The UK's best towns and cities are named by Which? Wells is No.1 – while Gretna in Scotland and Bodmin in Cornwall are ranked last

The ranking is based on the results of a survey that asked vacationers to rate inland towns and villages. Destinations were rated in seven categories, including scenery, food and drink, and tourist attractions. READ MORE: World's first piloted flight in aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen takes place< p class="author-section byline-plain">By Ailbhe Macmahon for Mailonline


We love being by the sea - but there are lots of great towns and villages British to discover. far from the coast, which one? revealed.

To help you decide which ones to visit, the consumer champion has named the best towns and villages in the UK's interior, with Wells in the Somerset - not a town, but rather a small town - taking first place.

It is followed by the village of Avebury in Wiltshire in second place, while the village of Corfe Castle in Dorset and the village of Port Sunlight, in Merseyside, tied for third place.

Languie At the bottom of the table, meanwhile, is the Scottish town of Gretna.

The ranking was established on the basis of a Which? survey of more than 9,000 vacationers, which asked them to rate their experiences visiting 94 inland towns and villages over the past year. Destinations were rated in seven categories: scenery, food and drink, peace and quiet, tourist attractions and value for money.

The UK's best towns and cities are named by Which? Wells is No.1 – while Gretna in Scotland and Bodmin in Cornwall are ranked last
The ranking is based on the results of a survey that asked vacationers to rate inland towns and villages. Destinations were rated in seven categories, including scenery, food and drink, and tourist attractions. READ MORE: World's first piloted flight in aircraft powered by liquid hydrogen takes place< p class="author-section byline-plain">By Ailbhe Macmahon for Mailonline


We love being by the sea - but there are lots of great towns and villages British to discover. far from the coast, which one? revealed.

To help you decide which ones to visit, the consumer champion has named the best towns and villages in the UK's interior, with Wells in the Somerset - not a town, but rather a small town - taking first place.

It is followed by the village of Avebury in Wiltshire in second place, while the village of Corfe Castle in Dorset and the village of Port Sunlight, in Merseyside, tied for third place.

Languie At the bottom of the table, meanwhile, is the Scottish town of Gretna.

The ranking was established on the basis of a Which? survey of more than 9,000 vacationers, which asked them to rate their experiences visiting 94 inland towns and villages over the past year. Destinations were rated in seven categories: scenery, food and drink, peace and quiet, tourist attractions and value for money.

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