Want to get married naked? Authorities' back beach on Italian island of Sardinia hosts nude weddings

Is Benas beach on the Sardinian coast ready to host nude wedding ceremonies? The six-kilometer beach has been a popular nudist hotspot for years. Would YOU consider getting married naked? Vote in our poll below... READ MORE: Nudist Resort Owner Reveals Dos and Don'ts of Naked Vacation

If your ambition is to get married naked, then this Italian destination wants to hear from you.

Italian authorities have announced plans to make Is Benas beach, a designated naturist area on Sardinia's southwest coast, a destination for nudist weddings.

Luigi Tedeschi, the mayor of the nearby town of San Vero Milis, said the six-kilometer beach had been a popular nudist hotspot for years.

After officially opening as a nudist beach in 2022, he claimed that naturist weddings were the next logical step.

Tedeschi, who is credited with the idea of ​​designating part of the beach nudist, said authorities decided to open up nude weddings when a German couple wrote to them asking if it would be possible to get married. marry on the beach in their birthday suit. 

Naturist couples will soon be able to get married on Is Benas beach (photo) in Sardinia The six kilometer beach has been a nudist hotspot for years

He said

Want to get married naked? Authorities' back beach on Italian island of Sardinia hosts nude weddings
Is Benas beach on the Sardinian coast ready to host nude wedding ceremonies? The six-kilometer beach has been a popular nudist hotspot for years. Would YOU consider getting married naked? Vote in our poll below... READ MORE: Nudist Resort Owner Reveals Dos and Don'ts of Naked Vacation

If your ambition is to get married naked, then this Italian destination wants to hear from you.

Italian authorities have announced plans to make Is Benas beach, a designated naturist area on Sardinia's southwest coast, a destination for nudist weddings.

Luigi Tedeschi, the mayor of the nearby town of San Vero Milis, said the six-kilometer beach had been a popular nudist hotspot for years.

After officially opening as a nudist beach in 2022, he claimed that naturist weddings were the next logical step.

Tedeschi, who is credited with the idea of ​​designating part of the beach nudist, said authorities decided to open up nude weddings when a German couple wrote to them asking if it would be possible to get married. marry on the beach in their birthday suit. 

Naturist couples will soon be able to get married on Is Benas beach (photo) in Sardinia The six kilometer beach has been a nudist hotspot for years

He said

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