Tinubu presidency: high expectations “abroad”, low impression “at home”

When President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu brand her First of all birthday last week, THE South West region find himself unable has identify significant progress In THE House region that East popularly known For THE progressive agenda, SEYE OLUMIDE reports.

For THE critical stakeholders In Yoruba Country, their expectations Since any of them president go beyond policy appointment Or symbolism. He East not about bricks And mortals Or about bread And butter, but A policy arrangement that will allow them has develop has their own rhythm.

HAS reach This, THE issue of restructuring THE country has allow For TRUE federalism And regional the integration has has been on THE in front burner For on three decades.

He was Also on This premise that THE summit Yoruba sociopolitical And cultural organization, Afenifere, And host of other South West groups, supported ancient President Muhammadu Buhari In 2007 has competition against THE late ancient President Umaru Yar'Adua of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP). But THE formerly Military Head of State lost has THE ancient Katsina State governor below THE polls supervised by ancient President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Again In 2015, A faction of Afenifere, directed by Pennsylvania Ayo Adebanjo, And major Yoruba sociopolitical organizations spear their tents with ancient President Good luck Jonathan of THE PDP because of THE 2014 National Conference he organized has restructure Nigeria. Again THE suction failed as Jonathan was ousted Since power by ex-president Buhari.

Although, THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) as has SO directed by Buhari, had he In It is manifest, agenda has restructure Nigeria but disowned as Soon as he obtained In power. In do, THE to party together up A Committee on restructuring directed by THE ancient governor of Kaduna State, Nasir el-Rufaï, but It is recommendations were not implemented by that of Buhari administration.

Interesting way, President Tinubu himself has has been A impenitent lawyer of restructuring And TRUE federalism, THE position he confirmed as governor of Lagos between 1999 And 2007, When he created additional 37 Local Governments Development Areas (LCDA), which degenerate In serious constitutional crisis between Lagos And THE SO Federal Governments control PDP.

But A year After Tinubu assumed desk, there has not has been panels that he would be justify the reasons Why South West supported him during THE election And always proof her presidency.

Apart Since that, major stakeholders Since THE area are Also unfortunate with THE atrocious economic difficulties through THE country In THE last A year.

They job that THE cost of life has Never has been This difficult Since THE country won independence In 1960, wondering how Tinubu economic Strategies are manufacturing survival difficult For average Nigerians.

For example, In THE last data released by THE National desk of Statistics (NBS), THE country inflation has climb has 33.69 by hundred In April 2024, THE The highest Since March 1996. He pink has that figure Since 33.2 by hundred he was In March, which brand THE 16th consecutive month of acceleration In inflation, partially because of renewed weakness In THE Naira coupled with THE deletion of fuel grants.

Food inflation, which accounts For THE bulk of Nigeria inflation basket, flew has 40.5 by hundred In April, compared with has that of March while reading of 40 by hundred. THE annual heart inflation rate, which excludes farm produce And energy, jumped up has A costs save high of 26.8 percent In April. On A monthly base, consumer prices pink by 2.29 by hundred In April, relaxation Since A 3.02 by hundred overvoltage In THE previous month. THE unfortunate situation did not exempt THE region.

In double with THE data released by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), A professional services farm, poverty level In Nigeria was projected has increase has 38.8 by hundred In 2024, if not more has here, while unemployment rate through THE nation has Also increase base on high cost of production.

From FEBRUARY THE security situation In THE country has has been worrying such that THE Senate detained A meeting with THE executive has voluntary on THE situation. South West East No exception, However slightly better And has peace compared with has other Regions, especially THE north part of THE country, but THE prevailing economic tests East breeding concerns among Yoruba leaders, call on THE President has move faster In addressing that.

While assess Tinubu A year In desk, A ancient Minister of Power, Doctor Olu Agunloyé, said, However he has not has been inspiring, he However, has Nothing has TO DO with THE absence of any of them Or a few individual In THE government.

He said, "Despite THE do that things are not as GOOD as expected, This East not THE even as saying that Tinubu And her team are not TO DO their best has take Nigeria 'out of THE Woods,' as THE saying go. They are running THE country failed Or In destructive »

He said THE country would be to have confronted THE sat...

