Nicola Sturgeon says it would be 'scandalous' for Rishi Sunak to block his gender identity law

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SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said Rishi Sunak would be "outrageous" to block Scotland's gender "self-identification" law.

The bill proposed by the First Minister of Scotland - who died in Holyrood last month - will allow trans people to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) without the need for a medical diagnosis.

But several reports have suggested that the legal advice the Sunak government has received will provide the Prime Minister with the cover he needs to trigger Section 35 of Scots Law and block the law.

Ms Sturgeon insisted the bill passed at Holyrood was not at odds with UK Equality Act - arguing it was passed 'after very long and intense scrutiny by MSPs".

"If there is a decision to challenge, then in my opinion, it will simply be a polite decision. ique," she told a press conference on Monday.

The SNP leader added: "And I think the use of trans people, already one of the most vulnerable stigmatized groups in our society as a political weapon, will be inadmissible and indefensible and really quite shameful. : "I think the importance and significance of this would go beyond the specific purpose of the legislation."

If Mr Sunak decides to take the so-called 'nuclear option' of blocking legislation passed at Holyrood, he will become the first No 10 incumbent to use the blocking mechanism.

The Scottish Act, which established a devolved Scottish parliament, gives Westminster four weeks to consider bills bills passed by Holyrood which could have a "negative effect". effect on the operation of the law".

According to the Financial Times, Mr Sunak - who said during a visit to Scotland last week that he was concerned by the Gender Act - is preparing to block the bill, with a decision to come as soon as Monday.

The newspaper reported that the Legal opinion given to the Conservatives says the bill passed by Edinburgh 'breaks' UK equalities legislation Scottish Secretary Alister Jack is described as 'fully supportive' of Prime Minister intervention.

Labour MSPs have backed the reforms, which would allow young people aged 16 and 17 to...

Nicola Sturgeon says it would be 'scandalous' for Rishi Sunak to block his gender identity law
IndyEatSign up for Inside Politics email for your briefing free daily on the biggest stories in British politicsGet our free Inside Politics emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to be notified by email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}An error has occurred. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said Rishi Sunak would be "outrageous" to block Scotland's gender "self-identification" law.

The bill proposed by the First Minister of Scotland - who died in Holyrood last month - will allow trans people to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) without the need for a medical diagnosis.

But several reports have suggested that the legal advice the Sunak government has received will provide the Prime Minister with the cover he needs to trigger Section 35 of Scots Law and block the law.

Ms Sturgeon insisted the bill passed at Holyrood was not at odds with UK Equality Act - arguing it was passed 'after very long and intense scrutiny by MSPs".

"If there is a decision to challenge, then in my opinion, it will simply be a polite decision. ique," she told a press conference on Monday.

The SNP leader added: "And I think the use of trans people, already one of the most vulnerable stigmatized groups in our society as a political weapon, will be inadmissible and indefensible and really quite shameful. : "I think the importance and significance of this would go beyond the specific purpose of the legislation."

If Mr Sunak decides to take the so-called 'nuclear option' of blocking legislation passed at Holyrood, he will become the first No 10 incumbent to use the blocking mechanism.

The Scottish Act, which established a devolved Scottish parliament, gives Westminster four weeks to consider bills bills passed by Holyrood which could have a "negative effect". effect on the operation of the law".

According to the Financial Times, Mr Sunak - who said during a visit to Scotland last week that he was concerned by the Gender Act - is preparing to block the bill, with a decision to come as soon as Monday.

The newspaper reported that the Legal opinion given to the Conservatives says the bill passed by Edinburgh 'breaks' UK equalities legislation Scottish Secretary Alister Jack is described as 'fully supportive' of Prime Minister intervention.

Labour MSPs have backed the reforms, which would allow young people aged 16 and 17 to...

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