New elections/by-elections: a long road to free, fair and credible elections

THE result of THE rebroadcast And by-elections led by THE Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) on SATURDAY revealed that there East always a lot more has be do has reach credible polls In Nigeria as violence, ballot to tear out, And compromise by electoral officers spoils THE exercise. LAURENT NJOKU Reports.

THE new elections/by-elections led by THE Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at THE weekend, as order by THE courts In 80 local government advice through 26 States of THE federation, raised concerns about how long he could take THE country has organize A credible process that would be reflect THE will And desire of THE electorate And deprived of violence.

THE rebroadcast And by-elections, A branching out of THE 2023 general elections, were detained has replace members WHO deceased Or resigned their memberships of THE National And State Assemblies, as GOOD as rebroadcast elections has designated constituencies Or vote units (Pus) order by THE election call courts.

CENI President, Teacher. Mahmoud Yakubu, had announcement Before last weekend that THE elections would be specifically fill vaccines In not less that three senatorial areas,17 federal And 28 State constituencies propagated through 80 local Governments, 575 registration areas/neighborhoods And 8,934 vote units involving 4,904,627 registered the electors, out of which 4,613,291 PVC had has been collected.

He listed States affected In THE elections has include Ebony, Be, Kebbi, Lagos, Ondo, Taraba, Benue, Borno, Kaduna, Plateau, Akwa Ibom And Anambra .

He gave other States as Cross River, Delta, Enugu, Jigawa, Katsina, Adamaoua, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Kano, Nasarawa, Niger, Oyo, Sokoto And Zamfara, ensure that necessary provisions had has been concluded has ensure A without a hitch And credible elections .

Indeed, going by THE number of States And vote units implied In THE process, A could easily deduct that Nothing other that THE best would be emanate Since THE exercise has THE END of THE day, has less has TO DO up For THE gaps of THE 2023 general elections.

However, her Beats that assisted THE process Since different States were A indication that more needs has be do has get elections RIGHT In Nigeria .

Next to Since complaints of THE late arrival of CENI civil servants And vote materials has THE miscellaneous vote units, there were allegations of to tear out of ballot boxes, violence as GOOD as missing result leaves, even as voters apathy seriously underlines THE process.

While there was despair by THE to party In power has THE miscellaneous States has retain THE election For their to party, independently of THE acceptance of THE candidate by THE people, THE move has strip Since that by other opposition candidates created crises In THE election In a few areas.

While THE elections were on And upset by reports of poor handling of THE process, THE Commission announcement THE suspension of elections In a few of THE constituencies, on What he called A epidemic of violence And other blatant irregularities that spoils THE exercise.

CENI National Commissioner And President, Information And Elector Education Committee, Sat Olumekun, listed areas affected by THE suspension has include Ikono/Ini federal constituency, Akwa Ibom State And two vote units In Ini local government And village room Mbiabong Ikot You make 003 In Ikono advice area Or materials were carted far by thugs.

Olumekun said elections were Also suspended In all eight vote units In Enugu south 1 State constituency, Enugu State Or THE original results leaves were not available For inspection by voters Before THE beginning of surveys.

He added that elections In Kunchi/Tsanyawa State constituency In Kano State were Also put on socket In all ten vote units In Kunchi advice due has invasion, vandalism And disturbance by thugs .

"THE decision of THE Commission align with THE provisions of Section 24 (3) of THE Electoral Act, 2022. Further necessary measures For THE affected constituencies will be announcement After THE Commissions meeting on Monday.

“CENI guest THE security agencies has investigate THE incidents, while THE Commission commit has thoroughly question any of them violations involving It is civil servants”, he said.

In the meantime, those WHO witnessed developments In Enugu South, Or A rebroadcast election was Invoice For THE urban constituency would be gladly accept that THE commission was RIGHT In to suspend THE process.

New elections/by-elections: a long road to free, fair and credible elections

THE result of THE rebroadcast And by-elections led by THE Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) on SATURDAY revealed that there East always a lot more has be do has reach credible polls In Nigeria as violence, ballot to tear out, And compromise by electoral officers spoils THE exercise. LAURENT NJOKU Reports.

THE new elections/by-elections led by THE Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at THE weekend, as order by THE courts In 80 local government advice through 26 States of THE federation, raised concerns about how long he could take THE country has organize A credible process that would be reflect THE will And desire of THE electorate And deprived of violence.

THE rebroadcast And by-elections, A branching out of THE 2023 general elections, were detained has replace members WHO deceased Or resigned their memberships of THE National And State Assemblies, as GOOD as rebroadcast elections has designated constituencies Or vote units (Pus) order by THE election call courts.

CENI President, Teacher. Mahmoud Yakubu, had announcement Before last weekend that THE elections would be specifically fill vaccines In not less that three senatorial areas,17 federal And 28 State constituencies propagated through 80 local Governments, 575 registration areas/neighborhoods And 8,934 vote units involving 4,904,627 registered the electors, out of which 4,613,291 PVC had has been collected.

He listed States affected In THE elections has include Ebony, Be, Kebbi, Lagos, Ondo, Taraba, Benue, Borno, Kaduna, Plateau, Akwa Ibom And Anambra .

He gave other States as Cross River, Delta, Enugu, Jigawa, Katsina, Adamaoua, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Kano, Nasarawa, Niger, Oyo, Sokoto And Zamfara, ensure that necessary provisions had has been concluded has ensure A without a hitch And credible elections .

Indeed, going by THE number of States And vote units implied In THE process, A could easily deduct that Nothing other that THE best would be emanate Since THE exercise has THE END of THE day, has less has TO DO up For THE gaps of THE 2023 general elections.

However, her Beats that assisted THE process Since different States were A indication that more needs has be do has get elections RIGHT In Nigeria .

Next to Since complaints of THE late arrival of CENI civil servants And vote materials has THE miscellaneous vote units, there were allegations of to tear out of ballot boxes, violence as GOOD as missing result leaves, even as voters apathy seriously underlines THE process.

While there was despair by THE to party In power has THE miscellaneous States has retain THE election For their to party, independently of THE acceptance of THE candidate by THE people, THE move has strip Since that by other opposition candidates created crises In THE election In a few areas.

While THE elections were on And upset by reports of poor handling of THE process, THE Commission announcement THE suspension of elections In a few of THE constituencies, on What he called A epidemic of violence And other blatant irregularities that spoils THE exercise.

CENI National Commissioner And President, Information And Elector Education Committee, Sat Olumekun, listed areas affected by THE suspension has include Ikono/Ini federal constituency, Akwa Ibom State And two vote units In Ini local government And village room Mbiabong Ikot You make 003 In Ikono advice area Or materials were carted far by thugs.

Olumekun said elections were Also suspended In all eight vote units In Enugu south 1 State constituency, Enugu State Or THE original results leaves were not available For inspection by voters Before THE beginning of surveys.

He added that elections In Kunchi/Tsanyawa State constituency In Kano State were Also put on socket In all ten vote units In Kunchi advice due has invasion, vandalism And disturbance by thugs .

"THE decision of THE Commission align with THE provisions of Section 24 (3) of THE Electoral Act, 2022. Further necessary measures For THE affected constituencies will be announcement After THE Commissions meeting on Monday.

“CENI guest THE security agencies has investigate THE incidents, while THE Commission commit has thoroughly question any of them violations involving It is civil servants”, he said.

In the meantime, those WHO witnessed developments In Enugu South, Or A rebroadcast election was Invoice For THE urban constituency would be gladly accept that THE commission was RIGHT In to suspend THE process.

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