North Korean cryptocurrency hacked by 80%, but that could change overnight: Chainalysis

Cryptocurrency bad actors Since THE DPRK to have stolen $340.4 million In 2023, down Since $1.7 billion Since THE Before year, but It is No reason has feel has ease.

N ord-Korean crypto declined by 80% but that could change overnight: Chainalysis News Join We on social networks

Cryptocurrency stolen by North Related to Korea the Pirates East down A huge 80% Since 2022 — but A blockchain forensic medecine farm said he is not it necessarily A sign of progress.

As of Seven. 14, 2023, North Related to Korea the Pirates to have stolen A total of $340.4 million value of cryptocurrency, down Since A save $1.65 billion reported funds stolen In 2022.

Cryptocurrency funds stolen by North Supported by Korea groups between 2016-2023. Source: On-Chain Analysis

"THE do that This years Numbers are down East not necessarily A indicator of improved security Or reduced criminal activity," On-Chain Analysis said In A Seven. 14 report. "We must remember that 2022 together A miserably high reference. »

"In reality, We are only A big To hack far Since crossing THE billion dollars threshold of stolen funds For 2023.”

On THE pass ten days, North Korea Lazarus Band has has been related has two separated hacks — Bet ($40 million) on Seven. 4 And CoinEx ($55 million) on Seven. 12, combining For A loss of on $95 millions.

With THE last two hacks, North Related to Korea attacks to have do up For about 30% of all crypto funds stolen In hacks This year, note On-chain analysis.

North Korean cryptocurrency hacked by 80%, but that could change overnight: Chainalysis

Cryptocurrency bad actors Since THE DPRK to have stolen $340.4 million In 2023, down Since $1.7 billion Since THE Before year, but It is No reason has feel has ease.

N ord-Korean crypto declined by 80% but that could change overnight: Chainalysis News Join We on social networks

Cryptocurrency stolen by North Related to Korea the Pirates East down A huge 80% Since 2022 — but A blockchain forensic medecine farm said he is not it necessarily A sign of progress.

As of Seven. 14, 2023, North Related to Korea the Pirates to have stolen A total of $340.4 million value of cryptocurrency, down Since A save $1.65 billion reported funds stolen In 2022.

Cryptocurrency funds stolen by North Supported by Korea groups between 2016-2023. Source: On-Chain Analysis

"THE do that This years Numbers are down East not necessarily A indicator of improved security Or reduced criminal activity," On-Chain Analysis said In A Seven. 14 report. "We must remember that 2022 together A miserably high reference. »

"In reality, We are only A big To hack far Since crossing THE billion dollars threshold of stolen funds For 2023.”

On THE pass ten days, North Korea Lazarus Band has has been related has two separated hacks — Bet ($40 million) on Seven. 4 And CoinEx ($55 million) on Seven. 12, combining For A loss of on $95 millions.

With THE last two hacks, North Related to Korea attacks to have do up For about 30% of all crypto funds stolen In hacks This year, note On-chain analysis.

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