State capture: main aspect of politicians’ aspirations

THERE East A caution here. This article East For open minded readers; he East not For those look For items has play dirty policy against their (policy) enemies. He can be (rightly/wrongly) perceived as policy but We are observers that observe, not The politicians In, Nigeria dark policy waters. This East A vital intervention because Nigerian policy And THE resulting State to have has been capture by A little. This capture East surreptitiously wish For by The politicians anywhere, except For THE difference In levels of consciously installed And reinforced organic ability And aptitude has significantly prevent he In different places. THE apparently 'successful' intention of Nigerian State kidnappers East has put all others (including THE electorate) In A box And prevent them Since participant freely In THE process that produce them And other public desk holders. THE previous scenario East not In any of them path new. However, What should be, that has not has been, taken seriously And manipulated with THE emergency he has always deserved East THE more and more increasing daredevil with which those In charge of THE paraphernalia of State to have with force excluded others (including their companion scammers In THE other groups they deceptively call policy evenings). THE winner takes all mentality.

Unfortunately, THE little that was 'hastily' considered as recent earnings In electoral process through THE introduction of electronic devices In THE country policy process were unhinged by THE Supreme Court of Nigeria base on well orchestrated defaults And weaknesses deliberately in a dubious way incorporated In THE country electoral laws by THE The politicians. THE even scammers. We are aware that THE only permanence can be impermanence And inconstancy THE only constant thing. Again, A looking to the future people should strongly refuse retrogression Or rot by firmly encouraging positive societal progress. He should NOW be visibly clear that Nigeria has, Again, disappeared back has THE policy era Or And When elections are "won" by anyway And anyway possible; THE “losers” are Today said has "go has court" And a few people are “cash in out". Painfully, THE Nigerian courts (of has faults/weaknesses In THE countries electoral laws And legal technical details) to have taken THE country electoral process back has 1998/1999 has to kiss manual snack of voice independently of It is well observed predisposition has fraud.

As has Today, he East as GOOD as A waste of time For A holder has be disputed In A election. THE holders (Or their anointed successors) need not fear any of them 'opposition' as long as they can intelligently Adopt adapt THE 'successful' models of shameless display of banditry And crime as employee during THE recent out of season 2023 of the governor elections In Bayelsa, in my humble opinion And Kogi States. THE waters were tested with success In February March, 2023. There East history has be referred; a lot of those tears mistake, Today, were Also beneficiaries of several pass electoral frauds. For example, A ancient Nigerian president And her band (a lot of Who are with THE 'new' groups In power Today) among other shenanigans, engaged In undemocratic deletion of State governors Since desk! He was quoted has to have referred – maybe correctly – has Nigerian vice presidents (And by extension, assistant governors) as "simple spare tires".

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In THE accumulate has THE 2007 general election, THE right-thinking ancient president was Also quoted has to have said THE world that THE (2007) presidential election will be A "TO DO Or die affair" And he In fact was. As usual, After THE elections, noises were do; Nothing arrived, Nigeria moved on! Worse scenarios to have has been event, Again And Again; East Nigeria not moving on? Currently, there are people shamelessly justify recent electoral flights using pass inglorious occurrences as THE mentioned above 2007 scenario. Sad. Nigerians are NOW well configured has desperately rate previous horrible Governments upper that A awful holder. THE indicate, here, East that Today typical Nigerian The politicians will only to complain When they are not beneficiaries of policy fraud. If THE pendulum oscillations their path, they see Nothing fake with THE chaotic process leading has their "victory". Almost all – if not all – Nigerian The politicians are implied In electoral rigging And partner crime but A side ends up foil others; they are as GOOD as even! We "look at Since pig has man, And Since man has pig, And Since pig has man Again; but Already he was impossible has say which was which" using THE words of Eric Arthur Blair with THE pen name Throat Orwell (1903-1950). There East No need has cry For these The politicians; THE determinants of election results to have bee...

