Olympics star Suni Lee says she gained 45 pounds due to kidney disease

Sunisa Lee


Suni Lee -- THE Olympic Games star WHO won gold In Tokyo In 2020 -- just revealed her kidney problems This year cause her has earn 45 books.

THE 5 feet gymnast do THE revelation In A interview with UNITED STATES Today This week ... just A little month After She LEFT Auburn has get A handle on THE illness.

"I I could not adjust In any of them of My clothes," Lee said THE exit. "My eyes were swollen close. He was just SO scary."

Fortunately, Lee said she is TO DO better NOW ... And, according to has UNITED STATES Today, She looks "very a lot as THE gymnast" WHO competed In THE Games almost three years there is.

Sunisa Lee


"I do not have had A Really bad day In A while," Lee said. "But In THE beginning he was as I was day before up swollen. My fingers were SO swollen they wouldn't he adjust In My handles And I I could not socket on has THE bar."

She added, "My entire body was swollen because I was retain water, SO I I could not TO DO A return. … SO he was Really different And I had has learn how has work through that."

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Lee said she is do a few changes has her die...

Olympics star Suni Lee says she gained 45 pounds due to kidney disease
Sunisa Lee


Suni Lee -- THE Olympic Games star WHO won gold In Tokyo In 2020 -- just revealed her kidney problems This year cause her has earn 45 books.

THE 5 feet gymnast do THE revelation In A interview with UNITED STATES Today This week ... just A little month After She LEFT Auburn has get A handle on THE illness.

"I I could not adjust In any of them of My clothes," Lee said THE exit. "My eyes were swollen close. He was just SO scary."

Fortunately, Lee said she is TO DO better NOW ... And, according to has UNITED STATES Today, She looks "very a lot as THE gymnast" WHO competed In THE Games almost three years there is.

Sunisa Lee


"I do not have had A Really bad day In A while," Lee said. "But In THE beginning he was as I was day before up swollen. My fingers were SO swollen they wouldn't he adjust In My handles And I I could not socket on has THE bar."

She added, "My entire body was swollen because I was retain water, SO I I could not TO DO A return. … SO he was Really different And I had has learn how has work through that."

Waiting For your authorisation has load THE Instagram Media.

Lee said she is do a few changes has her die...

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