The Metaverse is Real: Zuck's 'Incredible' Photorealistic Tech Amazes Crypto Twitter

Often roast For her metaverse technology demos, Zuckerberg appears has to have breath far the Internet users with her last avatar technical.

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While reviews to have has been busy in writing eulogies For The meta metaverse dream on THE last little years, Brand Zuckerberg's last demonstration of It is photorealistic avatars watch he could be pretty far Since dead After everything.

Appearing on A Seven. 28 episode of THE The ex Fridman podcast, Zuckerberg And THE popular computer scientist engaged In A one hour, face to face conversation. Only, he was not In fact In person has everything.

Instead, THE entirety of Fridman And Zuckerberg's conversation used photorealistic avatars In THE metaverse, ease through The meta Quest 3 helmets And Noise cancellation headphones.

Here is My conversation with Brand Zuckerberg, her 3rd time on THE podcast, but This time We talked In THE Metaverse as photorealistic avatars. This was A of THE most amazing experiences of My life. He Really felt as We were talk in person, but We were kilometers apart It is…

— The ex Fridman (@lexfridman) September 28, 2023

Observers often to have amusing ridicule Meta For throw away billions of dollars In metaverse search only has apparently produce caricature avatars And wobbly looking legs.

However, In This case, users on social media, including those Since Cryptocurrency Twitter, seemed has be truly impressed by THE sophistication of THE technology.

THE Metaverse has upgraded

— Dexerto (@Dexerto)

The Metaverse is Real: Zuck's 'Incredible' Photorealistic Tech Amazes Crypto Twitter

Often roast For her metaverse technology demos, Zuckerberg appears has to have breath far the Internet users with her last avatar technical.

News Join We on social networks

While reviews to have has been busy in writing eulogies For The meta metaverse dream on THE last little years, Brand Zuckerberg's last demonstration of It is photorealistic avatars watch he could be pretty far Since dead After everything.

Appearing on A Seven. 28 episode of THE The ex Fridman podcast, Zuckerberg And THE popular computer scientist engaged In A one hour, face to face conversation. Only, he was not In fact In person has everything.

Instead, THE entirety of Fridman And Zuckerberg's conversation used photorealistic avatars In THE metaverse, ease through The meta Quest 3 helmets And Noise cancellation headphones.

Here is My conversation with Brand Zuckerberg, her 3rd time on THE podcast, but This time We talked In THE Metaverse as photorealistic avatars. This was A of THE most amazing experiences of My life. He Really felt as We were talk in person, but We were kilometers apart It is…

— The ex Fridman (@lexfridman) September 28, 2023

Observers often to have amusing ridicule Meta For throw away billions of dollars In metaverse search only has apparently produce caricature avatars And wobbly looking legs.

However, In This case, users on social media, including those Since Cryptocurrency Twitter, seemed has be truly impressed by THE sophistication of THE technology.

THE Metaverse has upgraded

— Dexerto (@Dexerto)

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