State capture: main aspect of politicians’ aspirations

THERE East A caution here. This article East For open minded readers; he East not For those look For items has play dirty policy against their (policy) enemies. He can be (rightly/wrongly) perceived as policy but We are observers that observe, not The politicians In, Nigeria dark policy waters. This East A vital intervention because Nigerian policy And THE resulting State to have has been capture by A little. This capture East surreptitiously wish For by The politicians anywhere, except For THE difference In levels of consciously installed And reinforced organic ability And aptitude has significantly prevent he In different places. THE apparently 'successful' intention of Nigerian State kidnappers East has put all others (including THE electorate) In A box And prevent them Since participant freely In THE process that produce them And other public desk holders. THE previous scenario East not In any of them path new. However, What should be, that has not has been, taken seriously And manipulated with THE emergency he has always deserved East THE more and more increasing daredevil with which those In charge of THE paraphernalia of State to have with force excluded others (including their companion scammers In THE other groups they deceptively call policy evenings). THE winner takes all mentality.

Unfortunately, THE little that was 'hastily' considered as recent earnings In electoral process through THE introduction of electronic devices In THE country policy process were unhinged by THE Supreme Court of Nigeria base on well orchestrated defaults And weaknesses deliberately in a dubious way incorporated In THE country electoral laws by THE The politicians. THE even scammers. We are aware that THE only permanence can be impermanence And inconstancy THE only constant thing. Again, A looking to the future people should strongly refuse retrogression Or rot by firmly encouraging positive societal progress. He should NOW be visibly clear that Nigeria has, Again, disappeared back has THE policy era Or And When elections are "won" by anyway And anyway possible; THE “losers” are Today said has "go has court" And a few people are “cash in out". Painfully, THE Nigerian courts (of has faults/weaknesses In THE countries electoral laws And legal technical details) to have taken THE country electoral process back has 1998/1999 has to kiss manual snack of voice independently of It is well observed predisposition has fraud.

As has Today, he East as GOOD as A waste of time For A holder has be disputed In A election. THE holders (Or their anointed successors) need not fear any of them 'opposition' as long as they can intelligently Adopt adapt THE 'successful' models of shameless display of banditry And crime as employee during THE recent out of season 2023 of the governor elections In Bayelsa, in my humble opinion And Kogi States. THE waters were tested with success In February March, 2023. There East history has be referred; a lot of those tears mistake, Today, were Also beneficiaries of several pass electoral frauds. For example, A ancient Nigerian president And her band (a lot of Who are with THE 'new' groups In power Today) among other shenanigans, engaged In undemocratic deletion of State governors Since desk! He was quoted has to have referred – maybe correctly – has Nigerian vice presidents (And by extension, assistant governors) as "simple spare tires".

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In THE accumulate has THE 2007 general election, THE right-thinking ancient president was Also quoted has to have said THE world that THE (2007) presidential election will be A "TO DO Or die affair" And he In fact was. As usual, After THE elections, noises were do; Nothing arrived, Nigeria moved on! Worse scenarios to have has been event, Again And Again; East Nigeria not moving on? Currently, there are people shamelessly justify recent electoral flights using pass inglorious occurrences as THE mentioned above 2007 scenario. Sad. Nigerians are NOW well configured has desperately rate previous horrible Governments upper that A awful holder. THE indicate, here, East that Today typical Nigerian The politicians will only to complain When they are not beneficiaries of policy fraud. If THE pendulum oscillations their path, they see Nothing fake with THE chaotic process leading has their "victory". Almost all – if not all – Nigerian The politicians are implied In electoral rigging And partner crime but A side ends up foil others; they are as GOOD as even! We "look at Since pig has man, And Since man has pig, And Since pig has man Again; but Already he was impossible has say which was which" using THE words of Eric Arthur Blair with THE pen name Throat Orwell (1903-1950). There East No need has cry For these The politicians; THE determinants of election results to have bee...

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