Why I make songs about health —Star Doc

Chiemezia I am, A practicing medical doctor And musician base In THE United Kingdom And popularly known as Star Doctor, has shed light on THE importance of music And how he help In improvement mental health And management of mood troubles .

Speaking about music And therapy, Ibe declared that several studies to have watch that music has THE abilities has affect THE secretion of hormones And Next affect physical health In miscellaneous ways.

Star Doc further underlines that her interest In music begin In secondary school with her initial interest In poetry.

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"I had A friend In secondary school of which name was Olivier. He plays with words GOOD, SO I request him has teach Me. He did And that was how I fell In love with in writing Words. Coincidently, that even period was When 2Face Idibia released her 'Grass 2 Grace' album And I fell with each song And lyrical on THE album. I obtained great inspired And begin in writing Songs And add melody. From SO I to have not look at back. »

He further buttress THE uniqueness of her music, noting: "THE uniqueness of My music East that I to use he has health educate. Music East A universal language. I am able has infuse health education In My music. With My music I am able has to break down complex medical terms In A manner THE common man can to understand. In addition I am able has address every day problems And life experiences with My music. These TO DO Me unique. »

On how he juggles be A practicing medical doctor And music, he said: "Honestly, be A doctor come with having has agreement with A busy calendar And even more For Me functioning In A very demanding oncology department. However appropriate time management East THE key. I will Also say that music come has Me naturally, SO I don't do it struggle has to write Songs. I could be socket A to walk And I get inspired. I quickly pen he down And later develop he In A appropriate song. Also, music takes Me far Since THE pressure of work. THE studio East Or I to leave disabled THE steam of each day challenges. In Today world Or mental health has taken center scene, I will say music East My therapy. »

Talk about a few of her Songs, he said, "I have do A couple of Songs, blankets, as GOOD as free styles And Also shot a few music videos that are out on digital music platforms. In 2021, I did A song “STD” Or I Featured My brother Obynodaddymuna. In that song We musically address sexually transmitted diseases, highlighting THE panels, symptoms, preventive measures And treatment choice. In 2022, I did another song title “Imaramma” with Damn it. It is A love song We dedicated has beautiful ladies.

“Ndi Igbo' East another A I did In My native Igbo language dedicated has THE Igbo people Or I preached about THE need For unit as A people. This particular A East A blanket of A song initially do by Igbo language native rapper Lopo.

"Before has these times, I to have do Songs addressing grated, sickle cell, diabetes, hypertension, COVID 19, depression, poor health systems, breast cancer, cervical cancer, has mention A little. In A little weeks I will be drop A new Single title 'Autumn In Love' with My high school classmate, Klef Banty. I can't wait has share This master piece with You everything."

Ibe note that A of her strong points In music East get recognized during THE pandemic For her to use of music In create awareness about THE pandemic. He said, "I will say I have had A number of strong points Since manufacturing music And I will mention a few of them. A of THE high points of My music has has been get recognized during THE pandemic For My to use of music In create awareness about THE pandemic. I obtained Featured by China Global TV Network And a few other TV stations.

"Another emphasize was When I in partnership with Medical help Foundation In THE the biggest breast cancer awareness to walk In Nigeria involving on 2,000 people In 2020. THE to walk finished In musical performances by notable artists And I was A of THE musical artists that carried out In that event. My mother was In THE crowd that very day, applause Me on. Apart Since these, I will say My the biggest realization East moving lives with My talent.“

I am, WHO has A Master of Science degree In Public Health And Health Promotion Since THE Swansea University, United Kingdom, believes that In five years, her music will be bigger that What he East today.

He said, "I believe In life life A day has A time, socket each stage as he come while Also functioning hard has better myself. Five years There is, My music was known has Me, close friends And family alone. However, he East not THE case Today And five years Since NOW, It is certainly going has be bigger that What he East Today. I am open has collaborate with sharing the same ideas artists locally...

