Tinubu's path to a lasting legacy

THE First of all year of President Bolas Tinubu four years mandate has come And disappeared. There East No controversial about THE do that Nigerians were do has combat with THE hard part of THE administration economic Strategies For A calendar year. They are always compete with THE harsh realities No doubt. This do East not lost on THE president himself, regardless of THE bright sides her people named can to want has project has THE public. With THE First of all year on, there are increase public expectations of A benign part of THE administration economic Strategies. THE part that will impact their lives In terms of lower cost of life And relatively reasonable life standards In THE short And AVERAGE term. NOW all eyes are on President Tinubu. In THE in front to roll of THE great expectations, are anxious Nigerians WHO invested SO a lot trust In THE Of the president ability rating during THE electoral propaganda. Not A little blocked out their neck And staked their all For THE then candidate Tinubu out of staff convictions. While a few can feel disappointed with THE administration performance In THE last year, others are always optimistic of THE president get her groove early enough In THE second year of her travel.

Despite THE tests, Tinubu First of all year In desk, which finished on Can 29, 2024, witnessed several policy breakthroughs nevertheless. THE administration, among a lot other initiatives, announcement salary price of 35,000 naira has federal government workers has enable them has to face with THE biting effects of inflation. THE Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) revolution East expected has cut addiction on fossil fuels, create more jobs And minimize toxic broadcasts significantly. THE conditional to agree program For nano companies with THE disbursement of 50,000 naira each has THE candidates has has been on flow Since April. THE help wrap of N1 billion each has about 75 big companies East Also on THE map, just as $617 million has has been approved through THE relevant agencies has top of the line youth entrepreneurship through digital skill acquisition. Registration For THE student ready scheme, introduced by THE administration, East Already in progress. THE scheme East designed has ensure that indigent Nigerian families don't do it withdraw their neighborhoods Since upper establishments For lack of funds. Tinubu First of all year In desk detained out A mixed bag of shots And lack In policy choices. THE disadvantages checked in In a few of THE Strategies corroded THE domestic economy, public And private through THE strata.

Purchase power took A dizzy slam Since high food inflation, sets off by THE weakened value of THE Naira In THE stranger exchange walk.  There were A little accurate goals And involuntary slide here And there. It is not lost on anybody, not even on THE Of the president ruthless reviews, that THE man inherited A without life national economy that her predecessor managed has sustain up with stupid domestic And external loans. This has LEFT Tinubu on sliding ground And dizzy Heights. But having crossed THE length And width of THE country begging For THE job during THE last electoral propaganda, he East assumed Tinubu was fully aware of THE challenges And SO was adequately prepared For them. It is A cross he must bear without A grudge.  A few of her the fiercest reviews always can't forgive him For "inflict" A unprepared Buhari on THE nation For eight years. Fortunately, news emanating Since THE horizon tips has deep reflection And self evaluation by President Tinubu. This, inside sources say, East future with A assessment model be together by THE president For himself. According to has THE report, THE president has drawn A double between Tinubu THE politician And Tinubu THE president. We are be do has to understand that THE president has selected has to kiss test of will challenges that confront each chief has different points In THE process of nation building.

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Tinubu, they affirm, has prepared himself For THE test part, which requests THE courage has apply THE ruler without fear Or service. A new view that will define THE relationship with her cupboard ministers And other people named East In THE on the way. A policy of shape up Or boat out will apply has her cupboard ministers And other named persons. He East expected that those In THE Of the president interior circle will be on THE even page with their main. He would be be A big earn For THE country if Tinubu follows through with This solemn solve has climb has THE height he has together For himself, spiked, point And all.   In her First of all year In desk, Nigerians saw In their president A steel will has stick has her policy convictions. It is has no one is shame that a few of her Strategies had has be reversed After be submitted has THE foundry. This go has to show that Tinubu is not it holding out as A presumptuous,...

Tinubu's path to a lasting legacy

THE First of all year of President Bolas Tinubu four years mandate has come And disappeared. There East No controversial about THE do that Nigerians were do has combat with THE hard part of THE administration economic Strategies For A calendar year. They are always compete with THE harsh realities No doubt. This do East not lost on THE president himself, regardless of THE bright sides her people named can to want has project has THE public. With THE First of all year on, there are increase public expectations of A benign part of THE administration economic Strategies. THE part that will impact their lives In terms of lower cost of life And relatively reasonable life standards In THE short And AVERAGE term. NOW all eyes are on President Tinubu. In THE in front to roll of THE great expectations, are anxious Nigerians WHO invested SO a lot trust In THE Of the president ability rating during THE electoral propaganda. Not A little blocked out their neck And staked their all For THE then candidate Tinubu out of staff convictions. While a few can feel disappointed with THE administration performance In THE last year, others are always optimistic of THE president get her groove early enough In THE second year of her travel.

Despite THE tests, Tinubu First of all year In desk, which finished on Can 29, 2024, witnessed several policy breakthroughs nevertheless. THE administration, among a lot other initiatives, announcement salary price of 35,000 naira has federal government workers has enable them has to face with THE biting effects of inflation. THE Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) revolution East expected has cut addiction on fossil fuels, create more jobs And minimize toxic broadcasts significantly. THE conditional to agree program For nano companies with THE disbursement of 50,000 naira each has THE candidates has has been on flow Since April. THE help wrap of N1 billion each has about 75 big companies East Also on THE map, just as $617 million has has been approved through THE relevant agencies has top of the line youth entrepreneurship through digital skill acquisition. Registration For THE student ready scheme, introduced by THE administration, East Already in progress. THE scheme East designed has ensure that indigent Nigerian families don't do it withdraw their neighborhoods Since upper establishments For lack of funds. Tinubu First of all year In desk detained out A mixed bag of shots And lack In policy choices. THE disadvantages checked in In a few of THE Strategies corroded THE domestic economy, public And private through THE strata.

Purchase power took A dizzy slam Since high food inflation, sets off by THE weakened value of THE Naira In THE stranger exchange walk.  There were A little accurate goals And involuntary slide here And there. It is not lost on anybody, not even on THE Of the president ruthless reviews, that THE man inherited A without life national economy that her predecessor managed has sustain up with stupid domestic And external loans. This has LEFT Tinubu on sliding ground And dizzy Heights. But having crossed THE length And width of THE country begging For THE job during THE last electoral propaganda, he East assumed Tinubu was fully aware of THE challenges And SO was adequately prepared For them. It is A cross he must bear without A grudge.  A few of her the fiercest reviews always can't forgive him For "inflict" A unprepared Buhari on THE nation For eight years. Fortunately, news emanating Since THE horizon tips has deep reflection And self evaluation by President Tinubu. This, inside sources say, East future with A assessment model be together by THE president For himself. According to has THE report, THE president has drawn A double between Tinubu THE politician And Tinubu THE president. We are be do has to understand that THE president has selected has to kiss test of will challenges that confront each chief has different points In THE process of nation building.

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Tinubu, they affirm, has prepared himself For THE test part, which requests THE courage has apply THE ruler without fear Or service. A new view that will define THE relationship with her cupboard ministers And other people named East In THE on the way. A policy of shape up Or boat out will apply has her cupboard ministers And other named persons. He East expected that those In THE Of the president interior circle will be on THE even page with their main. He would be be A big earn For THE country if Tinubu follows through with This solemn solve has climb has THE height he has together For himself, spiked, point And all.   In her First of all year In desk, Nigerians saw In their president A steel will has stick has her policy convictions. It is has no one is shame that a few of her Strategies had has be reversed After be submitted has THE foundry. This go has to show that Tinubu is not it holding out as A presumptuous,...

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