Tinubu's Renewed Hope Is Greater Than Ulasi, Asari Dokubo's Blasts - Onoh

Ex-president Bola Tinubu's spokesperson in the southeast, Dr Josef Onoh has frowned at the emotional outbursts of Anambra State's People's Democratic Party (PDP) stalwart, leader Dan Ulasi for his poor media outing where he insinuated that President Tinubu was not being generous in making an Igbo the Navy Chief of Staff, while the Lagos State Government demolishes shops of Igbo traders at Alaba International Market.

Onoh also criticized the head of the Nigeria Delta Volunteers Force, Asari Dokubo, for denigrating the Igbo people in the Aso Rock villa and his continued emotional outbursts, which many have misinterpreted as meaning that President Tinubu was agree with his verbal attacks. against the Igbo.

Onoh said Dokubo Asari spoke on his own and in his personal capacity as a Nigerian, which he is entitled to but does not represent the President, backs up his statements.

Dokubo had claimed to engage in the slave trade and the sale of Ibos by him. But Onoh said that "although local slavery was officially outlawed by the colonial authority in 1807, the British Government passed an Act of Parliament abolishing the slave trade throughout the British Empire, but slavery -even persisted in the British colonies until its final abolition in 1838.

"They tacitly allowed it to continue into the 1930s, only to end entirely in the 1940s. In 1961, the newly independent Nigerian First Republic ratified the 1926 Slavery Convention. Melford Dokubo Goodhead Jr. AkA Asari Dokubo was born on June 1, 1964 in Buguma, Nigeria Obviously, it is clear that his claims of selling Igbos can only be seen as a personal outburst propelled by his anger among the politically selected Igbos exposes who are best known to him and the negative roles they played in the last elections.

"Dokubo's claims would have been taken seriously had he been born before the abolition of the slave trade. Slavery and everything related to it in itself is shameful, so there is no nothing to be proud of As much as Asari Dokubo may have his personal anger towards a select few, I do not and will not support any derogatory outburst against any ethnic group in Nigeria by any organization or person for this does not represent the values ​​upheld by administration of President Tinubu.

“This administration has inherited a united Nigeria and will govern likewise. So far, through actions since taking office, our President has demonstrated his commitment to Nigerians to ensure that we renew the 'hope,' Onoh said.

He accused PDP stalwart Ulasi of bad policy, trying to provoke conflict because his favorite presidential candidate lost the election to President Tinubu. Onoh said he expected Ulasi, at his exposure and age, to heal the nation's wounds rather than exacerbate them, promoting division rather than peace. Onoh urged Ulasi to emulate President Tinubu's renewed hope other than being obsessed with the President's achievements.

He blamed Ulasi's ethnic bias, particularly on the appointments of security chiefs, saying the appointments were based on merit and skill and not politics. He warned Ulasi not to use security appointments to promote hatred and division by attempting to politicize the appointments.

"In the case of Asari Dokubo, as a Nigerian citizen, he has the right like other Nigerians to visit Mr. President, but his comments after his visit do not in any way represent the views of Mr. Speaker, nor the Presidencies. These were personal statements and in no way represent the views of Mr. Speaker. Therefore, any attempt from anywhere to politicize it is condemned.

"As I don't condone Asari's outburst in many ways, his comments were personal to him and that's why Mr. President can't join in on questions about it. If anyone If anyone feels hurt or offended by Asari's comments, he or she is free to seek redress in court or make an official report to security authorities rather than on media platforms.

"However, I condemn Dan Ulasi's divisive motive in its entirety. Asiwaju respects the Igbo and all other ethnic groups that make up our great nation in every way. So Ulasi and Asiri Dokubu should not try to portray Mr. President in a bad light of nationalism, we should instead join hands and build the Nigeria of our dream.

“I am proud to say that today, through his actions and commitment since taking office, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the undisputed father of modern democratic Nigeria,” Onoh said.

Ex-president Bola Tinubu's spokesperson in the southeast, Dr Josef Onoh has frowned at the emotional outbursts of Anambra State's People's Democratic Party (PDP) stalwart, leader Dan Ulasi for his poor media outing where he insinuated that President Tinubu was not being generous in making an Igbo the Navy Chief of Staff, while the Lagos State Government demolishes shops of Igbo traders at Alaba International Market.

Onoh also criticized the head of the Nigeria Delta Volunteers Force, Asari Dokubo, for denigrating the Igbo people in the Aso Rock villa and his continued emotional outbursts, which many have misinterpreted as meaning that President Tinubu was agree with his verbal attacks. against the Igbo.

Onoh said Dokubo Asari spoke on his own and in his personal capacity as a Nigerian, which he is entitled to but does not represent the President, backs up his statements.

Dokubo had claimed to engage in the slave trade and the sale of Ibos by him. But Onoh said that "although local slavery was officially outlawed by the colonial authority in 1807, the British Government passed an Act of Parliament abolishing the slave trade throughout the British Empire, but slavery -even persisted in the British colonies until its final abolition in 1838.

"They tacitly allowed it to continue into the 1930s, only to end entirely in the 1940s. In 1961, the newly independent Nigerian First Republic ratified the 1926 Slavery Convention. Melford Dokubo Goodhead Jr. AkA Asari Dokubo was born on June 1, 1964 in Buguma, Nigeria Obviously, it is clear that his claims of selling Igbos can only be seen as a personal outburst propelled by his anger among the politically selected Igbos exposes who are best known to him and the negative roles they played in the last elections.

"Dokubo's claims would have been taken seriously had he been born before the abolition of the slave trade. Slavery and everything related to it in itself is shameful, so there is no nothing to be proud of As much as Asari Dokubo may have his personal anger towards a select few, I do not and will not support any derogatory outburst against any ethnic group in Nigeria by any organization or person for this does not represent the values ​​upheld by administration of President Tinubu.

“This administration has inherited a united Nigeria and will govern likewise. So far, through actions since taking office, our President has demonstrated his commitment to Nigerians to ensure that we renew the 'hope,' Onoh said.

He accused PDP stalwart Ulasi of bad policy, trying to provoke conflict because his favorite presidential candidate lost the election to President Tinubu. Onoh said he expected Ulasi, at his exposure and age, to heal the nation's wounds rather than exacerbate them, promoting division rather than peace. Onoh urged Ulasi to emulate President Tinubu's renewed hope other than being obsessed with the President's achievements.

He blamed Ulasi's ethnic bias, particularly on the appointments of security chiefs, saying the appointments were based on merit and skill and not politics. He warned Ulasi not to use security appointments to promote hatred and division by attempting to politicize the appointments.

"In the case of Asari Dokubo, as a Nigerian citizen, he has the right like other Nigerians to visit Mr. President, but his comments after his visit do not in any way represent the views of Mr. Speaker, nor the Presidencies. These were personal statements and in no way represent the views of Mr. Speaker. Therefore, any attempt from anywhere to politicize it is condemned.

"As I don't condone Asari's outburst in many ways, his comments were personal to him and that's why Mr. President can't join in on questions about it. If anyone If anyone feels hurt or offended by Asari's comments, he or she is free to seek redress in court or make an official report to security authorities rather than on media platforms.

"However, I condemn Dan Ulasi's divisive motive in its entirety. Asiwaju respects the Igbo and all other ethnic groups that make up our great nation in every way. So Ulasi and Asiri Dokubu should not try to portray Mr. President in a bad light of nationalism, we should instead join hands and build the Nigeria of our dream.

“I am proud to say that today, through his actions and commitment since taking office, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the undisputed father of modern democratic Nigeria,” Onoh said.

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