Why I make songs about health —Star Doc

Chiemezia I am, A practicing medical doctor And musician base In THE United Kingdom And popularly known as Star Doctor, has shed light on THE importance of music And how he help In improvement mental health And management of mood troubles .

Speaking about music And therapy, Ibe declared that several studies to have watch that music has THE abilities has affect THE secretion of hormones And Next affect physical health In miscellaneous ways.

Star Doc further underlines that her interest In music begin In secondary school with her initial interest In poetry.

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"I had A friend In secondary school of which name was Olivier. He plays with words GOOD, SO I request him has teach Me. He did And that was how I fell In love with in writing Words. Coincidently, that even period was When 2Face Idibia released her 'Grass 2 Grace' album And I fell with each song And lyrical on THE album. I obtained great inspired And begin in writing Songs And add melody. From SO I to have not look at back. »

He further buttress THE uniqueness of her music, noting: "THE uniqueness of My music East that I to use he has health educate. Music East A universal language. I am able has infuse health education In My music. With My music I am able has to break down complex medical terms In A manner THE common man can to understand. In addition I am able has address every day problems And life experiences with My music. These TO DO Me unique. »

On how he juggles be A practicing medical doctor And music, he said: "Honestly, be A doctor come with having has agreement with A busy calendar And even more For Me functioning In A very demanding oncology department. However appropriate time management East THE key. I will Also say that music come has Me naturally, SO I don't do it struggle has to write Songs. I could be socket A to walk And I get inspired. I quickly pen he down And later develop he In A appropriate song. Also, music takes Me far Since THE pressure of work. THE studio East Or I to leave disabled THE steam of each day challenges. In Today world Or mental health has taken center scene, I will say music East My therapy. »

Talk about a few of her Songs, he said, "I have do A couple of Songs, blankets, as GOOD as free styles And Also shot a few music videos that are out on digital music platforms. In 2021, I did A song “STD” Or I Featured My brother Obynodaddymuna. In that song We musically address sexually transmitted diseases, highlighting THE panels, symptoms, preventive measures And treatment choice. In 2022, I did another song title “Imaramma” with Damn it. It is A love song We dedicated has beautiful ladies.

“Ndi Igbo' East another A I did In My native Igbo language dedicated has THE Igbo people Or I preached about THE need For unit as A people. This particular A East A blanket of A song initially do by Igbo language native rapper Lopo.

"Before has these times, I to have do Songs addressing grated, sickle cell, diabetes, hypertension, COVID 19, depression, poor health systems, breast cancer, cervical cancer, has mention A little. In A little weeks I will be drop A new Single title 'Autumn In Love' with My high school classmate, Klef Banty. I can't wait has share This master piece with You everything."

Ibe note that A of her strong points In music East get recognized during THE pandemic For her to use of music In create awareness about THE pandemic. He said, "I will say I have had A number of strong points Since manufacturing music And I will mention a few of them. A of THE high points of My music has has been get recognized during THE pandemic For My to use of music In create awareness about THE pandemic. I obtained Featured by China Global TV Network And a few other TV stations.

"Another emphasize was When I in partnership with Medical help Foundation In THE the biggest breast cancer awareness to walk In Nigeria involving on 2,000 people In 2020. THE to walk finished In musical performances by notable artists And I was A of THE musical artists that carried out In that event. My mother was In THE crowd that very day, applause Me on. Apart Since these, I will say My the biggest realization East moving lives with My talent.“

I am, WHO has A Master of Science degree In Public Health And Health Promotion Since THE Swansea University, United Kingdom, believes that In five years, her music will be bigger that What he East today.

He said, "I believe In life life A day has A time, socket each stage as he come while Also functioning hard has better myself. Five years There is, My music was known has Me, close friends And family alone. However, he East not THE case Today And five years Since NOW, It is certainly going has be bigger that What he East Today. I am open has collaborate with sharing the same ideas artists locally...

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