Response time: Vol. ten

You satisfy your customers, but can you satisfy our curiosity?

With Rune Rødbro, Chief Success Officer at iPaper.

Tell us a bit about your business and what you do there.

iPaper helps retail and direct selling businesses in over 60 countries turn their catalogs into an inspiring shopping experience. Over the past eight years, I've grown iPaper's customer service department from one person to nine people in three teams. As Chief Success Officer, I am responsible for the after-sales customer experience.

In 2022, my team completed a 199-day streak with a perfect CSAT and ended the year with an average CSAT of 99.3%. This result was achieved primarily by my incredibly capable team, who come to work every day to create experiences of success and pleasure.

Which celebrity would be really great at your job, and why?

I think Paul Rudd would do my job well. He is an excellent communicator and makes any subject digestible with wit and charm. He demonstrates problem-solving skills through his consistent ability to think things through and deliver clever improvisations. He is a team player and can rally people around a common cause. As I write this, I realize that I would really like to give him a chance for a week - Paul, you are cordially invited to act as Chief Success Officer for a week. Let me know when best suits you

Response time: Vol. ten

You satisfy your customers, but can you satisfy our curiosity?

With Rune Rødbro, Chief Success Officer at iPaper.

Tell us a bit about your business and what you do there.

iPaper helps retail and direct selling businesses in over 60 countries turn their catalogs into an inspiring shopping experience. Over the past eight years, I've grown iPaper's customer service department from one person to nine people in three teams. As Chief Success Officer, I am responsible for the after-sales customer experience.

In 2022, my team completed a 199-day streak with a perfect CSAT and ended the year with an average CSAT of 99.3%. This result was achieved primarily by my incredibly capable team, who come to work every day to create experiences of success and pleasure.

Which celebrity would be really great at your job, and why?

I think Paul Rudd would do my job well. He is an excellent communicator and makes any subject digestible with wit and charm. He demonstrates problem-solving skills through his consistent ability to think things through and deliver clever improvisations. He is a team player and can rally people around a common cause. As I write this, I realize that I would really like to give him a chance for a week - Paul, you are cordially invited to act as Chief Success Officer for a week. Let me know when best suits you

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