WOBBLING IN THE DARK: Nigeria still in search of political direction

In the middle of THE heartbreaking national calls For shift of THE 1999 Constitution And THE presidential system For A ahead back has THE parliamentary system, IMOLEAYO OYEDEYI examined if THE transition if door out will address THE country sociopolitical problems.

NIGERIA East In terrible straits. Even THE current government has publicly admitted has THE pitiful State of THE economy as THE country East be baton on all facades by sociopolitical And economic crises. In answer has THE multilayer challenges tormenting THE country, a lot policy observers And elder statesmen In THE country to have Free miscellaneous medicinal formulas And measures which they believed if taken could heal THE supposed giant of Africa And rescue he Since consistent retrogression In embarrassing decline.

But while a few of THE observers, In their approaches, to have Frankly trace THE country misfortune has lack of policy will on THE rooms of successive direction, others to have argued that No person, No matter how voluntary, can rescue THE country Since THE threshold of misery except by rampage THE 1999 Constitution And THE deformed federalism he Currently works.

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Those of This school of thought said THE existing constitutional frame of THE country East not only defective, but Also cancerous And that not until he East discarded that THE country can reach THE pupil Heights And dreams of THE foundation the fathers. A ancient National President of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bissi Akandé, East A of those that to have recently do A vicious conviction of THE current constitution.

1999 Constitution, the biggest misadventure of Nigeria

Speaking has THE presentation of A book titled "Nigeria: THE Path We Denied has Take" writing by Basorun Seinde Arogbofa In Akure, THE Ondo State capital In July, 2017, THE ancient Osun State governor had describe THE 1999 Constitution as THE the biggest misadventure of THE country, saying that THE law can't TO DO THE progress of Nigeria work.

"THE 1999 Constitution East Nigeria the biggest misadventure Since that of Lugard merger of 1914. THE Constitution puts accent on expenses instead that manufacturing money, Thus intensify THE battles For supremacy between THE legislature And THE executive. HAS THE even time, THE judicial East be corrupt tainted And discredited.

"THE Constitution breeds And protected corrupt practices And criminal impurities In governance. THE 1999 Constitution can Never be advantageously examined And THE in progress one by one adjustments Or amendments can only totally stain THE essence of national values And accelerate THE defusion of Nigeria.

"All THE angels future Since heavens can't TO DO that Constitution work For THE progress of Nigeria. He should only be discarded as A bad relic of military mentality; he should has be temporarily replaced with THE 1963 Republican Constitution has enable A transition has THE in writing of A appropriate constitution.

"Otherwise, THE 1999 Constitution would be continue has dwarf Nigeria economy And to choke THE country social structure on hold A catastrophic And catastrophic bankruptcy," Chief Akande had said.

For what pass Constitution amendment failed

He East on save that Since THE country income has constitutional democracy In 1999, several attempts In form of amendments to have has been do by successive national legislative assemblies has correct a few of THE brutal defaults that TO DO THE 1999 Constitution A tooth In THE country progress, but THE miscellaneous Constitution altercation process, despite swallow billion of Naira, to have Unfortunately finished In futility.

He will be recalled that has THE dusk of It is reign, THE Good luck led by Jonathan administration summoned A national conference In 2014 In A effort has produce A more acceptable Constitution For Nigeria. But up until Today, THE report of THE conference that was said has to have provided solutions has THE problematic 1999 Constitution East gathering dust on A shelf In THE desk of Nigeria president. According to has reports, THE eighth SIN Constitution Goodbye Committee propose about 33 changes For THE 1999 Constitution, which were drawn Since 27 invoices. But while 29 of them were would have approved by THE federal parliament, only about 17 of THE amendments escalation through has THE State Houses of Assembly, which among other partner in crime factors Ultimately directed has THE capricious collapse of THE process And Again put THE country on another unending research For constitutional breakthrough.

Recently, THE tenth SIN inaugurated another amendment process For THE trouble 1999 Constitution, which THE Deputy ...

