Tales in taco language become even more twisted in France | Short letters

Regarding the legal dispute over the use of the word 'taqueria' (dispute between London taco restaurants gets heated over use of 'taqueria', September 16) , here in Challans, Vendée, we have a sign saying “O'Tacos: Original French Tacos” (yes, it's in English), which is wrong in many ways. Sally CheseldineChallans, Vendée, France

I have no problem lifting the cap on banker bonuses and letting employers pay what they want, provided those payments are then taxed at a fair and reasonable rate (Kwarteng's plan to lift bankers' bonus cap infuriates unions, September 15). I would say 95% is both fair and reasonable. do not remember that the energy bills were unaffordable (Letters, September 19). At that time, most basic goods were affordable, including rents. Today, bailiffs are not a “silent threat”, but a very real one. The legacy of Thatcherism has been to make the essentials of life unaffordable for many. David RedshawSaltdean, East Sussex

Isn't it sad that our roads are as Bob Caldwell (Letters, September 19) had to wait for a state funeral before the A5 is safe enough for its bike ride? , September 16) is that there are two things you can give your offspring if you hope to see them again: a nest and wings.Roger MearsLondon

Tales in taco language become even more twisted in France | Short letters

Regarding the legal dispute over the use of the word 'taqueria' (dispute between London taco restaurants gets heated over use of 'taqueria', September 16) , here in Challans, Vendée, we have a sign saying “O'Tacos: Original French Tacos” (yes, it's in English), which is wrong in many ways. Sally CheseldineChallans, Vendée, France

I have no problem lifting the cap on banker bonuses and letting employers pay what they want, provided those payments are then taxed at a fair and reasonable rate (Kwarteng's plan to lift bankers' bonus cap infuriates unions, September 15). I would say 95% is both fair and reasonable. do not remember that the energy bills were unaffordable (Letters, September 19). At that time, most basic goods were affordable, including rents. Today, bailiffs are not a “silent threat”, but a very real one. The legacy of Thatcherism has been to make the essentials of life unaffordable for many. David RedshawSaltdean, East Sussex

Isn't it sad that our roads are as Bob Caldwell (Letters, September 19) had to wait for a state funeral before the A5 is safe enough for its bike ride? , September 16) is that there are two things you can give your offspring if you hope to see them again: a nest and wings.Roger MearsLondon

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