Rep. Tom Emmer: Digital assets will be a 'sleeper issue' for 2024 elections

Three candidates Since both THE Democratic And Republican evenings to have taken anti-CBD positions as part of their 2024 presidential run.

Rep. Tom Emmer: Digital assets will be a 'sleeper issue' for 2024 elections Interview Join We on social networks

To M Emmer, majority whip of THE United States Home of Representatives And crypto partisan, said that digital assets to have become A "sleeper issue" In WE. policy, both has THE State And federal levels.

Speaking has Cointelegraph has THE Without authorization II conference In Austin, Texas on Seven. 11, Annoy said certain candidates running For desk In 2024 can underestimate THE impact of problems surrounding crypto And blockchain. He sharp has financial confidentiality concerns, specifically mentioning government monitoring of central bank digital currencies, Or CBDC.

"It is politically powerful regardless of your policy persuasion," said Emmer. “Democrats, Republicans And others believe that your staff information East supposed has be yours, And You get has choose When You get has share that."

representative To M Annoy (medium) Speaking has policy makers has Without authorization II on Seven. 11. Source: Cointelegraph

According to has Emmer, there East A generational divide In THE WE. In which residents could push back on Strategies that potentially inhibit THE digital space And, In TO DO SO, "flush out" technologically ignorant legislators. HAS less three candidates Since both major WE. policy evenings to have taken A public position on CBDC For THE 2024 race.

Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis, A Republican vote second behind ancient president Donald Asset, promised In July has to forbid CBDC In THE WE. should her campaign be successful. In Can, He signed A Florida Invoice In law aiming has largely to forbid THE to use of A at the federal level issued digital dollar In THE WE. State. Other longshot candidates WHO to have taken positive...

Rep. Tom Emmer: Digital assets will be a 'sleeper issue' for 2024 elections

Three candidates Since both THE Democratic And Republican evenings to have taken anti-CBD positions as part of their 2024 presidential run.

Rep. Tom Emmer: Digital assets will be a 'sleeper issue' for 2024 elections Interview Join We on social networks

To M Emmer, majority whip of THE United States Home of Representatives And crypto partisan, said that digital assets to have become A "sleeper issue" In WE. policy, both has THE State And federal levels.

Speaking has Cointelegraph has THE Without authorization II conference In Austin, Texas on Seven. 11, Annoy said certain candidates running For desk In 2024 can underestimate THE impact of problems surrounding crypto And blockchain. He sharp has financial confidentiality concerns, specifically mentioning government monitoring of central bank digital currencies, Or CBDC.

"It is politically powerful regardless of your policy persuasion," said Emmer. “Democrats, Republicans And others believe that your staff information East supposed has be yours, And You get has choose When You get has share that."

representative To M Annoy (medium) Speaking has policy makers has Without authorization II on Seven. 11. Source: Cointelegraph

According to has Emmer, there East A generational divide In THE WE. In which residents could push back on Strategies that potentially inhibit THE digital space And, In TO DO SO, "flush out" technologically ignorant legislators. HAS less three candidates Since both major WE. policy evenings to have taken A public position on CBDC For THE 2024 race.

Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis, A Republican vote second behind ancient president Donald Asset, promised In July has to forbid CBDC In THE WE. should her campaign be successful. In Can, He signed A Florida Invoice In law aiming has largely to forbid THE to use of A at the federal level issued digital dollar In THE WE. State. Other longshot candidates WHO to have taken positive...

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