Where are you: with him or with the men?, by Ayo Akerele

You must stay out For Jesus Or You are not with him. According to has Leonard Ravenhill famous words, "He East either Lord of all Or not Lord has all." Friends, these last days won't accept neutral offers with God; You must either be For Jesus Or against Him, there East No medium ground. You are either A lover of God Or A ally of Satan. You are either A lover of THE gospel of A enemy of THE gospel.

Jonathan Edward message " Fisherman In THE hands of A angry God" has has been widely considered For decades as THE most famous sermon In America. In writing about This sermon In A of her books, Doctor David Jeremiah said, "if This sermon were has be preached Today, he should be formula as This, "God In THE hands of angry sinners. » Such East THE ladder of hate In THE hearts of humanity against God And all He stands For. Ours East A generation It is races has high speed towards THE eternity he is not it prepared For. A man of God In THE 19th century once request A rhetoric question, "You mean that eternity East real, heaven And hell exist, And people are This apathetic? He East THE grandiose master plan of Satan has to carry out THE discernment of humanity until We all suddenly exit This world has only discover that THE very even thing We had despised East In fact real. You must not be eat up by apathy And ignoring – two dangerous forces that promote apostasy. A few are apathetic, they don't do it just care about what is this event. A few are only ignorant. Others are world champions In apathy And ignoring. They don't do it know, And they don't do it to want has know.

"As THE deer pants For THE water streams, SO pants My soul For You, Oh God. » – Psalm 42:1

You must stay out For Jesus Or You are not with Him. According to has Leonard Ravenhill famous words, "He East either Lord of all Or not Lord has all." Friends, these last days won't accept neutral offers with God; You must either be For Jesus Or against Him, there East No medium ground. You are either A lover of God Or A ally of Satan. You are either A lover of THE gospel of A enemy of THE gospel. God is not it ready has accept Nothing less of total commitment. HAS be For Him requires your tirelessly And without apologizing commitment has Her values And principles, as dedicated In only A book – THE Bible. HAS be For Him requires that You choose Who You would be be loyal has – Christ Or Men? HAS be For Him requires that You be with Him, For has be a lot For God, We to have has be a lot with Him.


OUR generation doesn't had things a lot worse that OUR brothers In pass generations. Maybe theirs was worse, but they stood on THE wings of Grace has defend THE integrity of their faith against all odds. If We fail, there East No future For OUR children! Will persecutions come? You better get ready For them. We to have between A season In which following Jesus will cost more that a lot are willing has pay.

"SO He appointed twelve, that they could be with Him And that He could send them out has preach. » – Brand 3:14

"In THE 1950s, Fidel Castro stopped several the Christians WHO stood their land For their faith. THE Cuban poet, Armando Valladares was Also stopped by Castro For opposite him, And was locked up In THE even ease with these The Christians. Armando Valladares did not have known THE Lord has that time, but he had This has say while In prison, "Each night I would be hear sentenced Christian Men walk out. SO I would be hear shouts of, “Long live Christ “Rey” meaning long live Christ THE king, just Before exp...

Where are you: with him or with the men?, by Ayo Akerele

You must stay out For Jesus Or You are not with him. According to has Leonard Ravenhill famous words, "He East either Lord of all Or not Lord has all." Friends, these last days won't accept neutral offers with God; You must either be For Jesus Or against Him, there East No medium ground. You are either A lover of God Or A ally of Satan. You are either A lover of THE gospel of A enemy of THE gospel.

Jonathan Edward message " Fisherman In THE hands of A angry God" has has been widely considered For decades as THE most famous sermon In America. In writing about This sermon In A of her books, Doctor David Jeremiah said, "if This sermon were has be preached Today, he should be formula as This, "God In THE hands of angry sinners. » Such East THE ladder of hate In THE hearts of humanity against God And all He stands For. Ours East A generation It is races has high speed towards THE eternity he is not it prepared For. A man of God In THE 19th century once request A rhetoric question, "You mean that eternity East real, heaven And hell exist, And people are This apathetic? He East THE grandiose master plan of Satan has to carry out THE discernment of humanity until We all suddenly exit This world has only discover that THE very even thing We had despised East In fact real. You must not be eat up by apathy And ignoring – two dangerous forces that promote apostasy. A few are apathetic, they don't do it just care about what is this event. A few are only ignorant. Others are world champions In apathy And ignoring. They don't do it know, And they don't do it to want has know.

"As THE deer pants For THE water streams, SO pants My soul For You, Oh God. » – Psalm 42:1

You must stay out For Jesus Or You are not with Him. According to has Leonard Ravenhill famous words, "He East either Lord of all Or not Lord has all." Friends, these last days won't accept neutral offers with God; You must either be For Jesus Or against Him, there East No medium ground. You are either A lover of God Or A ally of Satan. You are either A lover of THE gospel of A enemy of THE gospel. God is not it ready has accept Nothing less of total commitment. HAS be For Him requires your tirelessly And without apologizing commitment has Her values And principles, as dedicated In only A book – THE Bible. HAS be For Him requires that You choose Who You would be be loyal has – Christ Or Men? HAS be For Him requires that You be with Him, For has be a lot For God, We to have has be a lot with Him.


OUR generation doesn't had things a lot worse that OUR brothers In pass generations. Maybe theirs was worse, but they stood on THE wings of Grace has defend THE integrity of their faith against all odds. If We fail, there East No future For OUR children! Will persecutions come? You better get ready For them. We to have between A season In which following Jesus will cost more that a lot are willing has pay.

"SO He appointed twelve, that they could be with Him And that He could send them out has preach. » – Brand 3:14

"In THE 1950s, Fidel Castro stopped several the Christians WHO stood their land For their faith. THE Cuban poet, Armando Valladares was Also stopped by Castro For opposite him, And was locked up In THE even ease with these The Christians. Armando Valladares did not have known THE Lord has that time, but he had This has say while In prison, "Each night I would be hear sentenced Christian Men walk out. SO I would be hear shouts of, “Long live Christ “Rey” meaning long live Christ THE king, just Before exp...

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