“We are surprised that Makinde did this for Islam even though he was a Christian”

If THE eyes of Nigeria history are hollow, he East partially because of THE awful things he has witnessed Nigerians TO DO has A another In THE name of religion. This East Why he the amounts has play with THE the Tiger tail For anybody has TO DO something that from a distance looks contradictory, especially towards any of them of THE two major religions In THE country, Islam And Christianity.

However, THE governor of Oyo State, M Seyi Makinde, crowd THE sliding path of religion recently — though In THE name of infrastructural development — And THE business has turned out as something of A legend, even has THE most ardent, In religious circles In her state.

M Abdoul Hamid Daoud East A middle-aged man WHO loved has THE old Adogba Central Mosque In Iwo Road, Ibadan. THE mosque belonged has THE Organization of Thadomunul Muslim (OTM). In October 2019, on A Friday, he was A of THE faithful WHO had gathered has THE mosque For THE weekly Juma'at prayer.

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THE Juma'at service turned out has be A as No other: he was joined by A August visitor, THE governor of Oyo State, 'Seyi Makindé.

"What East OUR governor, A Christian, TO DO here? This East A Juma'at pray. What could to have brought him?" That was THE question running through Dawud And a lot other of the faithful spirits that afternoon. Their curiosity Soon gave path has A complete loss of I hope.

"On that fateful Friday, Her Excellency, Engineer. Seyi Makinde, came has THE old Adogba Mosque during OUR Juma'at pray. He sat with We And prayed with We. I was has A loss as has Why A governor WHO East A Christian came has be part of such special pray And What her assignment was. When he was time For him has address We, he declared her plan has demolish OUR mosque. THE general feeling that greeted that statement was A of despair. 'OUR fraternity has Adogba mosque has has been broken up irremediably. OUR fraternity by virtue of This mosque East on'. This was THE thought In My head. THE entire congregation was, has say THE less, shocked has THE governor announcement. When THE bulldozers arrived And began has to pull down THE structure, a lot of We cry. I did. We thought A citadel of awareness was disappeared. I thought has myself: 'SO, just as that, Adogba mosque East do For?' Although THE governor promised has build A new structure For We, because of OUR long standing apprehensions about The politicians And their promises, No Single A of We believed that OUR mosque would be Never be rebuilt.

"But has OUR maximum surprise, Governor Makinde rebuilt THE mosque In A wonderful path We Never conceived. We are SO happy And We pray For abundant reward For him For What he has do. »

A happy Daoud said these words has SATURDAY Tribune during A encounter on Friday has THE inauguration of THE new mosque built by keep his promises Governor Makinde. THE inauguration was carried out by THE Sultan of Sokoto And General President of THE Nigerian Supreme Advice For Islamic Business (NSCIA), Alhaji Mohammed Sa'ad Abubakar, WHO himself was Also SO impressed by Makinde virtuous act that he guest THE governor has to start has answer has her Royal name 'Sa'ad'.

THE inauguration event was A gathering of who is WHO In THE government And Islamic circles.

Another worshiper, Abdul Hakeem Lanlehin, describe THE reconstruction of THE mosque as A First of all In Oyo Status.

"He demolished OUR old mosque For THE sake of public Infrastructure And built A new, better mosque For We. This East delicious thing he has do For We. We can't thank him enough," Lanlehin said.

 'We are surprised that Makinde did this for

THE National Imam of THE OTM, the owners of THE mosque, Teacher Qasim Badmaasi, said he was wonderful has see A Christian governor building A mosque, A better A has that, has replace A old which he demolished For primordial public good.

"When he (THE governor) informed We of her plan has demolish OUR old mosque, he promised has build A new mosque For We, And he accomplished that promise by building A new structure that East better five times on. This East very fascinating has Me And Indeed all members of THE Organization of Thadomunul Muslim. He East OUR pray that Allah will allow THE governor has to have her reward In This world And hereafter, subsequently For What he has do For Her religion. »

THE Imam, OTM Central Mosque, Iwo Road, Alhaji Abdul Kabir Mohammed Awwal, Also had A word has say about What Governor Makinde I did it.

Alhaji Mohammed Awwal said: "THE reconstruction of OUR mosque by THE governor East as socket A old garment disabled someone And replace...

