We're reinventing online education for entrepreneurs (because it needs it)

The future of community and online education is now.

The digital world is changing quite rapidly, but the way experts and leaders teach new entrepreneurs hasn't really changed much over the years.

And in the digital world, "years" means a very long time.

I took my first online course in 2008. Today, they're not much different: a single-player, video-centric, do-it-yourself adventure.

Watch a video lesson. Do the video lesson. Let's hope for the best. Have no one else to tell.

No wonder the average online course completion rate is 15%!

Although our average completion rate at SPI is above this number, we always knew we could do better. By testing various approaches to SPI courses, a study from the American Society of Training and Development supported our theory on the importance of accountability in online course completion. This study found that people are 65% more likely to achieve a goal after committing to another person; their chances of success increase to 95% with ongoing meetings with their accountability partners. This study, coupled with the completion rates of thousands of SPI courses taken, shed light on what was missing in online courses – the connection and accountability that comes with community.

With that, we're excited to introduce you to community-run courses.

While we haven't come up with the term itself, that's exactly what we've created here at SPI.

SPI's Community Courses combine the connection and accountability of a professional community with innovative course programs and tailored educational pathways. It's the community that will help propel the success of these classes, just as we all know it's easier to hit the gym and achieve better results when you do it alongside others who share a common goal.

There's an energy there, but there's also real support and real accountability.

SPI All Access Pass

We have been selling traditional online courses since 2017, but from December 2022 we will change this and launch our version of community courses.

With our experience running communities at SPI and micro-testing this type of program within a community, this is a natural next step for us, and we want to lead the charge for the others.

The SPI All-Access Pass gives you access to SPI's innovative course catalog with new curriculum and expert-designed workshops. (Hence full access.)

But it's not just about accessing our courses. That would actually run counter to the goals we're trying to achieve. What you don't need is more information, it's the right information at the right time, with the right support system alongside.


In addition to our course library and labs (with new labs added every month), you'll also have access to personalized journeys that act as a roadmap to help you reach your business goals faster.

For example, if you're new to e-commerce and haven't even decided on your niche yet, you should follow our Starter Pathway, which works like this:

Start by taking our Smart from Scratch course, to define your niche and define your target audience. Then, build your website and claim your brand online with our Create Your Own Brand course. From there, you'll want to attend our Traffic Booster Workshop to focus on a few ways to start driving traffic to your new brand. And finally, you'll head to Email Marketing Magic to start building your email list and database of potential customers.

Or maybe you want to start (or have you already started) a podcast. You'd be perfect for the Podcasting Pathway:

Browse the Power-Up Podcasting to get your quality show up and running ASAP. After that, walk through our Podcast Advertising Workshop to start generating revenue from ads and sponsorships relevant to your brand.

We're reinventing online education for entrepreneurs (because it needs it)

The future of community and online education is now.

The digital world is changing quite rapidly, but the way experts and leaders teach new entrepreneurs hasn't really changed much over the years.

And in the digital world, "years" means a very long time.

I took my first online course in 2008. Today, they're not much different: a single-player, video-centric, do-it-yourself adventure.

Watch a video lesson. Do the video lesson. Let's hope for the best. Have no one else to tell.

No wonder the average online course completion rate is 15%!

Although our average completion rate at SPI is above this number, we always knew we could do better. By testing various approaches to SPI courses, a study from the American Society of Training and Development supported our theory on the importance of accountability in online course completion. This study found that people are 65% more likely to achieve a goal after committing to another person; their chances of success increase to 95% with ongoing meetings with their accountability partners. This study, coupled with the completion rates of thousands of SPI courses taken, shed light on what was missing in online courses – the connection and accountability that comes with community.

With that, we're excited to introduce you to community-run courses.

While we haven't come up with the term itself, that's exactly what we've created here at SPI.

SPI's Community Courses combine the connection and accountability of a professional community with innovative course programs and tailored educational pathways. It's the community that will help propel the success of these classes, just as we all know it's easier to hit the gym and achieve better results when you do it alongside others who share a common goal.

There's an energy there, but there's also real support and real accountability.

SPI All Access Pass

We have been selling traditional online courses since 2017, but from December 2022 we will change this and launch our version of community courses.

With our experience running communities at SPI and micro-testing this type of program within a community, this is a natural next step for us, and we want to lead the charge for the others.

The SPI All-Access Pass gives you access to SPI's innovative course catalog with new curriculum and expert-designed workshops. (Hence full access.)

But it's not just about accessing our courses. That would actually run counter to the goals we're trying to achieve. What you don't need is more information, it's the right information at the right time, with the right support system alongside.


In addition to our course library and labs (with new labs added every month), you'll also have access to personalized journeys that act as a roadmap to help you reach your business goals faster.

For example, if you're new to e-commerce and haven't even decided on your niche yet, you should follow our Starter Pathway, which works like this:

Start by taking our Smart from Scratch course, to define your niche and define your target audience. Then, build your website and claim your brand online with our Create Your Own Brand course. From there, you'll want to attend our Traffic Booster Workshop to focus on a few ways to start driving traffic to your new brand. And finally, you'll head to Email Marketing Magic to start building your email list and database of potential customers.

Or maybe you want to start (or have you already started) a podcast. You'd be perfect for the Podcasting Pathway:

Browse the Power-Up Podcasting to get your quality show up and running ASAP. After that, walk through our Podcast Advertising Workshop to start generating revenue from ads and sponsorships relevant to your brand.

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