“With the removal of fuel subsidies, there should be no room for a deficit in the 2024 budget.”

Ancient Commissioner For Finance, Abia State, Dr. Phillips N / A, In This interview, speak on THE 2024 budget, which East always In THE works In THE National Assembly. A development economist, World Bank consultant And university put on, N / A Remarks that THE deficit of N9.18 thousand billion In THE N27.5 thousand billion budget raised installers about THE Or of THE money checked in Since THE deletion of fuel grant. He Also addresses other burning national problems, align himself with those WHO believe that Nigeria can't open It is potential unless THE country East restructured.

A few reviews say THE 2024 budget East A budget of theory And despair. What can be do has TO DO he A budget that will inspire hope?do A little analysis on THE N27.5 thousand billion budget, he could be seen that THE recurrent spent East N9.92 thousand billion while THE capital spent East N8.7 thousand billion while debt interview East N8.25 trillion. This cannot address economic growth that will relieve poverty. A close look has THE The figures will to show You that THE budget handles more of THE ostentatious way of life And well-being as GOOD as comfort of THE decision class instead that THE life condition of THE poor masses. THE debt interview of N8.25 thousand billion as GOOD as THE deficit of N9.18 thousand billion will TO DO Me ask questions on THE Or of THE money checked in Since THE deletion of fuel grant. For THE budget has reach THE desired economic growth And address THE well-being of THE poor masses, more funds should has be assigned has capital spent instead that recurrent spent. THE percentage of capital spent should be more that recurrent. Even In THE capital, more funds should be assigned has infrastructural development, education, agriculture And health. Let sector allowances to have direct landing on THE poor masses, especially activation economic activities And Thus create jobs For THE unemployed young people.

However, I always maintain that there should not be any of them bedroom For deficit, which will give path has loan. If We put OUR actions together, there will be A plot of money has funds THE budget instead that mortgage THE future of OUR future generation. OUR policy the class should cut down frivolous spent that will not add value has governance. There are so a lot desks And agencies that are duplicated, which should be revised. THE 2024 budget can only inspire hope When all It is intentions And purposes are center on THE well-being of THE poor masses WHO are suffering unimaginable.

In a lot countries, When things are SO tight For THE poor masses, You see THE policy class sacrifice their staff comfort And remuneration has bridge THE inequality gap. But here, THE reverse East THE case. THE poor pay more taxes has sustain THE luxurious way of life And comfort of those In government as GOOD as their useless overseas travel.

As A development economist, What Exactly should THE government TO DO has relaunch THE economy because Nigerians are Really suffering? THE government should to diversify THE economy through investment In agriculture And provide A allow environment For microphone, little And AVERAGE companies has strive. THE government should formulate her Strategies And ensure strict Implementation SO as has improve local production.

Agriculture alone supported THE pre And job colonial time In Nigeria. All THE Regions of THE country SO depended on agriculture And not raw oil.It East A do that raw oil do We lazy And powered massive Corruption. Can President double as Minister of Agriculture as he East For THE Ministry of Oil? Which East supposed has be THE bedrock of OUR economy? My pray East that raw oil should quickly dry up. This East THE only condition that Nigeria will back has THE glorious time of agriculture. THE nation East blessed with huge agricultural potential such as arable to land And GOOD climate. Also, other minerals In THE country as gold, limestone, tin, etc, are abandoned. If You bring problems of solid minerals In THE competitor list, You see a lot States, especially In THE North, TO DO better.

THE government should Also ensure that epileptic power provide East A thing of THE pass. Power East very crucial In relaunch THE economy. No business can succeed without regular And adequate power provide. A lot businesses, even big businesses, are folding up because of THE huge Rising spent on diesel has power their production system.

I door out A investigation around THE country a few years back; power provide class as THE number A issue focused towards all shapes of business businesses. As I said with regard has agriculture, THE president can Also double as Minister of Power Or to announce an emergency situation In THE sector. THE irony East that despite THE do that Nigeria East blessed with many energy sources as heavy sun Since Sahara desert as GOOD as that of dry season And hydroelectric, Or even Since heavy wind Since THE ocean, Nigeria always generates power only through hydr...

