Religion and ethnic differences not Nigeria's problem, says Obi

The Labor Party (LP) presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, has blamed Nigeria's socio-economic and political problems, not on the country's religion or ethnicity, as many mistakenly believe, but rather to the failure of leadership that his tenure as president, if elected, will correct.

Obi, who was fielding questions from his support groups across the country in a virtual meeting yesterday, reiterated that Nigerians, regardless of religion, face similar socio-economic challenges.

He said, "There is nowhere in Nigeria where a Muslim buys cheaper bread because he is a Muslim, like a Christian.

“Our economic problems resulting from poor leadership do not discriminate based on religion or tribe. There is no separate electricity for a Christian or a Muslim, everyone suffers the same thing.

"We can't keep repeating the same method we used that didn't work." Adding: "I've said it many times, don't vote for me because of where I'm from. Vote for me because of what I offer. I'm the most qualified in this presidential race not because where I come from but because of what I bring, what I can offer.

“My background, my qualifications, I was tested with power and left a mark, the only Governor in the history of Nigeria who completed eight years left money, built infrastructure , owed no entrepreneur, no salary, no pension. I went to the best schools in the world, I gained enormous knowledge for leadership challenges.

"I'm a businessman and I left my mark there."

Explaining why he will focus more on the North as president if elected, Obi said that because the potentials are plentiful there and they need to be harnessed and harnessed.

“With what I have in mind for the north, the region will be eternally grateful to me because I will change the region. We need to cultivate arable land there.”

Obi regretted that Nigeria had been named the poverty capital of the world and that the North contributed the bulk of it despite the fact that his sons had been in power for 47 of the 62 years of our national existence .

"What this means is that whoever is in power, whether it's your tribe or your religion, is not the solution but the ability and skill of the person.

"Very distinguished and respected Nigerians from the North have ruled this country but if you go to Nigeria today, the ten poorest states are in the region, the region has the most unemployed young people, children not schoolchildren and the worst school kidnappings on record globally,” he said.

The LP standard bearer noted that Nigeria is not the only country with diversity, but it depends on how the diversities are managed, noting that the London Central Mosque, worth several million pounds, was donated by the Queen of England who is not a Muslim and in Dubai, the huge Catholic church was built by the Emir of Dubai who is not a Christian.

"I have often said that the 2023 election should not be about anyone's rights, their religion or their tribe, but about competence, character and what you have done before, how did you managed public funds while in your custody?< /p>

"Obi also answered questions about other areas, including links with Nigerian students who are now back on campus.

"To Nigerian students, you will never regret being part of this movement, you can never regret being part of Nigeria's recovery, I assure you.

“Obi-Datti Media noted that within ten minutes of the zoom meeting opening, more than 50,000 people joined, anxious and eager to hear from their reigning political icon. join because the zoom couldn't cope with the rush.

Obi's zoom meeting with the support group is part of the strategy to stay in touch with his many followers in his country and in the diaspora, as well as to get their feedback on his policies and programs.

Religion and ethnic differences not Nigeria's problem, says Obi

The Labor Party (LP) presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, has blamed Nigeria's socio-economic and political problems, not on the country's religion or ethnicity, as many mistakenly believe, but rather to the failure of leadership that his tenure as president, if elected, will correct.

Obi, who was fielding questions from his support groups across the country in a virtual meeting yesterday, reiterated that Nigerians, regardless of religion, face similar socio-economic challenges.

He said, "There is nowhere in Nigeria where a Muslim buys cheaper bread because he is a Muslim, like a Christian.

“Our economic problems resulting from poor leadership do not discriminate based on religion or tribe. There is no separate electricity for a Christian or a Muslim, everyone suffers the same thing.

"We can't keep repeating the same method we used that didn't work." Adding: "I've said it many times, don't vote for me because of where I'm from. Vote for me because of what I offer. I'm the most qualified in this presidential race not because where I come from but because of what I bring, what I can offer.

“My background, my qualifications, I was tested with power and left a mark, the only Governor in the history of Nigeria who completed eight years left money, built infrastructure , owed no entrepreneur, no salary, no pension. I went to the best schools in the world, I gained enormous knowledge for leadership challenges.

"I'm a businessman and I left my mark there."

Explaining why he will focus more on the North as president if elected, Obi said that because the potentials are plentiful there and they need to be harnessed and harnessed.

“With what I have in mind for the north, the region will be eternally grateful to me because I will change the region. We need to cultivate arable land there.”

Obi regretted that Nigeria had been named the poverty capital of the world and that the North contributed the bulk of it despite the fact that his sons had been in power for 47 of the 62 years of our national existence .

"What this means is that whoever is in power, whether it's your tribe or your religion, is not the solution but the ability and skill of the person.

"Very distinguished and respected Nigerians from the North have ruled this country but if you go to Nigeria today, the ten poorest states are in the region, the region has the most unemployed young people, children not schoolchildren and the worst school kidnappings on record globally,” he said.

The LP standard bearer noted that Nigeria is not the only country with diversity, but it depends on how the diversities are managed, noting that the London Central Mosque, worth several million pounds, was donated by the Queen of England who is not a Muslim and in Dubai, the huge Catholic church was built by the Emir of Dubai who is not a Christian.

"I have often said that the 2023 election should not be about anyone's rights, their religion or their tribe, but about competence, character and what you have done before, how did you managed public funds while in your custody?< /p>

"Obi also answered questions about other areas, including links with Nigerian students who are now back on campus.

"To Nigerian students, you will never regret being part of this movement, you can never regret being part of Nigeria's recovery, I assure you.

“Obi-Datti Media noted that within ten minutes of the zoom meeting opening, more than 50,000 people joined, anxious and eager to hear from their reigning political icon. join because the zoom couldn't cope with the rush.

Obi's zoom meeting with the support group is part of the strategy to stay in touch with his many followers in his country and in the diaspora, as well as to get their feedback on his policies and programs.

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