Servant of God, protecting oneself from sex scandal is a choice, By Ayo Akerele

Integrity is a defense. Yes, it is possible for people to concoct lies against a true man of God. But when 1, 2, 3, 4…7, 8, 9 10… women from different countries or places who don't know each other say the same thing, you definitely have a problem. For them to come after you, even if you are innocent, still harms the name of Christ. There's a way you go about your life with transparency, truth and integrity that it will be a big headache for an unknown woman to lie against you.

There is a way you go about your life as a servant of God that even when a Jezebel considers lying against you, it would be a struggle for her to perform. About 21 years ago I had a very interesting experience. A lady invited me to her birthday party. I refused it. She insisted that I be present, at least to honor her. Still, I stood firm that I was not going to attend. For what? I don't go to girls' nights alone. That is what I am saying. I'm not saying it's wrong to attend parties. But my principle is that, for my own safety, someone must come with me. This time no one was available to accompany me. It was years later that I learned from Dr. Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonnke that they would never attend meetings with anyone alone. Their wives or assistants must be there. Dr. Billy Graham called it "the two-person rule." Fortunately, the two servants of God found themselves on the note of integrity. They didn't have any scandals.

And that's how God saved me from trouble. But when she nearly "killed" me with the pressure, I told her I would think about it, just to ease the pressure. Do you remember Joseph? Destroyers don't give up easily, especially when you're bringing glory. Potiphar's wife nearly killed Joseph under pressure. This is one of the strategies of the Jezebels. This is also what Delilah used against Samson. She exhausted Samson with her words until a great man was reduced to ruins.

I've had dozens of such experiences, and time and time again God's grace, along with my personal integrity, has saved me. I will not visit any woman alone, even if she is dying. So it's been really hard for anyone to concoct a story against me. No one can back it up with evidence.

Anyway, this lady took my words for consent, but on the day of the birthday party, I didn't go. Of course, I knew I wouldn't go. A few days later, the lady stormed into my office, yelled at me, “I know you're very stubborn. There was no birthday. I just planned this meeting to get you”. I couldn't believe my ears. The man you read today was said to have been killed long ago in Delilah's lap. This particular lady was qualified to have been a beauty queen, considering her beauty. There was no way I could have survived the temptation. I've had dozens of such experiences, and time and time again God's grace, along with my personal integrity, has pulled me through. I will not visit any woman alone, even if she is dying. So it's been really hard for anyone to concoct a story against me. No one can back it up with evidence.

Also, my social media credentials are managed by different people. They have all my passwords. They read my chats and conversations. So I won't be caught saying stupid things to women. I put these measures in place to hold myself accountable. Also, my phones don't have a password. My wife has unlimited access to my phones. It's not just about praying and fasting when you take foolish risks, pretending to be an angel. Also, I never watch bad movies. I'm not going to sit in front of a movie where people kiss, let alone touch; Never! Integrity is a choice. You have to be intentional about this. I know I can fall. So I don't pretend and then I start doing stupid things. And I don't pretend to be strong when I'm weak. I expose my vulnerability to my wife. Many men hide their weaknesses just to appear strong.

Thinking you can't fall has already set you up for a fall. You must pursue a hybrid strategy – prayer and wisdom. Don't expose yourself. It took God about forty years to build me up and give me the level of fire that I currently carry. Casual sex can put out forty years of fire. I am...

Servant of God, protecting oneself from sex scandal is a choice, By Ayo Akerele

Integrity is a defense. Yes, it is possible for people to concoct lies against a true man of God. But when 1, 2, 3, 4…7, 8, 9 10… women from different countries or places who don't know each other say the same thing, you definitely have a problem. For them to come after you, even if you are innocent, still harms the name of Christ. There's a way you go about your life with transparency, truth and integrity that it will be a big headache for an unknown woman to lie against you.

There is a way you go about your life as a servant of God that even when a Jezebel considers lying against you, it would be a struggle for her to perform. About 21 years ago I had a very interesting experience. A lady invited me to her birthday party. I refused it. She insisted that I be present, at least to honor her. Still, I stood firm that I was not going to attend. For what? I don't go to girls' nights alone. That is what I am saying. I'm not saying it's wrong to attend parties. But my principle is that, for my own safety, someone must come with me. This time no one was available to accompany me. It was years later that I learned from Dr. Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonnke that they would never attend meetings with anyone alone. Their wives or assistants must be there. Dr. Billy Graham called it "the two-person rule." Fortunately, the two servants of God found themselves on the note of integrity. They didn't have any scandals.

And that's how God saved me from trouble. But when she nearly "killed" me with the pressure, I told her I would think about it, just to ease the pressure. Do you remember Joseph? Destroyers don't give up easily, especially when you're bringing glory. Potiphar's wife nearly killed Joseph under pressure. This is one of the strategies of the Jezebels. This is also what Delilah used against Samson. She exhausted Samson with her words until a great man was reduced to ruins.

I've had dozens of such experiences, and time and time again God's grace, along with my personal integrity, has saved me. I will not visit any woman alone, even if she is dying. So it's been really hard for anyone to concoct a story against me. No one can back it up with evidence.

Anyway, this lady took my words for consent, but on the day of the birthday party, I didn't go. Of course, I knew I wouldn't go. A few days later, the lady stormed into my office, yelled at me, “I know you're very stubborn. There was no birthday. I just planned this meeting to get you”. I couldn't believe my ears. The man you read today was said to have been killed long ago in Delilah's lap. This particular lady was qualified to have been a beauty queen, considering her beauty. There was no way I could have survived the temptation. I've had dozens of such experiences, and time and time again God's grace, along with my personal integrity, has pulled me through. I will not visit any woman alone, even if she is dying. So it's been really hard for anyone to concoct a story against me. No one can back it up with evidence.

Also, my social media credentials are managed by different people. They have all my passwords. They read my chats and conversations. So I won't be caught saying stupid things to women. I put these measures in place to hold myself accountable. Also, my phones don't have a password. My wife has unlimited access to my phones. It's not just about praying and fasting when you take foolish risks, pretending to be an angel. Also, I never watch bad movies. I'm not going to sit in front of a movie where people kiss, let alone touch; Never! Integrity is a choice. You have to be intentional about this. I know I can fall. So I don't pretend and then I start doing stupid things. And I don't pretend to be strong when I'm weak. I expose my vulnerability to my wife. Many men hide their weaknesses just to appear strong.

Thinking you can't fall has already set you up for a fall. You must pursue a hybrid strategy – prayer and wisdom. Don't expose yourself. It took God about forty years to build me up and give me the level of fire that I currently carry. Casual sex can put out forty years of fire. I am...

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