Rishi Sunak: Britain will not hesitate to strike Houthi rebels in Yemen again

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Rishi Sunak said the UK would not hesitate to launch further airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels if attacks on ships in the Red Sea continued.

The Prime Minister issued the warning to the group hours after RAF planes took part in a second wave of joint US-British actions against them on Monday evening.

Mr. Sunak told MPs: “We are not looking for confrontation. We urge the Houthis and those who enable them to stop these illegal and unacceptable attacks.

“But, if necessary, the UK will not hesitate to respond again in self-defence. We cannot stand idly by and allow these attacks to go unanswered. Inaction is also a choice. »

He also rejected the Yemen-based group's claims that its attacks were provoked by the war in Gaza. The prime minister said there was "no connection between our self-defense actions in the Red Sea and the situation in Israel and Gaza."

Rishi Sunak making a statement to MPs in the House of Commons

He added: “Those who make this link are doing the Houthis' work for them. I want to be clear that those here at home who glorify Houthi attacks are simply glorifying terrorism. They will face a zero tolerance approach. However, despite successfully hitting the designated targets, Mr Sunak admitted there “could be a difference between reducing and eliminating” their capacity.

The Houthis, for their part, have warned that this latest strike “will not go unanswered or unpunished.”

Since the last Anglo-American action 10 days ago, there were more than 12 attacks. on Houthi navigation in the Red Sea.

Rishi Sunak: Britain will not hesitate to strike Houthi rebels in Yemen again
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Rishi Sunak said the UK would not hesitate to launch further airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels if attacks on ships in the Red Sea continued.

The Prime Minister issued the warning to the group hours after RAF planes took part in a second wave of joint US-British actions against them on Monday evening.

Mr. Sunak told MPs: “We are not looking for confrontation. We urge the Houthis and those who enable them to stop these illegal and unacceptable attacks.

“But, if necessary, the UK will not hesitate to respond again in self-defence. We cannot stand idly by and allow these attacks to go unanswered. Inaction is also a choice. »

He also rejected the Yemen-based group's claims that its attacks were provoked by the war in Gaza. The prime minister said there was "no connection between our self-defense actions in the Red Sea and the situation in Israel and Gaza."

Rishi Sunak making a statement to MPs in the House of Commons

He added: “Those who make this link are doing the Houthis' work for them. I want to be clear that those here at home who glorify Houthi attacks are simply glorifying terrorism. They will face a zero tolerance approach. However, despite successfully hitting the designated targets, Mr Sunak admitted there “could be a difference between reducing and eliminating” their capacity.

The Houthis, for their part, have warned that this latest strike “will not go unanswered or unpunished.”

Since the last Anglo-American action 10 days ago, there were more than 12 attacks. on Houthi navigation in the Red Sea.

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