PwC forecasts moderate economic growth in Nigeria amid fiscal challenges and inflationary pressures

Professional service network, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), on Monday projected A marginal GDP growth of 2.9 by hundred For Nigeria In 2024.

In It is last economic outlook report, he said THE growth East expected despite THE background of supported policy reforms, which can confront boundaries due has pupil economic pressures.

Data Since THE National desk of Statistics (NBS) watch Nigeria inflation rate jumped has 33.9 percent In Can 2024, up Since 33.6 by hundred In April 2024.

“PwC projects A marginal decline In inflation has 29.5 by hundred end of the year, balancing THE effects of reforms, policy Actions, external pressures And food prices; particularly In THE second half of THE year," he read.

THE outlook Underlines three heart areas of to focus For THE government, including structure And concentrate policy, policy flexibility, And mitigation strategies.

PWC underlines THE need For Nigeria has to prioritize macroeconomic stability by addressing security, social, And inflationary pressures.

THE report suggested mobilize capital has to drive growth through market driven Strategies And promote investment.

PRIME TIMES book based on facts journalism For Nigerians, by Nigerians — And OUR community of supporters, THE readers WHO make a donation, TO DO OUR work possible. Help We bring You And millions of others in depth, meticulously research news And information.

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In addition, he exhorted THE government has TO DO strategic sectoral investments aiming has export reinforcement, domestic substitution, And job creation.

PWC note that maintain tax caution by optimization expenses on capital projects, streamline public service expenses, And improvement income diversification And collection efficiency East essential.

THE projection come in the middle of in progress efforts has control inflation, with THE Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) having seen significant adjustments on THE pass year.

READ ALSO: Weak expenses could to get worse Nigeria Infrastructure challenges In 2024 – PWC

For businesses, PWC informed revisit And clarify strategies has earn In future economic scenarios, to focus on differentiate abilities, And engaging In cultural evolution has build organizational strength.

Also, he suggested revisit cost constructions And reimagine Operating models has improve resilience And leverage technological advances.

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At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

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TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999


PwC forecasts moderate economic growth in Nigeria amid fiscal challenges and inflationary pressures

Professional service network, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), on Monday projected A marginal GDP growth of 2.9 by hundred For Nigeria In 2024.

In It is last economic outlook report, he said THE growth East expected despite THE background of supported policy reforms, which can confront boundaries due has pupil economic pressures.

Data Since THE National desk of Statistics (NBS) watch Nigeria inflation rate jumped has 33.9 percent In Can 2024, up Since 33.6 by hundred In April 2024.

“PwC projects A marginal decline In inflation has 29.5 by hundred end of the year, balancing THE effects of reforms, policy Actions, external pressures And food prices; particularly In THE second half of THE year," he read.

THE outlook Underlines three heart areas of to focus For THE government, including structure And concentrate policy, policy flexibility, And mitigation strategies.

PWC underlines THE need For Nigeria has to prioritize macroeconomic stability by addressing security, social, And inflationary pressures.

THE report suggested mobilize capital has to drive growth through market driven Strategies And promote investment.

PRIME TIMES book based on facts journalism For Nigerians, by Nigerians — And OUR community of supporters, THE readers WHO make a donation, TO DO OUR work possible. Help We bring You And millions of others in depth, meticulously research news And information.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs expenses, And We take pride In Never placement OUR stories behind A prohibitive paywall.

Will You support OUR writing with A modest Don has help maintain OUR commitment has free, accessible any news?

In addition, he exhorted THE government has TO DO strategic sectoral investments aiming has export reinforcement, domestic substitution, And job creation.

PWC note that maintain tax caution by optimization expenses on capital projects, streamline public service expenses, And improvement income diversification And collection efficiency East essential.

THE projection come in the middle of in progress efforts has control inflation, with THE Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) having seen significant adjustments on THE pass year.

READ ALSO: Weak expenses could to get worse Nigeria Infrastructure challenges In 2024 – PWC

For businesses, PWC informed revisit And clarify strategies has earn In future economic scenarios, to focus on differentiate abilities, And engaging In cultural evolution has build organizational strength.

Also, he suggested revisit cost constructions And reimagine Operating models has improve resilience And leverage technological advances.

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At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

If You turn has Prime Times For every day updates, in depth investigations In pressing national problems, Or entertaining tendency stories, We value your readership.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs expenses, And We take pride In Never placement OUR stories behind A prohibitive paywall.

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TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999


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