Reassessment of candidates for the December 2006 objective of the month

The December 2006 BBC Goal of the Month contest is rightly considered legendary - but no, seriously... which shot was the best?

Normally the monthly shortlist contains two or three genuine howlers complemented by a series of above average strikes that are quickly forgotten throughout the campaign, but there must have been some magic in the air this season festive.

We undertook the ridiculously difficult task of ranking these 10 efforts from least to most favorite.

10. Morten Gamst Pedersen

Pedersen has the form for this kind of thing, regularly launching howitzers with both feet capable of decapitating the opposing goalkeeper.

The former Blackburn cult hero started 2006 by scoring a controversial winner against Newcastle in January when the ball appeared to hit his hand. He ended the year making sure Newcastle couldn't complain about the stunner.

9.Keith Gillespie

Like an exquisite karaoke version of Paul Scholes' effort that same month - more on that later - but with the added bonus that he was the winner in a relegation six points.

Gillespie hasn't always had the easiest career, so this goal has to be seen as cathartic.

8. Robin van Persie

This would normally be a strong contender for the monthly prize - a classic Arsenal counter-attack capped off with a stunning Van Persie finish.

In this company, it seems almost average. Like a Tudor King assessing eligible women from Europe, we hold only the highest standards.

7. Frank Lampard

A classic example of pulling the ball out from under your feet and releasing it towards the goal with the warmth of a thousand suns.

Every time he flies into the top corner is worth 99 times he endangers the elderly fan in row Z.

But Lampard was significantly better than your usual 'hit-and-hop' enthusiast, so we'll give him the credit this lens deserves.

6. David Bentley

Back when Bentley was a legitimate candidate to replace David Beckham in the England squad, rather than a part-time joke-dealer, he was an exciting winger with excellent technique and skill. an explosive shot.

This piledriver against Reading was delivered after sprinting half the court faster than the love child of Usain Bolt and the Road Runner. If we are critical, no reading player tries to challenge. So sixth it is.

5. Matthew Taylor

An absolute thunderclap of a goal. Yes, it should probably be higher than the fifth.

Tim Howard doesn't even try to save him, choosing instead to admire the ball going over his head. And we gave marks to the crisp 50/50 challenge that preceded the goal in Scenes You Just Don't See Anymore.

Yet there is a slight sense of success and hope in this effort that we cannot shake.

Listen, something has got to give. Have you seen the standard of these lenses?

4. Didier Drogba

Another effort against poor Everton, who must have irritated the football gods over the past few months. Maybe David Moyes used a photo of Bobby Moore as toilet paper or something.

Either way, Drogba's pivot and punch was enhanced as he capped a comeback win for Chelsea in the dying embers of the game.

The combination of the outstretched arms celebration and the baggy shirt makes Drogba look like he was in danger of flying off, a sighting that tickled us more than it should have.

3. Tom Huddlestone

The Eithad seems empty. Very empty. Perhaps the prospect of seeing the legendary City side of Stuart Pearce, who managed 10 league goals at home all season, was a less appealing prospect than it seems.

Those who stayed away missed this beautifully timed half-volley from Huddlestone. The midfielder had a habit of hitting the ball perfectly throughout his career, which would have seen him canonized in Spain or Italy, and that was a prime example.

2. Paul Scholes

Chosen as the winner by the BBC, but only ranked second here.

Maybe it's because we've become immune to that sort of thing from Scholes, a player who could knock down a peeing Phil Neville from 50 yards out.

Perhaps because it made John Motson shudder with excitement over the original Match of the Day commentary, never a comfortable audio experience.

Maybe we just decided to go against the grain.

But our decision is final, so there you go.

1. Michel Essien

The competition was incredibly tough, but we considered Essien's strike against Arsenal to be the best of a...

Reassessment of candidates for the December 2006 objective of the month

The December 2006 BBC Goal of the Month contest is rightly considered legendary - but no, seriously... which shot was the best?

Normally the monthly shortlist contains two or three genuine howlers complemented by a series of above average strikes that are quickly forgotten throughout the campaign, but there must have been some magic in the air this season festive.

We undertook the ridiculously difficult task of ranking these 10 efforts from least to most favorite.

10. Morten Gamst Pedersen

Pedersen has the form for this kind of thing, regularly launching howitzers with both feet capable of decapitating the opposing goalkeeper.

The former Blackburn cult hero started 2006 by scoring a controversial winner against Newcastle in January when the ball appeared to hit his hand. He ended the year making sure Newcastle couldn't complain about the stunner.

9.Keith Gillespie

Like an exquisite karaoke version of Paul Scholes' effort that same month - more on that later - but with the added bonus that he was the winner in a relegation six points.

Gillespie hasn't always had the easiest career, so this goal has to be seen as cathartic.

8. Robin van Persie

This would normally be a strong contender for the monthly prize - a classic Arsenal counter-attack capped off with a stunning Van Persie finish.

In this company, it seems almost average. Like a Tudor King assessing eligible women from Europe, we hold only the highest standards.

7. Frank Lampard

A classic example of pulling the ball out from under your feet and releasing it towards the goal with the warmth of a thousand suns.

Every time he flies into the top corner is worth 99 times he endangers the elderly fan in row Z.

But Lampard was significantly better than your usual 'hit-and-hop' enthusiast, so we'll give him the credit this lens deserves.

6. David Bentley

Back when Bentley was a legitimate candidate to replace David Beckham in the England squad, rather than a part-time joke-dealer, he was an exciting winger with excellent technique and skill. an explosive shot.

This piledriver against Reading was delivered after sprinting half the court faster than the love child of Usain Bolt and the Road Runner. If we are critical, no reading player tries to challenge. So sixth it is.

5. Matthew Taylor

An absolute thunderclap of a goal. Yes, it should probably be higher than the fifth.

Tim Howard doesn't even try to save him, choosing instead to admire the ball going over his head. And we gave marks to the crisp 50/50 challenge that preceded the goal in Scenes You Just Don't See Anymore.

Yet there is a slight sense of success and hope in this effort that we cannot shake.

Listen, something has got to give. Have you seen the standard of these lenses?

4. Didier Drogba

Another effort against poor Everton, who must have irritated the football gods over the past few months. Maybe David Moyes used a photo of Bobby Moore as toilet paper or something.

Either way, Drogba's pivot and punch was enhanced as he capped a comeback win for Chelsea in the dying embers of the game.

The combination of the outstretched arms celebration and the baggy shirt makes Drogba look like he was in danger of flying off, a sighting that tickled us more than it should have.

3. Tom Huddlestone

The Eithad seems empty. Very empty. Perhaps the prospect of seeing the legendary City side of Stuart Pearce, who managed 10 league goals at home all season, was a less appealing prospect than it seems.

Those who stayed away missed this beautifully timed half-volley from Huddlestone. The midfielder had a habit of hitting the ball perfectly throughout his career, which would have seen him canonized in Spain or Italy, and that was a prime example.

2. Paul Scholes

Chosen as the winner by the BBC, but only ranked second here.

Maybe it's because we've become immune to that sort of thing from Scholes, a player who could knock down a peeing Phil Neville from 50 yards out.

Perhaps because it made John Motson shudder with excitement over the original Match of the Day commentary, never a comfortable audio experience.

Maybe we just decided to go against the grain.

But our decision is final, so there you go.

1. Michel Essien

The competition was incredibly tough, but we considered Essien's strike against Arsenal to be the best of a...

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