Sean Penn kisses his new Ukrainian girlfriend in St-Tropez

Sean Penn and his new girlfriend Olga Korotyayeva share a kiss


Sean Penn has moved on to a new woman - a European, no less, and he's taking her on vacation to his backyard...and to his wheelhouse of PDAs.

The actor was in Saint Tropez on Sunday with Ukrainian actress Olga Korotyayeva -- where they strolled, admired the view...and admired each other too. Sean and Olga kissed in the streets, as you can see, and seem to be in love.

Sean Penn and his new girlfriend Olga Korotyayeva


The couple's romance is relatively new – he's only been publicly linked to her for a few months now – they were also seen recently over Memorial Day weekend.

Of course, his encounter with this woman follows his last marriage to Leila George – who filed for divorce in 2021. Sean has been quite active since – both with the vaccination effort throughout the pandemic, but more recently... in beleaguered Ukraine itself.

sean penn and zelensky


As you may have seen, he has been on the ground there...providing relief, resources, and assistance in various ways. He is...

Sean Penn kisses his new Ukrainian girlfriend in St-Tropez
Sean Penn and his new girlfriend Olga Korotyayeva share a kiss


Sean Penn has moved on to a new woman - a European, no less, and he's taking her on vacation to his backyard...and to his wheelhouse of PDAs.

The actor was in Saint Tropez on Sunday with Ukrainian actress Olga Korotyayeva -- where they strolled, admired the view...and admired each other too. Sean and Olga kissed in the streets, as you can see, and seem to be in love.

Sean Penn and his new girlfriend Olga Korotyayeva


The couple's romance is relatively new – he's only been publicly linked to her for a few months now – they were also seen recently over Memorial Day weekend.

Of course, his encounter with this woman follows his last marriage to Leila George – who filed for divorce in 2021. Sean has been quite active since – both with the vaccination effort throughout the pandemic, but more recently... in beleaguered Ukraine itself.

sean penn and zelensky


As you may have seen, he has been on the ground there...providing relief, resources, and assistance in various ways. He is...

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