WOBBLING IN THE DARK: Nigeria still in search of political direction

In the middle of THE heartbreaking national calls For shift of THE 1999 Constitution And THE presidential system For A ahead back has THE parliamentary system, IMOLEAYO OYEDEYI examined if THE transition if door out will address THE country sociopolitical problems.

NIGERIA East In terrible straits. Even THE current government has publicly admitted has THE pitiful State of THE economy as THE country East be baton on all facades by sociopolitical And economic crises. In answer has THE multilayer challenges tormenting THE country, a lot policy observers And elder statesmen In THE country to have Free miscellaneous medicinal formulas And measures which they believed if taken could heal THE supposed giant of Africa And rescue he Since consistent retrogression In embarrassing decline.

But while a few of THE observers, In their approaches, to have Frankly trace THE country misfortune has lack of policy will on THE rooms of successive direction, others to have argued that No person, No matter how voluntary, can rescue THE country Since THE threshold of misery except by rampage THE 1999 Constitution And THE deformed federalism he Currently works.

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Those of This school of thought said THE existing constitutional frame of THE country East not only defective, but Also cancerous And that not until he East discarded that THE country can reach THE pupil Heights And dreams of THE foundation the fathers. A ancient National President of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bissi Akandé, East A of those that to have recently do A vicious conviction of THE current constitution.

1999 Constitution, the biggest misadventure of Nigeria

Speaking has THE presentation of A book titled "Nigeria: THE Path We Denied has Take" writing by Basorun Seinde Arogbofa In Akure, THE Ondo State capital In July, 2017, THE ancient Osun State governor had describe THE 1999 Constitution as THE the biggest misadventure of THE country, saying that THE law can't TO DO THE progress of Nigeria work.

"THE 1999 Constitution East Nigeria the biggest misadventure Since that of Lugard merger of 1914. THE Constitution puts accent on expenses instead that manufacturing money, Thus intensify THE battles For supremacy between THE legislature And THE executive. HAS THE even time, THE judicial East be corrupt tainted And discredited.

"THE Constitution breeds And protected corrupt practices And criminal impurities In governance. THE 1999 Constitution can Never be advantageously examined And THE in progress one by one adjustments Or amendments can only totally stain THE essence of national values And accelerate THE defusion of Nigeria.

"All THE angels future Since heavens can't TO DO that Constitution work For THE progress of Nigeria. He should only be discarded as A bad relic of military mentality; he should has be temporarily replaced with THE 1963 Republican Constitution has enable A transition has THE in writing of A appropriate constitution.

"Otherwise, THE 1999 Constitution would be continue has dwarf Nigeria economy And to choke THE country social structure on hold A catastrophic And catastrophic bankruptcy," Chief Akande had said.

For what pass Constitution amendment failed

He East on save that Since THE country income has constitutional democracy In 1999, several attempts In form of amendments to have has been do by successive national legislative assemblies has correct a few of THE brutal defaults that TO DO THE 1999 Constitution A tooth In THE country progress, but THE miscellaneous Constitution altercation process, despite swallow billion of Naira, to have Unfortunately finished In futility.

He will be recalled that has THE dusk of It is reign, THE Good luck led by Jonathan administration summoned A national conference In 2014 In A effort has produce A more acceptable Constitution For Nigeria. But up until Today, THE report of THE conference that was said has to have provided solutions has THE problematic 1999 Constitution East gathering dust on A shelf In THE desk of Nigeria president. According to has reports, THE eighth SIN Constitution Goodbye Committee propose about 33 changes For THE 1999 Constitution, which were drawn Since 27 invoices. But while 29 of them were would have approved by THE federal parliament, only about 17 of THE amendments escalation through has THE State Houses of Assembly, which among other partner in crime factors Ultimately directed has THE capricious collapse of THE process And Again put THE country on another unending research For constitutional breakthrough.

Recently, THE tenth SIN inaugurated another amendment process For THE trouble 1999 Constitution, which THE Deputy ...

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