state of the nation

Someone recently said that he never knew there would come a day that people would thank God they didn’t go to church. But I think we should be more worried that a time when people go to church with a pounding heart is here.

A time when a new face that walks into the church no longer receives our warm embrace but cold suspicion.  A time when people go to church clutching a weapon…just in case.

The church has always been a sanctuary where the problem of life takes a distant backseat. These days in Nigeria, people are not just killed on their farms, communities, kidnapped on the train and schools but also murdered in the church!

Is this about making nowhere safe again in Nigeria? Nigeria has become all time dreary to dwell in. But the government is busy explaining everything away with a snap of the finger.

Have we not conveniently hung the Owo church massacre on ISWAP? If this bloodletting isn’t decisively nipped in the bud by all concerned, it is the anger of God that we are courting!

The challenges we had with past governments weren’t of this magnitude, yet we seemed overly critical of them but the ineptitude of the current government has rendered us speechless.

I think that’s how life teaches one the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly. Hopefully, we appreciate THE GOOD when we finally see it.

I maintain that the HEALING of the land will start with a free and fair election! Let’s not leave the fate of Nigeria to ethnic bigotry, religion and politics of hard currencies. We have been there and it’s left us worse off.

As the Permanent Voter Card sermon gathers steam, another message that we should be pushing out there urgently is this. The 2023 election is about setting Nigeria on the path to becoming a country that WORKS for everyone and not an agenda of one ethnic group against the others.

We simply need and SHOULD fight for a country that works for everyone. We may not survive anything less. I appeal to Igbo everywhere not to entertain or give energy to unnecessary confrontation or bickering with their host communities or other Nigerians. All of us are victims of a sick Nigeria!

The enemy of Nigeria is bad leadership. And anybody who becomes a stumbling block to a WORKING Nigeria.

We need to push these narratives out there and as urgently as possible before those who know how to use ethnic and religious violence to make a statement seize the day!

I am so impressed with the level of OPEN EYE that Nigerian youths are giving to the coming election. It’s one good thing that came out of our current nightmare?

One thing is clear, the political parties either do not understand the mood of Nigerians or they are underestimating the mood of the times.

If you belong to any political party, it is okay to make all their ‘’party’’ noise and even collect what they offer you. But vote your conscience.  For once, let our votes reflect our earnest yearning! It is now Operation Save Nigeria with good governance. Let no political party affiliation stand in the way. Let no ethnic or religious sentiments stand in the way.

If Nigeria gets it right with leadership, it won’t matter where who is at the helms comes from. Our children have been at home for how many months (and counting) now?

Did that stop our politicians from moving hard currencies all over the place, to buy power? UNICEF has even branded us as being “completely off track” on education.

May every Nigerian say Never Again.

state of the nation

Someone recently said that he never knew there would come a day that people would thank God they didn’t go to church. But I think we should be more worried that a time when people go to church with a pounding heart is here.

A time when a new face that walks into the church no longer receives our warm embrace but cold suspicion.  A time when people go to church clutching a weapon…just in case.

The church has always been a sanctuary where the problem of life takes a distant backseat. These days in Nigeria, people are not just killed on their farms, communities, kidnapped on the train and schools but also murdered in the church!

Is this about making nowhere safe again in Nigeria? Nigeria has become all time dreary to dwell in. But the government is busy explaining everything away with a snap of the finger.

Have we not conveniently hung the Owo church massacre on ISWAP? If this bloodletting isn’t decisively nipped in the bud by all concerned, it is the anger of God that we are courting!

The challenges we had with past governments weren’t of this magnitude, yet we seemed overly critical of them but the ineptitude of the current government has rendered us speechless.

I think that’s how life teaches one the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly. Hopefully, we appreciate THE GOOD when we finally see it.

I maintain that the HEALING of the land will start with a free and fair election! Let’s not leave the fate of Nigeria to ethnic bigotry, religion and politics of hard currencies. We have been there and it’s left us worse off.

As the Permanent Voter Card sermon gathers steam, another message that we should be pushing out there urgently is this. The 2023 election is about setting Nigeria on the path to becoming a country that WORKS for everyone and not an agenda of one ethnic group against the others.

We simply need and SHOULD fight for a country that works for everyone. We may not survive anything less. I appeal to Igbo everywhere not to entertain or give energy to unnecessary confrontation or bickering with their host communities or other Nigerians. All of us are victims of a sick Nigeria!

The enemy of Nigeria is bad leadership. And anybody who becomes a stumbling block to a WORKING Nigeria.

We need to push these narratives out there and as urgently as possible before those who know how to use ethnic and religious violence to make a statement seize the day!

I am so impressed with the level of OPEN EYE that Nigerian youths are giving to the coming election. It’s one good thing that came out of our current nightmare?

One thing is clear, the political parties either do not understand the mood of Nigerians or they are underestimating the mood of the times.

If you belong to any political party, it is okay to make all their ‘’party’’ noise and even collect what they offer you. But vote your conscience.  For once, let our votes reflect our earnest yearning! It is now Operation Save Nigeria with good governance. Let no political party affiliation stand in the way. Let no ethnic or religious sentiments stand in the way.

If Nigeria gets it right with leadership, it won’t matter where who is at the helms comes from. Our children have been at home for how many months (and counting) now?

Did that stop our politicians from moving hard currencies all over the place, to buy power? UNICEF has even branded us as being “completely off track” on education.

May every Nigerian say Never Again.

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