Owl: A toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces in Elixir

README — Owl v0.6.0

CI State Hex.pm Cover status

,_, {o,o} /) ) ---"-"--

Owl is a toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces in Elixir.

It provides a convenient interface for

color text using tags input control with validations and conversion to different data types select/multiselect controls, inspired by AUR package managers the tables text editing in ELIXIR_EDITOR encapsulate multi-line colorized data in ASCII boxes print palette colors progress bars and spinners, multiple bars/spinners at the same time are also supported live update of multi-line blocks work with a virtual device that partially implements the Erlang I/O protocol and does not conflict with live blocks.


The code is in the examples directory.

The package can be installed by adding owl to your dependencies list in mix.exs:

def deps do [ {:owl, "~> 0.6"} ] finish

Documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/owl.

README — Owl v0.6.0

CI State Hex.pm Cover status

,_, {o,o} /) ) ---"-"--

Owl is a toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces in Elixir.

It provides a convenient interface for

color text using tags input control with validations and conversion to different data types select/multiselect controls, inspired by AUR package managers the tables text editing in ELIXIR_EDITOR encapsulate multi-line colorized data in ASCII boxes print palette colors progress bars and spinners, multiple bars/spinners at the same time are also supported live update of multi-line blocks work with a virtual device that partially implements the Erlang I/O protocol and does not conflict with live blocks.


The code is in the examples directory.

The package can be installed by adding owl to your dependencies list in mix.exs:

def deps do [ {:owl, "~> 0.6"} ] finish

Documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/owl.

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