'Parties must offer proper parental support - here's why it's a vote winner'

"We need to provide parents with access to high-quality early childhood settings and services that can help them overcome key challenges", writes Matt Buttery, CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P UK and Ireland

Childcare will be a major political issue in the run-up to the next election Childcare will be a major political issue in the run-up to the next election (

Image: Getty Images)

Today's Education Committee report confirms the enormous challenge of finding affordable and available child care that works for parents.

Childcare has been the hot topic of conversation across all political parties for many months now. The government recently announced the biggest expansion of public investment in childcare on record, while the Labor Party promises childcare reform of a scale similar to the creation of the NHS.

Choice, flexibility and support are not only the watchwords of what parents expect from their early years service providers, but also across the spectrum of family policy. As child care talks continue, neither party has yet committed to a comprehensive parent support policy, but it would be a huge boost for children and families, as well as their own electoral fortune.

The importance of parenthood often takes a back seat, despite its power to impact early development, schooling, behavior and many other areas that contribute to the best start in life.

Let's take the pandemic as a key example. It reminded us how important parents are to a child's development and well-being. Not only have parents stepped up to provide home learning for their children, but they have also risen to the emotional challenges of the lockdowns. While the circumstances the pandemic imposed on us were extraordinary, in many ways it's all part of parenting - unexpected challenges can arise every day.

Matt Buttery - CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P
Matt Buttery - CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P

With increased recognition of their vital role, we need to provide parents with access to high-quality childcare and services that can help them overcome key challenges. We've all seen the numbers on children's mental health, with nearly 1.5 million children being referred to mental health services in 2022. Triple P's own research has shown that most parents believe parenting is the most important job they will ever do, yet 75% believe there is stigma attached to asking for help. The case for more support is clear -...

'Parties must offer proper parental support - here's why it's a vote winner'

"We need to provide parents with access to high-quality early childhood settings and services that can help them overcome key challenges", writes Matt Buttery, CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P UK and Ireland

Childcare will be a major political issue in the run-up to the next election Childcare will be a major political issue in the run-up to the next election (

Image: Getty Images)

Today's Education Committee report confirms the enormous challenge of finding affordable and available child care that works for parents.

Childcare has been the hot topic of conversation across all political parties for many months now. The government recently announced the biggest expansion of public investment in childcare on record, while the Labor Party promises childcare reform of a scale similar to the creation of the NHS.

Choice, flexibility and support are not only the watchwords of what parents expect from their early years service providers, but also across the spectrum of family policy. As child care talks continue, neither party has yet committed to a comprehensive parent support policy, but it would be a huge boost for children and families, as well as their own electoral fortune.

The importance of parenthood often takes a back seat, despite its power to impact early development, schooling, behavior and many other areas that contribute to the best start in life.

Let's take the pandemic as a key example. It reminded us how important parents are to a child's development and well-being. Not only have parents stepped up to provide home learning for their children, but they have also risen to the emotional challenges of the lockdowns. While the circumstances the pandemic imposed on us were extraordinary, in many ways it's all part of parenting - unexpected challenges can arise every day.

Matt Buttery - CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P
Matt Buttery - CEO of global parenting program provider, Triple P

With increased recognition of their vital role, we need to provide parents with access to high-quality childcare and services that can help them overcome key challenges. We've all seen the numbers on children's mental health, with nearly 1.5 million children being referred to mental health services in 2022. Triple P's own research has shown that most parents believe parenting is the most important job they will ever do, yet 75% believe there is stigma attached to asking for help. The case for more support is clear -...

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