"The house has turned into an operations store!" How to Organize a Pre-Christmas Trick Swap

Christmas is fast approaching, but you could be forgiven for wanting to slow down your shopping. With the rise of the conscious, waste-minimizing consumer, many are looking for gift options that don't cost the earth. Enter, the pre-Christmas stuff swap.

In a stuff swap, one person's trash is another's Christmas present. Second-hand clothes, toys and books are fair game, provided they are in good condition and reusable.

The Clothing Exchange, which organizes events exchange across Australia, has seen an increase in demand this year. "It's absolutely breathtaking," says National Coordinator Kirsten Fredericks. Before the pandemic, it was a bumper year if they held 10 swap events; in 2022, they executed more than double that amount. And swappers don't just search for themselves; they're looking for gifts for friends and family.

Sign up for fun stuff with our list of must-read, pop culture, and weekend tips every Saturday morning

As in many social situations, there are unwritten rules, guidelines, and etiquette that come with an exchange of tricks. Last year I hosted my own item swap in the run up to Christmas and so, based on that event and with some expert advice, here are the golden rules for making your item swap. objects a success.

Make an appointment

Compare calendars with your most enthusiastic friends to make sure you have a core of exchangers. Aim for November or early December as people are less busy and less likely to have started shopping.

If you have kids be sure to hold it after they lie down (or at least away from their watchful eyes).

A woman choosing from a shelf of used and vintage clothes in a home.

As for the invitation list, don't worry if your guests don't know each other. ended up with about twenty friends from different social circles, but their mutual enthusiasm for the exchange made them get along wonderfully.

Prepare (or pre-purchase) light refreshments, or you can ask guests to contribute.On the day, be sure to clear your tables of your incidental household items (in case your favorite coasters are mistaken for swap fodder). As the fun begins.

My friend Amy remembers the joy and friendliness of my exchange. "The house turned into an operations store, it was amazing!" She also remembers an "atmosphere of generosity" - there was no snatch. In fact, customers started gifting items before claiming them.

Make the rules fair

There are two purposes: to purge imp...

"The house has turned into an operations store!" How to Organize a Pre-Christmas Trick Swap

Christmas is fast approaching, but you could be forgiven for wanting to slow down your shopping. With the rise of the conscious, waste-minimizing consumer, many are looking for gift options that don't cost the earth. Enter, the pre-Christmas stuff swap.

In a stuff swap, one person's trash is another's Christmas present. Second-hand clothes, toys and books are fair game, provided they are in good condition and reusable.

The Clothing Exchange, which organizes events exchange across Australia, has seen an increase in demand this year. "It's absolutely breathtaking," says National Coordinator Kirsten Fredericks. Before the pandemic, it was a bumper year if they held 10 swap events; in 2022, they executed more than double that amount. And swappers don't just search for themselves; they're looking for gifts for friends and family.

Sign up for fun stuff with our list of must-read, pop culture, and weekend tips every Saturday morning

As in many social situations, there are unwritten rules, guidelines, and etiquette that come with an exchange of tricks. Last year I hosted my own item swap in the run up to Christmas and so, based on that event and with some expert advice, here are the golden rules for making your item swap. objects a success.

Make an appointment

Compare calendars with your most enthusiastic friends to make sure you have a core of exchangers. Aim for November or early December as people are less busy and less likely to have started shopping.

If you have kids be sure to hold it after they lie down (or at least away from their watchful eyes).

A woman choosing from a shelf of used and vintage clothes in a home.

As for the invitation list, don't worry if your guests don't know each other. ended up with about twenty friends from different social circles, but their mutual enthusiasm for the exchange made them get along wonderfully.

Prepare (or pre-purchase) light refreshments, or you can ask guests to contribute.On the day, be sure to clear your tables of your incidental household items (in case your favorite coasters are mistaken for swap fodder). As the fun begins.

My friend Amy remembers the joy and friendliness of my exchange. "The house turned into an operations store, it was amazing!" She also remembers an "atmosphere of generosity" - there was no snatch. In fact, customers started gifting items before claiming them.

Make the rules fair

There are two purposes: to purge imp...

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