Since Opébi has Ojota, Odo Iya Alaro link bridge And Maryland. There are SO a lot projects that are going has be completed This year. Massey Hospital, by THE time It is completed, East going has be THE the biggest pediatric hospital In Africa; if It is not In Africa, but he will be THE the biggest In West Africa. Apart Since THE Massey Hospital project, there East Also THE Mental Health Hospital that We are Also building In Ketu Ejinrin Sword. It is A mental rehabilitation center, because people don't do it pay SO a lot attention has mental health; people only talk about THE other appearance of health that can be treaty In general hospitals. But NOW, Lagos State government East paid attention has This very important appearance of health. Mental health, Really, SO a lot people are affected And It is as they don't do it know but Lagos State government knows through It is data that This East A of THE problems We are focused towards not just In Lagos but In THE country. That hospital East going has be about 500 beds And he will to treat people with mental diseases And be A rehabilitation center. There are other many projects as THE Lekki International Airport that East expected has take pressure disabled THE Muritala Mohammed Airport. It is going has be built on 5,000 hectares of to land And It is expected has take about...

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