Stacey Solomon shares the cutest photos of her five children

Four years later, on 5 Can 2012, Stacey welcomed her second child, another boy appointed Leighton, with her ex fiancé Aaron Barnham, WHO She encounter on vacation In Greece In 2009. Solomon And Barnham's relationship lasted two more years, And Speaking has ALL RIGHT review about their divide In 2014, A source said they had "simply just grown up apart."

Having insured that She stayed GOOD friends with her exes, Solomon recently open up about how her two elder son struggle while separated Since her And their siblings while expenses time with their respective dads. In A Instagram job, She wrote: "It is always hard has divide them up, but It is SO important For them has spend special time And TO DO memories with THE rest of their families. No matter What negative, unhelpful things people can say Or think, ignore he because they are false."

She added: "I used has Really beat myself up about not be able has offer them A 'normal', 'Perfect' family all below A roof. Until I accomplished how normal, And Perfect OUR family East For We. Seeing THE path they are together remember Me that It is all All right. Families come In all shapes And sizes And what is this important East that THE love East there No matter Or he come Since. We are not A 'broken family' In any of them path shape Or form We are A extended family. And everyone love A extension."

Stacey Solomon shares the cutest photos of her five children

Four years later, on 5 Can 2012, Stacey welcomed her second child, another boy appointed Leighton, with her ex fiancé Aaron Barnham, WHO She encounter on vacation In Greece In 2009. Solomon And Barnham's relationship lasted two more years, And Speaking has ALL RIGHT review about their divide In 2014, A source said they had "simply just grown up apart."

Having insured that She stayed GOOD friends with her exes, Solomon recently open up about how her two elder son struggle while separated Since her And their siblings while expenses time with their respective dads. In A Instagram job, She wrote: "It is always hard has divide them up, but It is SO important For them has spend special time And TO DO memories with THE rest of their families. No matter What negative, unhelpful things people can say Or think, ignore he because they are false."

She added: "I used has Really beat myself up about not be able has offer them A 'normal', 'Perfect' family all below A roof. Until I accomplished how normal, And Perfect OUR family East For We. Seeing THE path they are together remember Me that It is all All right. Families come In all shapes And sizes And what is this important East that THE love East there No matter Or he come Since. We are not A 'broken family' In any of them path shape Or form We are A extended family. And everyone love A extension."

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