“With the removal of fuel subsidies, there should be no room for a deficit in the 2024 budget.”

Ancient Commissioner For Finance, Abia State, Dr. Phillips N / A, In This interview, speak on THE 2024 budget, which East always In THE works In THE National Assembly. A development economist, World Bank consultant And university put on, N / A Remarks that THE deficit of N9.18 thousand billion In THE N27.5 thousand billion budget raised installers about THE Or of THE money checked in Since THE deletion of fuel grant. He Also addresses other burning national problems, align himself with those WHO believe that Nigeria can't open It is potential unless THE country East restructured.

A few reviews say THE 2024 budget East A budget of theory And despair. What can be do has TO DO he A budget that will inspire hope?do A little analysis on THE N27.5 thousand billion budget, he could be seen that THE recurrent spent East N9.92 thousand billion while THE capital spent East N8.7 thousand billion while debt interview East N8.25 trillion. This cannot address economic growth that will relieve poverty. A close look has THE The figures will to show You that THE budget handles more of THE ostentatious way of life And well-being as GOOD as comfort of THE decision class instead that THE life condition of THE poor masses. THE debt interview of N8.25 thousand billion as GOOD as THE deficit of N9.18 thousand billion will TO DO Me ask questions on THE Or of THE money checked in Since THE deletion of fuel grant. For THE budget has reach THE desired economic growth And address THE well-being of THE poor masses, more funds should has be assigned has capital spent instead that recurrent spent. THE percentage of capital spent should be more that recurrent. Even In THE capital, more funds should be assigned has infrastructural development, education, agriculture And health. Let sector allowances to have direct landing on THE poor masses, especially activation economic activities And Thus create jobs For THE unemployed young people.

However, I always maintain that there should not be any of them bedroom For deficit, which will give path has loan. If We put OUR actions together, there will be A plot of money has funds THE budget instead that mortgage THE future of OUR future generation. OUR policy the class should cut down frivolous spent that will not add value has governance. There are so a lot desks And agencies that are duplicated, which should be revised. THE 2024 budget can only inspire hope When all It is intentions And purposes are center on THE well-being of THE poor masses WHO are suffering unimaginable.

In a lot countries, When things are SO tight For THE poor masses, You see THE policy class sacrifice their staff comfort And remuneration has bridge THE inequality gap. But here, THE reverse East THE case. THE poor pay more taxes has sustain THE luxurious way of life And comfort of those In government as GOOD as their useless overseas travel.

As A development economist, What Exactly should THE government TO DO has relaunch THE economy because Nigerians are Really suffering? THE government should to diversify THE economy through investment In agriculture And provide A allow environment For microphone, little And AVERAGE companies has strive. THE government should formulate her Strategies And ensure strict Implementation SO as has improve local production.

Agriculture alone supported THE pre And job colonial time In Nigeria. All THE Regions of THE country SO depended on agriculture And not raw oil.It East A do that raw oil do We lazy And powered massive Corruption. Can President double as Minister of Agriculture as he East For THE Ministry of Oil? Which East supposed has be THE bedrock of OUR economy? My pray East that raw oil should quickly dry up. This East THE only condition that Nigeria will back has THE glorious time of agriculture. THE nation East blessed with huge agricultural potential such as arable to land And GOOD climate. Also, other minerals In THE country as gold, limestone, tin, etc, are abandoned. If You bring problems of solid minerals In THE competitor list, You see a lot States, especially In THE North, TO DO better.

THE government should Also ensure that epileptic power provide East A thing of THE pass. Power East very crucial In relaunch THE economy. No business can succeed without regular And adequate power provide. A lot businesses, even big businesses, are folding up because of THE huge Rising spent on diesel has power their production system.

I door out A investigation around THE country a few years back; power provide class as THE number A issue focused towards all shapes of business businesses. As I said with regard has agriculture, THE president can Also double as Minister of Power Or to announce an emergency situation In THE sector. THE irony East that despite THE do that Nigeria East blessed with many energy sources as heavy sun Since Sahara desert as GOOD as that of dry season And hydroelectric, Or even Since heavy wind Since THE ocean, Nigeria always generates power only through hydr...

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