“We are surprised that Makinde did this for Islam even though he was a Christian”

If THE eyes of Nigeria history are hollow, he East partially because of THE awful things he has witnessed Nigerians TO DO has A another In THE name of religion. This East Why he the amounts has play with THE the Tiger tail For anybody has TO DO something that from a distance looks contradictory, especially towards any of them of THE two major religions In THE country, Islam And Christianity.

However, THE governor of Oyo State, M Seyi Makinde, crowd THE sliding path of religion recently — though In THE name of infrastructural development — And THE business has turned out as something of A legend, even has THE most ardent, In religious circles In her state.

M Abdoul Hamid Daoud East A middle-aged man WHO loved has THE old Adogba Central Mosque In Iwo Road, Ibadan. THE mosque belonged has THE Organization of Thadomunul Muslim (OTM). In October 2019, on A Friday, he was A of THE faithful WHO had gathered has THE mosque For THE weekly Juma'at prayer.

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THE Juma'at service turned out has be A as No other: he was joined by A August visitor, THE governor of Oyo State, 'Seyi Makindé.

"What East OUR governor, A Christian, TO DO here? This East A Juma'at pray. What could to have brought him?" That was THE question running through Dawud And a lot other of the faithful spirits that afternoon. Their curiosity Soon gave path has A complete loss of I hope.

"On that fateful Friday, Her Excellency, Engineer. Seyi Makinde, came has THE old Adogba Mosque during OUR Juma'at pray. He sat with We And prayed with We. I was has A loss as has Why A governor WHO East A Christian came has be part of such special pray And What her assignment was. When he was time For him has address We, he declared her plan has demolish OUR mosque. THE general feeling that greeted that statement was A of despair. 'OUR fraternity has Adogba mosque has has been broken up irremediably. OUR fraternity by virtue of This mosque East on'. This was THE thought In My head. THE entire congregation was, has say THE less, shocked has THE governor announcement. When THE bulldozers arrived And began has to pull down THE structure, a lot of We cry. I did. We thought A citadel of awareness was disappeared. I thought has myself: 'SO, just as that, Adogba mosque East do For?' Although THE governor promised has build A new structure For We, because of OUR long standing apprehensions about The politicians And their promises, No Single A of We believed that OUR mosque would be Never be rebuilt.

"But has OUR maximum surprise, Governor Makinde rebuilt THE mosque In A wonderful path We Never conceived. We are SO happy And We pray For abundant reward For him For What he has do. »

A happy Daoud said these words has SATURDAY Tribune during A encounter on Friday has THE inauguration of THE new mosque built by keep his promises Governor Makinde. THE inauguration was carried out by THE Sultan of Sokoto And General President of THE Nigerian Supreme Advice For Islamic Business (NSCIA), Alhaji Mohammed Sa'ad Abubakar, WHO himself was Also SO impressed by Makinde virtuous act that he guest THE governor has to start has answer has her Royal name 'Sa'ad'.

THE inauguration event was A gathering of who is WHO In THE government And Islamic circles.

Another worshiper, Abdul Hakeem Lanlehin, describe THE reconstruction of THE mosque as A First of all In Oyo Status.

"He demolished OUR old mosque For THE sake of public Infrastructure And built A new, better mosque For We. This East delicious thing he has do For We. We can't thank him enough," Lanlehin said.

 'We are surprised that Makinde did this for

THE National Imam of THE OTM, the owners of THE mosque, Teacher Qasim Badmaasi, said he was wonderful has see A Christian governor building A mosque, A better A has that, has replace A old which he demolished For primordial public good.

"When he (THE governor) informed We of her plan has demolish OUR old mosque, he promised has build A new mosque For We, And he accomplished that promise by building A new structure that East better five times on. This East very fascinating has Me And Indeed all members of THE Organization of Thadomunul Muslim. He East OUR pray that Allah will allow THE governor has to have her reward In This world And hereafter, subsequently For What he has do For Her religion. »

THE Imam, OTM Central Mosque, Iwo Road, Alhaji Abdul Kabir Mohammed Awwal, Also had A word has say about What Governor Makinde I did it.

Alhaji Mohammed Awwal said: "THE reconstruction of OUR mosque by THE governor East as socket A old garment disabled someone And replace...

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