Tinubu presidency: high expectations “abroad”, low impression “at home”

When President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu brand her First of all birthday last week, THE South West region find himself unable has identify significant progress In THE House region that East popularly known For THE progressive agenda, SEYE OLUMIDE reports.

For THE critical stakeholders In Yoruba Country, their expectations Since any of them president go beyond policy appointment Or symbolism. He East not about bricks And mortals Or about bread And butter, but A policy arrangement that will allow them has develop has their own rhythm.

HAS reach This, THE issue of restructuring THE country has allow For TRUE federalism And regional the integration has has been on THE in front burner For on three decades.

He was Also on This premise that THE summit Yoruba sociopolitical And cultural organization, Afenifere, And host of other South West groups, supported ancient President Muhammadu Buhari In 2007 has competition against THE late ancient President Umaru Yar'Adua of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP). But THE formerly Military Head of State lost has THE ancient Katsina State governor below THE polls supervised by ancient President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Again In 2015, A faction of Afenifere, directed by Pennsylvania Ayo Adebanjo, And major Yoruba sociopolitical organizations spear their tents with ancient President Good luck Jonathan of THE PDP because of THE 2014 National Conference he organized has restructure Nigeria. Again THE suction failed as Jonathan was ousted Since power by ex-president Buhari.

Although, THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) as has SO directed by Buhari, had he In It is manifest, agenda has restructure Nigeria but disowned as Soon as he obtained In power. In do, THE to party together up A Committee on restructuring directed by THE ancient governor of Kaduna State, Nasir el-Rufaï, but It is recommendations were not implemented by that of Buhari administration.

Interesting way, President Tinubu himself has has been A impenitent lawyer of restructuring And TRUE federalism, THE position he confirmed as governor of Lagos between 1999 And 2007, When he created additional 37 Local Governments Development Areas (LCDA), which degenerate In serious constitutional crisis between Lagos And THE SO Federal Governments control PDP.

But A year After Tinubu assumed desk, there has not has been panels that he would be justify the reasons Why South West supported him during THE election And always proof her presidency.

Apart Since that, major stakeholders Since THE area are Also unfortunate with THE atrocious economic difficulties through THE country In THE last A year.

They job that THE cost of life has Never has been This difficult Since THE country won independence In 1960, wondering how Tinubu economic Strategies are manufacturing survival difficult For average Nigerians.

For example, In THE last data released by THE National desk of Statistics (NBS), THE country inflation has climb has 33.69 by hundred In April 2024, THE The highest Since March 1996. He pink has that figure Since 33.2 by hundred he was In March, which brand THE 16th consecutive month of acceleration In inflation, partially because of renewed weakness In THE Naira coupled with THE deletion of fuel grants.

Food inflation, which accounts For THE bulk of Nigeria inflation basket, flew has 40.5 by hundred In April, compared with has that of March while reading of 40 by hundred. THE annual heart inflation rate, which excludes farm produce And energy, jumped up has A costs save high of 26.8 percent In April. On A monthly base, consumer prices pink by 2.29 by hundred In April, relaxation Since A 3.02 by hundred overvoltage In THE previous month. THE unfortunate situation did not exempt THE region.

In double with THE data released by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), A professional services farm, poverty level In Nigeria was projected has increase has 38.8 by hundred In 2024, if not more has here, while unemployment rate through THE nation has Also increase base on high cost of production.

From FEBRUARY THE security situation In THE country has has been worrying such that THE Senate detained A meeting with THE executive has voluntary on THE situation. South West East No exception, However slightly better And has peace compared with has other Regions, especially THE north part of THE country, but THE prevailing economic tests East breeding concerns among Yoruba leaders, call on THE President has move faster In addressing that.

While assess Tinubu A year In desk, A ancient Minister of Power, Doctor Olu Agunloyé, said, However he has not has been inspiring, he However, has Nothing has TO DO with THE absence of any of them Or a few individual In THE government.

He said, "Despite THE do that things are not as GOOD as expected, This East not THE even as saying that Tinubu And her team are not TO DO their best has take Nigeria 'out of THE Woods,' as THE saying go. They are running THE country failed Or In destructive »

He said THE country would be to have confronted THE sat...

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