Smiling Klinsmann faces wrath of South Korean expectations

FEBRUARY 7 – Jürgen Klinsmann has said he has No plan has resign Since THE Korean management job despite their loss has tournament minnows Jordan In THE semi final of THE Asian Cup last night.

South Korea were expected has broken pass Jordan In THE final with A team of which stars are Also playing key the roles In high European leagues, but In Qatar This pass month to have failed has meet expectations.

They recovered progression Since their band And through THE First of all two Sleeves of knock out play with spectacular added time end. But against Jordan they were out of thought And, despite having 70% of possession, Ultimately surpassed, losing 2-0.

"I am not planning has TO DO Nothing," said Klinsmann, WHO has previously coached Germany And THE UNITED STATES has national team level.

"I am planning has analyze This tournament, has go with THE team back has Korea And SO talk has THE federation about What was GOOD And What was not SO GOOD In that tournament. »

Klinsmann has has been below persistent critical In Korea, with A of THE colic be that he has not spent a lot time there Since he took THE job. But Neither to have her key players.

He said her tourist attractions However are always together on World Cup 2026 qualification And What he maintains East A very difficult qualification campaign. Certainly if he was not seen as be SO difficult Before THE current Asian Cup (2026 has more available slot machines For AFC teams And South Korea to have qualified For THE last ten editions), with THE last loss has Jordan he do take A different complexion.

"I think there was A plot of GOOD thing that We saw. There is A team that East growth, A team that always has has develop towards THE World Cup In THE WE., Mexico And Canada on THE following little years, with A very difficult qualification campaign. SO There is A plot of work in front of We," said Klinsmann.

After THE match against Jordan, Klinsmann was in picture on THE Korean bench with A smile on her face, And later while searching out Jordan coach Hussein Ammuta, WHO was celebrate with her players, has congratulate him.

"For Me It is normal has congratulate THE other coach When her team was better In A game. I think This East A sign of respect," Klinsmann said When interrogates about her after game reaction.

"They deserved This earn Today. They were THE better team, but This East For Me totally normal. If You say I should not smile, give someone A smile that deserved A compliment In that moment, maybe We to have different approaches. »

But Klinsmann did say that doesn't mean he was happy with THE Thu.

"I am very disappointed. I am angry because We should to have do better This evening," Klinsmann said.

"We were not existing THE First of all 20 Or 30 minutes. It is Why I am saying We give them respect because they were better they research he more. »

"But When THE game East on And I congratulate another coach And You smile just because of him personally And You congratulate him. I think he East not A big agreement. I am certainly not walk around This evening And smiling all on THE place. There were the reasons Why We lost This game. We to have has accept those the reasons. If THE other team watch more on THE field, which they did, SO You to have has give them respect. »

Certainly THE South Koreans research And expected more. He remains has be seen if Klinsmann will be allowed has stay In job has deliver.

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1707296116labto1707296116ofdlr1707296116owedi1707296116sni@n1707296116osloh1707296116cin.l1707296116uap1707296116

Smiling Klinsmann faces wrath of South Korean expectations

FEBRUARY 7 – Jürgen Klinsmann has said he has No plan has resign Since THE Korean management job despite their loss has tournament minnows Jordan In THE semi final of THE Asian Cup last night.

South Korea were expected has broken pass Jordan In THE final with A team of which stars are Also playing key the roles In high European leagues, but In Qatar This pass month to have failed has meet expectations.

They recovered progression Since their band And through THE First of all two Sleeves of knock out play with spectacular added time end. But against Jordan they were out of thought And, despite having 70% of possession, Ultimately surpassed, losing 2-0.

"I am not planning has TO DO Nothing," said Klinsmann, WHO has previously coached Germany And THE UNITED STATES has national team level.

"I am planning has analyze This tournament, has go with THE team back has Korea And SO talk has THE federation about What was GOOD And What was not SO GOOD In that tournament. »

Klinsmann has has been below persistent critical In Korea, with A of THE colic be that he has not spent a lot time there Since he took THE job. But Neither to have her key players.

He said her tourist attractions However are always together on World Cup 2026 qualification And What he maintains East A very difficult qualification campaign. Certainly if he was not seen as be SO difficult Before THE current Asian Cup (2026 has more available slot machines For AFC teams And South Korea to have qualified For THE last ten editions), with THE last loss has Jordan he do take A different complexion.

"I think there was A plot of GOOD thing that We saw. There is A team that East growth, A team that always has has develop towards THE World Cup In THE WE., Mexico And Canada on THE following little years, with A very difficult qualification campaign. SO There is A plot of work in front of We," said Klinsmann.

After THE match against Jordan, Klinsmann was in picture on THE Korean bench with A smile on her face, And later while searching out Jordan coach Hussein Ammuta, WHO was celebrate with her players, has congratulate him.

"For Me It is normal has congratulate THE other coach When her team was better In A game. I think This East A sign of respect," Klinsmann said When interrogates about her after game reaction.

"They deserved This earn Today. They were THE better team, but This East For Me totally normal. If You say I should not smile, give someone A smile that deserved A compliment In that moment, maybe We to have different approaches. »

But Klinsmann did say that doesn't mean he was happy with THE Thu.

"I am very disappointed. I am angry because We should to have do better This evening," Klinsmann said.

"We were not existing THE First of all 20 Or 30 minutes. It is Why I am saying We give them respect because they were better they research he more. »

"But When THE game East on And I congratulate another coach And You smile just because of him personally And You congratulate him. I think he East not A big agreement. I am certainly not walk around This evening And smiling all on THE place. There were the reasons Why We lost This game. We to have has accept those the reasons. If THE other team watch more on THE field, which they did, SO You to have has give them respect. »

Certainly THE South Koreans research And expected more. He remains has be seen if Klinsmann will be allowed has stay In job has deliver.

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1707296116labto1707296116ofdlr1707296116owedi1707296116sni@n1707296116osloh1707296116cin.l1707296116uap1707296116

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