Prisoners paid £3.50 a day to dismantle Covid tests and PPE bought with taxpayers' money


The government has been accused of using prisoners to cover its tracks, with detainees dismantling PPE including test kits, some of which are believed to still be dated , masks and full face masks. hazmat suits

Mountain of unusable PPE stored in shipping containers near Felixstowe in Suffolk The mountain of unusable PPE was kept in shipping containers near Felixstowe in Suffolk (

Image: Bav Media)

Taxpayers stung for billions of pounds of unnecessary PPE are shelling out again - for delays to secretly dismantle excess kit.

Prisoners are given £3.50 a day to remove recyclable materials from packets of masks, visors and other equipment, then dispose of the rest.

In an extraordinary move, seven million test kits – some of which were allegedly dated – were placed in trucks and dumped in jails for dismantling.

The gigantic PPE mountain even includes full-body hazmat suits. The value of the kit is unclear, but at known average production costs it could be as much as £12m.

Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper quipped tonight: 'The government has been guilty of criminal levels of waste during the pandemic, it now appears to be using prisoners to cover its tracks.'

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Containers storing unusable PPE at a building site in Melton, Suffolk
Containers storing unusable PPE at a Suffolk building site (


bav media)

The loot - hoarded after desperate medics demanded supplies - includes items originally intended for the prisoners themselves.

Work continues in three prisons, each housing three workshops. Up to 20 inmates work hard at each site for six hours a day, five days a week.

The scheme has been going on for six months - without...

Prisoners paid £3.50 a day to dismantle Covid tests and PPE bought with taxpayers' money


The government has been accused of using prisoners to cover its tracks, with detainees dismantling PPE including test kits, some of which are believed to still be dated , masks and full face masks. hazmat suits

Mountain of unusable PPE stored in shipping containers near Felixstowe in Suffolk The mountain of unusable PPE was kept in shipping containers near Felixstowe in Suffolk (

Image: Bav Media)

Taxpayers stung for billions of pounds of unnecessary PPE are shelling out again - for delays to secretly dismantle excess kit.

Prisoners are given £3.50 a day to remove recyclable materials from packets of masks, visors and other equipment, then dispose of the rest.

In an extraordinary move, seven million test kits – some of which were allegedly dated – were placed in trucks and dumped in jails for dismantling.

The gigantic PPE mountain even includes full-body hazmat suits. The value of the kit is unclear, but at known average production costs it could be as much as £12m.

Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper quipped tonight: 'The government has been guilty of criminal levels of waste during the pandemic, it now appears to be using prisoners to cover its tracks.'

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Containers storing unusable PPE at a building site in Melton, Suffolk
Containers storing unusable PPE at a Suffolk building site (


bav media)

The loot - hoarded after desperate medics demanded supplies - includes items originally intended for the prisoners themselves.

Work continues in three prisons, each housing three workshops. Up to 20 inmates work hard at each site for six hours a day, five days a week.

The scheme has been going on for six months - without...

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