UNO R4 Stars: Meet Brenda Mboya

THE launch of the ArduinoUNO R4Brands A huge leap Before For OUR community. For We, It is Also THE chance has celebrate THE people WHO bring OUR ecosystem has life with their bright ideas, radiant enthusiasm, And bright preview.

That East how THE UN R4 Stars Blog job series began: has emphasize creators WHO to have not only created amazing projects with Arduino, but WHO are giving back has THE community by sharing as they go And portion others TO DO Nothing they wish.

We invite You has discover each profile, hoping You could find A North Star has navigate around A expansion galaxy Or adventure In completely new universe.

Brenda Akoth Mboya, A pioneer STEM educator And THE co-founder of Jenga Laboratories Africa, embodies THE spirit of Driven by Arduino innovation In THE kingdom of education And community empowerment. "My passion lies In inspiring African youth by using technology And direction as tools," She asserts – And We take pride In be THE platform of choice For her vision.

that of Mboya journey with Arduino began with A developer moment, When She accomplished that technology could be both easy And amusing, accountability even children below 13 has create significant And innovative projects of their clean.

Initiate Jenga Laboratories Africa In 2019, Mboya onboard on A revolutionary adventure has introduce 4th Industrial Revolution technologies has THE following generation of African innovators And creators. Through collaborations with West African schools, THE to start up has it's clear infused STEM activities In study programs And together up creative spaces available has all students.

In addition, Mboya actively commits young spirits In THE technology space as part of THE Arm to commit program And THE Arduino user band In Kenya, organize events that bring together electronic passionate eager has dive In THE vast potential of microcontrollers. A recent major realization was THE successful orchestration of A 12 hours hackathon In Kisumu, benefit THE abilities of IoT has address critical agricultural challenges In western Kenya. THE event present THE exceptional talents of THE local youth – something that Mboya is holding Dear: "Be A maker In 2023, especially In THE African continent, means having THE tools has create solutions adapted has African needs – Thus moving far Since be simple consumers of Western technologies, And towards become creators of solutions that address specific African to use case. »

Indeed, THE project that most deeply resonates with her vision has THE moment East THE one year Direction And Technology Program Jenga Laboratories East about has launch In Kibera, A of that of Nairobi the biggest slums. This initiative goals has empower THE community by training them on Arduino technology, allow them has create innovative solutions For THE myriad problems And challenges they confront each day. Mboya see This as A transformer path has give back, to favor A sense of direction And innovation that can spark positive change. In that of Mboya world, Arduino East not just A tool: It is A catalyst For African youth has shape their destinies And contribute has THE advancement of their communities.

We request Mboya, "What your favorite part of THE UN R4?"

THE DIRECTED matrix For fast visualization, allowing For instant satisfaction as GOOD as clear help In debugging. THE USB-C connector: having This extremely popular option means "I can even to use My Telephone(s) cable has quickly TO DO something on THE Arduino. » THE excellent speed And connectivity features compared with has THE UN Rev3.

Keep up with THE updates on that of Mboya impact on THE world by following her LinkedIn profile Or visit

UNO R4 Stars: Meet Brenda Mboya

THE launch of the ArduinoUNO R4Brands A huge leap Before For OUR community. For We, It is Also THE chance has celebrate THE people WHO bring OUR ecosystem has life with their bright ideas, radiant enthusiasm, And bright preview.

That East how THE UN R4 Stars Blog job series began: has emphasize creators WHO to have not only created amazing projects with Arduino, but WHO are giving back has THE community by sharing as they go And portion others TO DO Nothing they wish.

We invite You has discover each profile, hoping You could find A North Star has navigate around A expansion galaxy Or adventure In completely new universe.

Brenda Akoth Mboya, A pioneer STEM educator And THE co-founder of Jenga Laboratories Africa, embodies THE spirit of Driven by Arduino innovation In THE kingdom of education And community empowerment. "My passion lies In inspiring African youth by using technology And direction as tools," She asserts – And We take pride In be THE platform of choice For her vision.

that of Mboya journey with Arduino began with A developer moment, When She accomplished that technology could be both easy And amusing, accountability even children below 13 has create significant And innovative projects of their clean.

Initiate Jenga Laboratories Africa In 2019, Mboya onboard on A revolutionary adventure has introduce 4th Industrial Revolution technologies has THE following generation of African innovators And creators. Through collaborations with West African schools, THE to start up has it's clear infused STEM activities In study programs And together up creative spaces available has all students.

In addition, Mboya actively commits young spirits In THE technology space as part of THE Arm to commit program And THE Arduino user band In Kenya, organize events that bring together electronic passionate eager has dive In THE vast potential of microcontrollers. A recent major realization was THE successful orchestration of A 12 hours hackathon In Kisumu, benefit THE abilities of IoT has address critical agricultural challenges In western Kenya. THE event present THE exceptional talents of THE local youth – something that Mboya is holding Dear: "Be A maker In 2023, especially In THE African continent, means having THE tools has create solutions adapted has African needs – Thus moving far Since be simple consumers of Western technologies, And towards become creators of solutions that address specific African to use case. »

Indeed, THE project that most deeply resonates with her vision has THE moment East THE one year Direction And Technology Program Jenga Laboratories East about has launch In Kibera, A of that of Nairobi the biggest slums. This initiative goals has empower THE community by training them on Arduino technology, allow them has create innovative solutions For THE myriad problems And challenges they confront each day. Mboya see This as A transformer path has give back, to favor A sense of direction And innovation that can spark positive change. In that of Mboya world, Arduino East not just A tool: It is A catalyst For African youth has shape their destinies And contribute has THE advancement of their communities.

We request Mboya, "What your favorite part of THE UN R4?"

THE DIRECTED matrix For fast visualization, allowing For instant satisfaction as GOOD as clear help In debugging. THE USB-C connector: having This extremely popular option means "I can even to use My Telephone(s) cable has quickly TO DO something on THE Arduino. » THE excellent speed And connectivity features compared with has THE UN Rev3.

Keep up with THE updates on that of Mboya impact on THE world by following her LinkedIn profile Or visit

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