A polyamorous couple in a relationship with their receptionist have their first child together

Robert McCoy, Destiny Griffin and Victoria Gibson started their unorthodox relationship in 2018 and quickly decided to take the next step to try and start a family together  Image of Victoria Gibson, Robert McCoy and Destiny Griffin with their first child jpg Since having their son, Momo, the group has become closer than ever (

Image: MDWfeatures / @thr3e.of.us)

Three people who have been romantically involved for four years have since had their first child, although one of the partners had a miscarriage.

Robert McCoy, Destiny Griffin and Victoria Gibson, all in their twenties, started dating as a "troupe" in the summer of 2018 in California.

At the time, childhood sweethearts Robert and Destiny were long-term partners of five years.

Victoria was introduced to the relationship when she was employed as a receptionist at Robert's work, where the couple met.

The three then started hanging out and realized they all had romantic feelings for each other.

Image of baby Asmodeus (Momo) Reign Valhalla whose parents are in a 'troubled' relationship together
Fate gave birth to Asmodeus (Momo) Reign Valhalla was born in November 2020 (


MDWfeatures / @thr3e.of.us)

In August 2018, they started a polygamous relationship with each other, and in November the following year, they decided to start a family.

Everyone involved had mixed feelings at first, as they worried about their financial well-being due to a recent move, but they were quick to buy into the idea.

After three months, Victoria became pregnant and the three were delighted.

A polyamorous couple in a relationship with their receptionist have their first child together

Robert McCoy, Destiny Griffin and Victoria Gibson started their unorthodox relationship in 2018 and quickly decided to take the next step to try and start a family together  Image of Victoria Gibson, Robert McCoy and Destiny Griffin with their first child jpg Since having their son, Momo, the group has become closer than ever (

Image: MDWfeatures / @thr3e.of.us)

Three people who have been romantically involved for four years have since had their first child, although one of the partners had a miscarriage.

Robert McCoy, Destiny Griffin and Victoria Gibson, all in their twenties, started dating as a "troupe" in the summer of 2018 in California.

At the time, childhood sweethearts Robert and Destiny were long-term partners of five years.

Victoria was introduced to the relationship when she was employed as a receptionist at Robert's work, where the couple met.

The three then started hanging out and realized they all had romantic feelings for each other.

Image of baby Asmodeus (Momo) Reign Valhalla whose parents are in a 'troubled' relationship together
Fate gave birth to Asmodeus (Momo) Reign Valhalla was born in November 2020 (


MDWfeatures / @thr3e.of.us)

In August 2018, they started a polygamous relationship with each other, and in November the following year, they decided to start a family.

Everyone involved had mixed feelings at first, as they worried about their financial well-being due to a recent move, but they were quick to buy into the idea.

After three months, Victoria became pregnant and the three were delighted.

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